Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Songs used by politicians to support their campaigns have been around for a long time.

In the Depression ravaged early 1930’s, Franklin Roosevelt used a previously written song which easily conveyed his campaign hopes, “Happy Days are here Again”.  Who wouldn’t fall for these lyrics when the country was down and out?

Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again.

One of the most effective tunes was used by Harry Truman when he ran for president in the late 1940’s.  Appropriately, it was “I’m Just Wild about Harry” which was written in 1921 for a Broadway show hence, it didn’t have the stigma of being trumped up just for Truman’s campaign.  Harry was behind in the polls against Dewey for much of the campaign but won anyway so maybe the song really did make people wild about Harry.

Then there is pop music which helps liberal candidates more than conservatives because it aims at the younger crowds who are more vulnerable and always dissatisfied with the status quo.  While the conservatives may rely primarily on patriotic themes the liberals will usually tie into a popular group or person bent on change with their definition of change including taking from the rich to give to the poor.  To them that is an easy solution regardless of whether many of the poor are deserving to take from those who have earned their way.

Bob Dylan, c. 1965
I was first eligible to vote in 1962 when most of the protest folk songs were beginning their popularity.  There was no FM radio to speak of then so the AM airwaves were packed with complaints about our government, war, etc. by acts like Peter Paul and Mary, Bob Dylan, Judy Collins, and to a lesser extent The Kingston Trio and Pete Seeger.

I’m sure they meant well but I don’t remember ever hearing of them giving the profits from their million selling discs to the needy.   Does anyone really think that Joan Baez and Peter Paul and Mary would have made it big without the anti war liberal rants?  Many of the youth of that era fell right into their hands while the rest of us rocked to the “Peppermint Twist” and “Runaround Sue” as we voted Republican. 

We were mostly military guys in an era of the mandatory draft while the “anti” gang was college kids mostly straight out of high school who thought they could solve the world’s problems after taking a course in politics from some liberal college professor who never served a day.  

It’s carried on to today as groups like Crosby, Stills, and Nash are bald and aging but still are fighting the establishment.  Starting in the late 1970’s the punk rock movement joined the crowd espousing left wing and anti-establishment philosophies.  Most of these bands look like their members are twelve years old and just want to be “in” on something.  By the time they are thirty and driving a Honda they will probably wonder what the hell they were thinking all those years ago.

A member of The New Christy Minstrels (Barry McGuire) had a big anti war hit in September of 1965. I especially remember it because that’s the month I got out of the USAF and met my future wife.
Interesting note on Bob Dylan: In 1965 he changed to an electric guitar which infuriated most of his fans. Did he change because by then the protest era was fading and he felt he needed to move on or were his fans being unrealistic in their expectations of him? I think it was the former. The coffee house mentality was waning and fans wanted to hear more stuff on the cutting edge. Plus, the British Invasion was arriving and Bob had to eat like everyone else. To make matters worse disco was just around the corner. Sometimes a guy has to swallow his pride. Anyone remember "Lay Lady Lay"?


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midnightsstaff said...

The new remastered recordings are incredible, I listened to Magical Mystery Tour,Sgt.Peppers LHCB and the White album last night and it's like hearing new music.

Listening to nowhere man on the Rubber Soul album right now- it's never sounded better.

So you think MMT was the turning point leading us to hell?
haha. did you ever notice that the Beatles pretty much stayed away from any protest music- and briefly promoted drug experimentation which they quickly rejected once they got that out of their system.
Happiness is a warm gun is about as political as they got.

...Of course there was "Taxman" but it sounded pretty much the same lyrics as I would have written.

frankly John Lennon was about as conservative as I am in a lot of ways, but some people just can't get by the optics of long hair and counterculture habits.

Mexico was a wonderful nation full of wonderful people before the drug war began.. now it's a hell hole of terrorism and it's directly attributable to the ongoing drug war that has broken the nation, left us with a police state and allowed tyrannical overlords to populate the Oval Office.

..and the problem is worse than ever here in the US.. a reasonable person might want to try the Portugese approach if we ever want to make progress.. but no chance of that in this political environment eh?- we will continue to erect illogical laws and build prisons never stopping to think maybe it's our fault we need those prisons.

But it wasn't the Magical Mystery Tour that set things in motion.

Jim McAllister said...

Yeah, Middy.,

Proud is right, get with the goddam program.

Thanks for posting about Honey Boo-Boo's mom, Proud. I saw here photo on the MSN page; wow, what a dish she is. I've seen better looking mules.

But, even more important is Lindsay is going into rehab and is taking 270 outfits! And, let's not forget that there was some gunfire neat J. Lo's set! OMIGOD!

Sad isn't it? There are people who actually care about this crap. Let's not forget to discuss Jennifer's latest foray into love and how young she looks at 48.

Sick shit!

Jim McAllister said...

Stevie Winwood; those were great days of music. "Please Mr. Fantasy", "Gimme Some Lovin'" with Spencer Davis.

Now we have trash like Snoop Dogg.

Jim McAllister said...

Cheer up, Middy. Those whistle blowers are sticking it to Hillary and we know where she got her orders. We may have Watergate II any time.

Jim McAllister said...

The good news is that with the high demand they have added another car to Willoughby.

I'm not sure how much I want a crowd going with us though.

Jim McAllister said...


It's too bad there aren't any good copies of Magical Mystery Tour available. It was a Christmas TV special in the late 60s in the UK and apparently they didn't get too concerned about keeping it.

I saw a rough copy of it years ago on some cable network and put it on VCR. I may still have it; damn good with Strawberry Fields Forever" and some Ravi Shankar stuff.

Jim McAllister said...


I still have all the Beatles 33's. My turntable burned out a while back but I need to fix it. I have some great ancient albums that I haven't played in years. ELO, Beatles, Stones, etc.

Jim McAllister said...


PROUD said...

Liberal Hypocrisy ? Cambridge Mass, a self proclaimed, "SANCTUARY" city, in a liberal utopian state, welcomed, encouraged, even paid financial support to someone who was suspected of having strong ties to terrorism...They paid him to live there yet now that he did what they were warned he would do....They no longer want him in town. Seems like the townsfolk overcame their warm & fuzzy, liberal sickness a LOT too late:


midnightsstaff said...

..."Proud is right, get with the goddam program"

lol.. yeah us troglodytes especially the dyspeptic ones like me are just stuck in neutral I guess.

the white album in it's entirety remastered and available for listening on utube.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkWJjWCeU-o

good luck with those vinyl records, one fat finger and it's scratched for good.- digital is good enough for me.

midnightsstaff said...

As far as I am concerned the idiots in Boston along with the rest of the left and eastern coast can go to hell and do it today as far as I am concerned.

Now they are re thinking the cultural pollution they have encouraged with their mindless diversity program and championing evil design?

..these pompous bastards can all go to hell as far as I am concerned- women, kids, and dogs as well.
.. a meteorite striking Washington DC and taking out the whole mess would suit me fine.

Yeah...wake me up when someone gets serious about pinning blame for Bengazi on the faggot in Chief, he is bulletproof and no one will touch him until God says so.
.. and right now Satan is running the show- so expect worse, much worse including nuclear war.

midnightsstaff said...

Now that little outburst is over, I remember the old guys when I was a youngster listening to Vaughn Monroe, Big Band and Tommy Dorsey and thinking about the same things that Desert Ghost thinks about us olf darts..

..but the thing is, I still enjoy modern cutting edge music as long as it's not rap- gotta fight the urge.

You are right, I'm really starting to drift- politics is a waste of time now so it's gardening, growing tomatoes and enjoying the simple pleasures of life- realizing that nothing is guaranteed not even tomorrow.

No thanks for going back to the early sixties with transistor radios and reel to reel tape- I like today's selection and availability.

I'm listening to the "Yesterday" on the Help album right now for the first time in twenty years- what a timeless song eh?-
..unlike us it never gets old.

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