You have to love the Associated Press (known by some as the “Administration’s
Press”) and their never ending attempts to create a ray of sunshine from the
cloudiness of our national government.
I just read one of their columns from 8-31 titled Gloomy
national message misrepresents consumer spending, home prices, jobs.
Long may it wave.....
Gosh, it sounds like things are looking up according to
writer Tom Raum. He says things aren’t
as gloomy as the Republican National Convention would want us to believe. Tom has been around a while so he knows
something about trying to turn a lemon into lemonade.
He mentions that spending was up in July and personal income
also rose. No numbers though which makes
one feel that they were miniscule or they would have been trumpeted. The same goes for the slight rise in home
sales and prices.
He did mention the addition of 163,000 jobs but failed to
mention it was counterbalanced by lost jobs and that the unemployment rate, which
is a sham in itself, ticked up to 8.3% from 8.2%. How about the real rate of 16%, Tom?
Other positives mentioned were an increase in exports,
retail spending, and factory production.
No mention of numbers on any of those items.
Alas, no matter how much lipstick you put on a pig; it’s
still a pig. Raum knows that so he has
to admit that when the unemployment numbers are released for August on the
morning of September 7, no one should expect much encouragement.
Did you notice I said the unemployment numbers will be released
on the morning of September 7? How convenient! That
is the day AFTER Obama accepts his nomination.
I guess they figure there is no
sense in throwing rain on his parade with more bad news after what will
certainly be called an upbeat convention.
No word yet whether the theme will be “Hope and Change.” So far, the mood indicates a definite NO!
Raum has been at it with the AP for 39 years so he knows how
to make full use of the inverse pyramid style of writing where one top loads a
column with what they think are the more important and desirable aspects of the
story. As you can see from the above
paragraphs, it looks like things are looking up and that voters should probably
give Obama another four years to keep the ball rolling.
Unfortunately, reality has a way of rearing its ugly head as
happened to the Wicked Witch of the East when she and her flying monkeys were
splashed with water in The Wizard of Oz.
Raum ends his piece stating the reality that the U. S. economy
is “the weakest of any since the Great Depression” and that “Economic growth has
never been feebler in a post war recovery, consumer spending has never been so
slack, and only once before has job growth been slower.” Debt problems in Europe are still a concern
and consumer confidence is at its lowest since November, 2011.
Finally, an AP poll taken a week before the Republican
Convention showed that 60% of those surveyed thought the country is headed in
the wrong direction while 35% said it was going in the right direction.
Needless to say, the Dems have their work cut out for them
in Charlotte. Maybe Michelle can unveil
her new “Supermarket Shopping 101” course to the 99 percenters who are
gathering by the thousands for the big shindig.
The fact that the course was not written by Michelle but by someone
named Lisa Cericola and includes such tidbits as “steer
clear of the cookie, snack and soda aisles” should be of great interest
to them as they set up camp.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 278 of 278Stealth,
I hope you are right on the debates. On paper, it looks like Mitt has the edge.
The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Friday that tattooing is a form of free speech with full protection under the U.S. and state constitutions -- the first such decision by any state high court in the country"
Since this was actually over a zoning and community standards issue sold as a freedom of speech issue... does this now mean Walmart can open a store anywhere they want to under the first amendment's guaranteed access to freedom of speech?
..and does this now mean local communities cannot block medical marijuana dispensaries either?- screw community standards or proximity to schools and churches..
Funny how these things keep popping up. it's like a game of government
This confused logic gives the uneducated another reason to agree with socialists that the Constitution is out dated and needs to be replaced...
It's all because a lower court heard a zoning issue under the constrained argument that society was denying someone their freedom of speech... and the Goldwater Institute was involved..
Barry must be rolling in his grave.
am I seeing this wrong?
Hey for all you who want to see the big lie delivered last Thursday but don't want to throw something at the tv set, here is the text of the pack of li.. er... I mean speech with color coding as to what each portion represents, it's a pretty good idea..
"Quit whining about the rich people this, the rich people that. It's not their fault ... Leave them alone."
You only know life from one perspective, Jim. I grew up poor and I pulled myself up alone from homelessness, through the military and with a tiny bit of help from Democrats and Republicans, telling me that I had to learn to fight injustices on my own. They got what they created.
The GOP picked a bean counter for VP and he's very calculating and Romney's probably gonna win.
What y'all got to worry about is all around you. What's gonna happen when Romney cuts Welfare, Food Stamps, Disability, Pensions, fires government employees, does the dirty work that he's chosen to do. Expect riots.
I got a root cellar to build and nobody's helped me, so I don't want to see anyone coming knocking on my door when they didn't care before. I'll have the attitude of Jim McAllister. I will have learned from y'all, except a lot more like me.
Well, at least you'll have money from the stock market, huh?
Rick seems to think everyone but he was born into a "rich" family where success was a given...I know he gets this label a lot, but "THAT'S JUST NUTS" My Dad was a milkman, Mom worked as a checker in a grocery, the nation is filled with people most of whom all have their own personal "bootstrap" stories, the Richie-Rich lifestyle is the exception to the rule...
I sure wish I shared Stealth's confidence in the upcoming Obama/Romney debates. Obama, while a terrible President, is a remarkable, made for TV showman, probably the best orator I have ever seen,(next to that guy who sells Sham-Wow), I believe Romney will come off stiff and without personality and passion when compared to the "O" show...And we all know the MSM will be highlighting the comparison, NOT based on content, rather on charisma and personality...
this is right up your alley Rick..
In fact this year they had a "Burning Wall Street"-
-just like "Burning Man"
..anyone have any idea where this is headed?
"Rick seems to think everyone but he was born into a "rich" family where success was a given"
You're living in a dream world, Proud. The world of yesterday where when a man or woman, worked themselves up from nothing is dead. Now they pull a credit history and buddy, there are paid off bills on my credit report that still say that I owe money and the corporation is always right, isn't it?
An editor put it right when she said, "You look big and strong like a laborer." That's all she said. She never even looked at my stories. Then she repeated, "You look big and strong like a laborer."
Proud, in Jim McAllister's time, a person worked hard and gained wealth. Hard work counts for nothing anymore. I've worked my ass off every day of my life and I'm even told that I'm not supposed to be doing brick work. In my life, a man did for himself.
The old days are gone. Now the rich hire illegal immigrants and want to bring in more foreign labor. They encourage Americans to sit on their asses and collect Welfare until the day comes when they are so trained to do nothing, then they jerk the rug out from under them.
Remember Proud; I've seen the worst of what the rich can actually do. I know their dirty tricks and how they laugh at ordinary people while they rise to stardom.
These days, we're only numbers on a credit report and the things we've done mean nothing. Reputation means nothing. Patriotism means nothing. All that counts is the Number of a Man, 666, on your credit score and that's not even a good score. The Antichrist must not be wealthy or a deadbeat.
Did you watch that Seal video I sent you Jim?- Larry sent it to me and I spread it around.. no American watching that could ever vote for this enemy from within... everyone should see it before voting..
Jimmy, the reason that you're telling me to be nice to rich folks, is because so many of your friends are wealthy, and/or you have something to gain from them. You're just playing their game to have the pretty things.
Don't try to save lives, Jimmy. Particularly rich lives. The rich will destroy you for that small favor, unless you're pretty enough to be on camera, then they'll make you rich and famous.
Play the game, Jimmy. Gain all the money while you can, because tomorrow they might decide to kill Barb and take it all away. And don't trust rock stars. They're trash.
One small step for man, one large step for mankind...
that bluemoon in August must have set him off, he normally has some down time between them... now he's leaping from one full moon to the next... this is troubling.
Yeah.. he is pretty impressive to the empty headed crowd, but he is going to have to keep Mitt off point which is the disaster the last four years has been... that might be a tall order for someone with thin skin that can easily be taken off message...
The only thing different from a sack of shit and Obama is the sack.. Mitt merely has to remove the sack so we can all take a look.
His oratory prowess is as distorted as his record on governance- I would start things off by attacking him directly early in the debate, he can't handle pressure and will go off the reservation.
Mitt would do well to listen to a few Ronald Reagan tapes before hand, but then I am not sure that Mitt has ever read the Constitution himself.
..someone please prove me wrong..
Rick, It is not actually about how much money a person has or does not have; it is all about how a person chooses to live their life & how one's words & action effect other living beings. Look at it this way: if personal wealth really mattered, then you would be able to take it with you when you finally bought the farm. Of course, it is true that it is nearly impossible to be ruthless & stingy when a person has nothing ... But that's beside the point.
I read about the tattoo thing in Mesa in the paper today. It said that if the neighborhood protests enough, they can probably beat it back on that basis.
Who knows what it may lead to. In Mesa tattoos are probably popular but I know that a tattoo place would suffer in many parts of town simply because there would be no market.
However, I agree: it is a disturbing trend considering what could happen with other undesirable businesses.
The breitbart piece is good but I am a bit discouraged to see that O has raised his favorability to 52% on Gallup and if the race was today he wins 49-45.
I'm hoping it is just a small bounce from the convention.
What do you think of Kerrey running for the Senate in Nebraska taking Nelson's seat and his opinion of Obamacare?
I grew up poor too but I have never depended on food stamps or relied on the government for financial assistance. My family all worked. You know, like in JOBS.
I was raised to make it on my own and anything less would have been embarrassing.
I'm no genius but I made good rank in the Air Force, got into college at 24 and graduated at 28. I then worked my ass off in sales and retired at 48.
It can be done so let those who rely on government to wipe their nose every time they get a cold learn to make it on their own. I'm tired of watching people pull up to Safeway in a Lexus and buy cream filled doughnuts with food stamps.
In the meantime, I'm going to send Middy and Bozo up to you to help with that root cellar. We need to get you back on track!
I guess you didn't read the part of the decision that says opening up a tattoo parlor anywhere they want to is according to a judge a matter of first amendment rights... what the hell does zoning law have to do with first amendment rights?...
..."This is the first state supreme court in the country to rule that tattooing is a form of protected speech," Bolick said. "That's very significant. ... We now know that in Arizona tattooing is a protected form of free speech, and that's a victory for freedom."-
Read more:
...and this assclown Bolick is a member of Goldwater institute...
- like I have been pounding my cane on the desk over.. we are in a titanic struggle of Nationalism (Statism) vs. Federalism (States rights)..
Like I said Jim, this decision is now part of the infrastructure, the decision will be now basis for further challenges as precedence until it reaches the SC... and with this SC who the hell knows..
It was intentionally framed like this for a reason, it's much bigger than you think, it's another step to replacing the Constitution with a Citizen's bill of rights, such as the one the Cubans enjoy.
No Cj, you can still be ruthless and stingy without proper funding.. it's called using the law to steal from those who have to give to of course, those who need..'s done every day.
I know what you mean with your upbringing. I just told Rick of mine which is similar.
I know what you mean about the debates. I'm concerned too. The press and TV will be lauding everything Obama says while Mitt is a bit stiff. Already Gallup says Obama won 49-45 in a recent survey and that his favorability is up to 52%.
We have to figure in the liberal "whiner" quotient as they seem to shed tears every time the imposter says something about how screwed everyone is because of those damn rich and successful hard working people.
At least Mitt has the facts and figures to back him. I just hope he can convince the voters.
"Rick, It is not actually about how much money a person has or does not have; it is all about how a person chooses to live their life & how one's words & action effect other living beings."
Yes, it's a kind of psychological projection and a kind of negativity in reverse classism. I was just thinking as I was perfectly laying the concrete blocks that I know rich folks personally and some of them consider me their kid. People trying to teach me to behave in their class, so I can know a better life, but I'm a bonehead and take it personal. Dora tried her best to teach me to be a gentleman. Jim's tried too. Kerry's made headway. CJ just hit the nail on the head. If I had any brains, I'd learn to behave and learn more about another world.
Jim, they can have my guns one bullet at a time.
Proud, in Jim McAllister's time, a person worked hard and gained wealth. Hard work counts for nothing anymore. I've worked my ass off every day of my life and I'm even told that I'm not supposed to be doing brick work.
Maybe that is your problem. You are working for wages.
In my case, I never made a salary when i was a peddler. I worked commission which is quite an incentive for a guy to get his ass out of bed in the morning.
I made calls at night, on weekends, and whenever or wherever else to make all the dough I could. I never had any plans to drive a territory when I was 65.
When hung 'em up, it gave me the time to do other less strenuous types of work. It was well worth all those selling years.
It's not how much one works that gets them ahead; it's how SMART they work.
Did you see the piece today about how gun sales are skyrocketing with the fear of Obama winning and imposing regulations?
One gun company executive says he feels like putting Obama's picture on his wall as "SALESMAN OF THE MONTH".
Middy wants me to replace my old blunderbus .38 with something more up to date. I don't know; just the report of my old piece usually kills any small animals in the area or makes them damn deaf. Plus, it is autographed by Wyatt Earp!
Hey Jim... here is something right down your wheelhouse, it probably would make a great blog title, but there are so many available slots right now it's hard to choose.
It gets going about 2 and a half min. into it.. it may be a bit dry for some but I am kind of attracted to history and it's sociological effect so I thought it interesting.
..ain't technology great!.. my Galaxy gives me a bird whistle every time I get an email, and with Larry in full Saturday form my office sounds like a bird house.. lol..
Rebecca is mystified at the whistles, man does she love those whisker lickin's- she caught one in two feet off the floor, mid air last night..
she looked like Ozzie Smith.
Speaking of... Ozzie grew up in South Central LA Rick.. that was in the sixties when they were having riots... did you grow up black, poor and little to hope for except in yourself in a gang infested ghetto with riots and people being murdered at a Chicago style rate?
so STFU buddy about your hatred of everyone making something of themselves and not going around with a chip on their shoulder where the head ought to be, not everyone in Arizona lives like Saudi princes but at least we have some self pride and don't go around making a complete jackass out of ourselves with this socialist crap about class envy and elitism.
you are a pompous asshole that never learned his manners.
..sorry about the run on rant Jim, but I have about had all the chickenshit I can stand today- BTW this is what real live free speech looks like, it's not a tattoo...
It was the natural segue from the Android to bird whistles to Rebecca to Ozzie to what the hell is Rick always PMS'ing about? pattern of thought I have always been plagued with- you know... one thing leads to another.
I guess I better go ahead right now and apologize to Blue for another bullying session I gave this dirty jockstrap today.
put it on my bill- as usual.
Hey check out the question of the day in the azcentral...
.."Do you agree with the Arizona Supreme Court that tattooing is a form of free speech, with full protection under the U.S. and state constitutions?"
check out the voting... 66 percent agree ...did I call this right or what?- they are setting us up for a Constitutional crisis...
Just proves these people that frequent the Rag are for the most part illiterates.
Or at least Constitutional illiterates.
"Maybe that is your problem. You are working for wages."
I get between ten bucks an hour for basic public relations stuff to $400 an hour if I have to be a pompous prick.
I thought of writing an autobiography, but in the chapters about what I really did for the government, all the words would have to be blacked out. They would be easy chapters to write, actually.
BTW Jim, long ago when my oldest brother worked for radio shack and my mom had cancer, I worked a little for him. He managed a store or two and always complained of ulcers and stress. And I tried a go of a feed store once and didn't do well. About the easiest work that I've found is writing. Even easier is retirement. That's real good money there.
CJ said: "it is nearly impossible to be ruthless & stingy when a person has nothing" ...
Unless of course the person who has "nothing" is actually gaming the system, cheating on dependents, lying about looking for work, cashing in on numerous programs designed specifically for people who are truly unable to work....Look around, lots and LOTS of ruthless/stingy / poor, people out there...all trying to get more and more of free, sumpin fer nuttin, government money!
Rick, my advice to you would be:
START working as a pompass prick, looks like it pays a whole lot better than some crazy, obsessed, class envy, S/N stalker...
Jim, my folks never had more than a couple hundred dollars in their bank acct. and that was mostly from a tax refund. I dropped out of H/S and was married with children at 16. EVERYTHING I got in this life I made by using my God given talents to the very best of my ability, a strong work ethic my Mom instilled in me, and my belief that in America, anyone can become anything they wish to be, if they want it bad enough. Well, I wanted it bad enough and working as a brick layer I became inspired enough by a newly elected Ronald Reagan, to sell my house, rent an apt, and risk every penny I had on starting my lifelong dream of being a home builder...Rick's belief that the American dream is over is bunk(unless of course, this disastrous failure of a President we are now suffering with gets reelected!
Those two guys are pretty good. I could have done without seeing that Maddow ranting and raving. Where the hell do they get people like that?
This whole Obama thing is such a nightmare yet he has his supporters. Legitimate people expose him right and left for heinous actions, but he stays right up there in the polls.
Sam sent me a tape about the Seals and security leaks and jerk Obama taking credit for everything. Incredible stuff.
Married at 16 with kids? Wow, I have to hand it to you. Those had to be tough times.
You have come a long way. That was a lot of responsibility.
It just shows how success can be had if you never give up.
I dare any American to watch this video and tell me they are still voting for Obama...
RUTHLESS: having no pity; merciless, cruel ... STINGY: not generous or liberal: to use, give, or spend sparingly ...
No matter how you all want to twist the terms for your political agenda & purposes (and of course to make yourselves feel better about telling people to get a job while your political idols suck the greater economy dry & refuse to give anything back to the people that is the source of their livelihood to begin with, including JOBS) ... THE TERMS I USED HAVE A REAL MEANING.
BTW, John, which programs are you talking about specifically? Unemployment Insurance? SSI?
"I dropped out of H/S and was married with children at 16. EVERYTHING I got in this life I made by using my God given talents to the very best of my ability, a strong work ethic my Mom instilled in me, and my belief that in America, anyone can become anything they wish to be, if they want it bad enough. Well, I wanted it bad enough and working as a brick layer I became inspired enough by a newly elected Ronald Reagan, to sell my house, rent an apt, and risk every penny I had on starting my lifelong dream of being a home builder...Rick's belief that the American dream is over is bunk..."
Another thing, John, that scenario is as outdated as a Heidelberg Windmill printing press & the profession of masonry in general nowadays. But I bet you already knew that. It just doesn't fit your political agenda so you choose to ignore the fact.
.."RUTHLESS: having no pity; merciless, cruel ... STINGY: not generous or liberal: to use, give, or spend sparingly" ...
Yeah like the IRS...
.."Bernard Arnault, France's richest man and chairman and chief executive of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, is seeking Belgian citizenship, a move that comes as President François Hollande prepares to press ahead with a controversial tax on the country's wealthiest citizens.
Georges Dallemagne, president of Belgium's naturalization commission, said Mr. Arnault's case was filed at the end of August and will be "treated like others." Mr. Dallemagne said the process would take until "early next year, at best."
Though the LVMH titan denies his move is fiscally motivated, the timing of Mr. Arnault's request is sure to intensify the debate about whether Mr. Hollande's tax policies are sparking an exodus of the country's rich"
Well the socialist experiment with raising the tax rate on the wealthy of Frogville has had it's predicted failure..
The people who are smart enough to actually earn money and create wealth are also smart enough to move when the State pulls idiotic antics like taxing the 1% at 75 percent...
If jug ears wins, how many of the wealthy do you think will move?
I'd laugh like hell if Buffett bailed after all he has said and done favoring jug ears. Gates and his wife too. Of course, they would probably be given special dispensations like Nancy Pelosi got for her rich friends in SF who didn't want to be involved with Obamacare. That's foir the common people.
Welcome to the new America.
I couldn't resist this YouTube. It is radio guy Peter Schiff posing as a reporter at the DNC convention.
Listen to some of these dumbass people he interviews.
It's only 4:48 long and worth the time.
"START working as a pompass prick, looks like it pays a whole lot better than some crazy, obsessed, class envy, S/N stalker..."
Proud was never a bricklayer, but I would believe that he's been a stalker with his unusually gifted schizophrenic self chasing British royalty. Now currently employed as an alcoholic and got the hots for Stevie Nicks, don'tcha loser?
CJ, Hard to believe someone with such a positive outlook and sunny disposition can't find a good job?
But in any case,...good luck with your upcoming surgery!
(the one where doctors will attempt to remove that stick that's been jammed up your ass for the past several years:-)
"good luck with your upcoming surgery!"
Proud, how did that sex change operation go? Is it true that they used parts from a sheep. Do you just talk about SN just to hide the fact that you have a baaaaaad speech impediment now?
I found a job, John. Keep up here. In fact, I have been working for a little while now with zero complaints about my sunny disposition but now that the economy is finally starting to pick back up again, I finally got a call back for a better job.
Hey, you know what? I bet I am helping pick up the tab for your SSI now as well as for all of your heart surgeries with my insurance premiums.
And don't think that I am not keeping track of when I lost my job (GW Bush) & how hard I had to work to become re-employable & when I finally found another opportunity (Obama) like those your generation so ungraciously felt entitled to & took advantage of ... NOW, if I could just get over my gag reflex when it comes to Obamacare -- freakin "healthcare insurance" has been a commie plot geared towards spreading the costs (epecially involving the elderly) around from the get go -- then maybe I could vote for the guy. It's a toss up at this point though. Do I vote for Romney & risk being partially responsible when his policies finish off the middle class? Or do I vote for Obama & hope that the light I am finally seeing at the end of a very long tunnel turns into daylight?
Holy crap Proud. You've had sexual reassignment surgery AND heart surgery? You're more of a wo-man than I gave you credit for.
CJ, national healthcare is something that Romney wants too, except the Republicans will send flowers to your funeral when they reject your necessary procedure and/or refuse to pay for your prescriptions. Health care, by GOP definition is only for healthy people. There is no such thing as "unhealth care."
cj...a gag reflex is the least of things you need to finally get over, As to your other cynical remarks,notice, I said a "GOOD" job? looks like "keeping up" works both ways eh?... you didn't pay a penny toward my health care / bypass surgery, myself and blue cross paid the entire to your dilemma on who to vote for, I think, knowing you as I do, you should definitely vote for Obama, you seem right at home with other O supporters like rick and the there...and the American Communist Party, after all, they're "your" kind!
I notice that glass bottles are coming back. I have to return my milk bottles today and buy more milk. I like the orange creme flavored milk and the cats like the milk with the thick cream on top.
And at one store, I opt for paper bags instead of plastic bags. The paper bags are great for getting the wood stove going in the winter. It seems that the old ways are the best ways.
I'm not fond of the GOP's let'em succeed or starve mandates for America, but they do embrace God, while the Democrats appear to reject the Creator of the Universe. This nation was founded with the help of God and since the 10 Commandments have been rejected, our nation has gone downhill.
A friend in Colorado called last night. About 20 years ago, he asked me if he should start his own electrical contracting company and he knows all the codes, so I encouraged him to do so. He called to say that he's building a new warehouse because there's not enough room for the forklift in the old warehouse. He's got commercial jobs all over the United States now and his company is worth millions! And yet, we just talked like two old friends. I asked him if he was voting for Obama and he said that he might, because Romney's a crook. But we both agreed that Paul Ryan is the best man out of all of them.
He wants me to write some books and promises to buy many copies to give to his friends as gifts. Well, I won't starve then.
So maybe the Christian values, the original recyclable ways of the past and old fashioned manners are coming back. On this cool September morning, I guess I'll take some old stories and piece them together in a book and send it off to some publisher. Maybe they'll put it in old fashioned paper. I can dedicate it to old mentors, teachers and to my friends.
..."Do I vote for Romney & risk being partially responsible when his policies finish off the middle class? Or do I vote for Obama & hope that the light I am finally seeing at the end of a very long tunnel turns into daylight?"
Well that's a personal decision I guess no one can help you with...
it' kinda like which direction on the freeway should I take, the one that's headed away from N.O. with Katrina coming that's slow because everyone is trying to leave or the near empty side heading downtown?
If all you want to do is drive your own car at 70, you don't care where you are headed and the decision is based sheerly on driving 70, then the choice is clear, principles be damned.
..but then when is the last time you made a logical decision based on principle?
You sound just like the president or one of his minions.. everything in your tantrum was about you Cj.. me, me, me... just like Maxine Waters' constituents, you forget if there is no country nor Constitution left due to a second term it is a moot point.
You admit he lied to America about what Obama care really was, so now you believe he has done something to fix the economy?- delusional.
Believe me we are going to have another round of recession starting very soon, anyone with an IQ above room temperature can clearly see what the real numbers mean- this joke of a rally is a dead cat bounce brought about by yet another rumor- one you are evidently dumb enough to believe.
The only question now is will it be a recession that gets relief because some of the regulations and tax insecurities are removed, or a true decades long depression like FDR made sure we had.
One in your straits had better think about it long and hard.. because this is the last chance we get- if you vote out of spite and decide to choose national suicide to get back at Jim and others, just remember you will suffer a lot more and a lot quicker- remember, you are closer to the edge than either of us.
As I told Rick, go ahead and vote against GWB and his policies I'm tired of arguing people off ledges and bridges..
I say...let them jump- American voters are stupid- 2008 proved that.
This is turning out to be an illustration of how monkeys are easily caught with a small hole drilled in a coconut and a handful of rice.. too greedy to let go they are easily clubbed and served with that rice still in their closed fist for dinner.
.."The president told his senior staff that the call with Boehner had led nowhere.
“So we’ve got to figure out Plan B. Which is, how do we get out of this thing?” he said.
The problem was that they did not have a Plan B.
It was increasingly clear that no one was running Washington. That was trouble for everyone, but especially for Obama. Although running things is a joint venture between the president and Congress, a president has to dominate Congress — or at least be seen as dominating Congress. The last president to fold was George H.W. Bush, who gave in to Democrats’ demands that income taxes be raised in a 1990 budget deal. And Bush had been a one-term president"
Bob Woodward knows what a farce this administration is, and is finally coming out exposing it in non other than the Socialist record of the day the Washington Post to save his own worthless reputation, look to others to do the same between now and the iceberg...
I see everyone is tuned up and ready to go so good morning everyone!
"Good Morning, Good Morning....We danced the whole night through, Good Morning, Good Morning to you......"
That was Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds from "Singin' in the Rain" 1952.
How well I remember 1952. I was eleven, Ike was getting ready to wipe out Stevenson in November, and Korea was almost over. Stuttering idiot Obama wasn't even born yet and Romney was five. TV was full of Kefauver and McCarthy and I couldn't have cared less. I wanted Howdy Doody and Lucky Pup.
It's amazing how life changes as we get older and hopefully wiser. We were so proud of Ike and the war hero he was. Compare him to the imposter in his chair now. He must be sad looking down on what we have become.
That sounds like the excerpt of Woodward's book that the Washington Post had on Drudge yesterday. I read that; very interesting. I've ordered the book through Amazon (sorry Paula, no sales tax).
More exposure of Obama, I hope it has an effect. If you watched that Peter Schiff YouTube I sent, I doubt if it will. Those dumb asses probably can't even read especially that dumb bitch with the big hat.
Here is a great response by some little guy to the question in today's Washington Times " I have never been a muslim" nonsense by Barrak Hussein Obama..
.."Hey Barack: it was you who told an Islamic dinner - "I am one of
you."; it was you who on ABC News referenced - "My Muslim faith." it was you
who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques: it was
you who wrote that in the event of a conflict -"I will stand with the Muslims."
; it was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that - "I am a Muslim."
it was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi king; it was you who sat for
20yrs in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing
Marxism; it was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the
rest of us have to pay; it was you who purposefully omitted - "endowed by our
Creator" - from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence; it was you
who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ's Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly
referring to the HOLY Quran; it was you who traveled the Islamic world
denigrating the United States Of America; it was you who instantly threw the
support of your administration behind the building of the Cordova Victory mosque
overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center; it was you who
refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic
prayer breakfast at the WH; it was you who ordered both Georgetown Univ. and
Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go
there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested that the mosques you
have visited adjust their decor; it was you who appointed anti-Christian
fanatics to your Tsar Corps; it was you who appointed rabid Islamists to
Homeland Security; it was you who said that NASA's "foremost mission" was an
outreach to Muslim communities; it was you who as an Illinois Senator were the
ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide; it was you who were the
first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the WH, and went so far as
to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the WH tree; it was you who curtailed the
military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists; it was you who refused to condemn
the Ft. Hood Islamic terrorist; it is you who has refused to speak-out
concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but
yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical
human-rights abuses; it was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge
the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam
in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists
assaults; it was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer $s to Hamas; it
was you who ordered the USPS to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new
commemorative stamp; it was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach
to help "empower" the British Muslim community; it was you who embraced the
fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in your quest to overthrow the Egyptian President,
Mubarak; it was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in
Grammar schools across our country; it is you who follows the Muslim custom of
not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadam; it is you who NOW departs for
Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT
participating in seasonal WH religious events; it was you who
were un-characteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to
depose Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, formerly America's strongest ally in North Africa;
but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of
Egyptian Christians;
continued because of the word constraints...
-... do we really need to go on! Barack, you may be a lot
of things; but, for certainty, you are no Christian. Obama, who refers to himself as: "A man of Africa", is precisely the
type of 'divided loyalties" individual that our Founders attempted to prohibit
from ascendancy to the presidency when they constructed our Constitution.
Greg Neubeck
Yeah.. and after four years idiots are still in the dark because they will not open their eyes..
And the SOB is up 4% in the polls and it looks like he will take key state Ohio. If he wins, this country is the embarrassment of the planet.
Go figure.
haha.. you are mistaken my friend.. I told you about those polls.. they are all based on the wrong model, 2008 instead of 2010, likely vs. registered voters.
quit watching Fox news Jim- they are the new CNN, full of shit.
all they have left is lies and distortions and depending on their media alliances to spread the disinformation..
As I said the only thing standing in the way of a 65% Republican landslide is the utter disrespect the GOP gave the tea party... and from what I am reading at hard corps libertarian blog sites the GOP are not going to get the libertarian vote after what they have done and stubbornly refuse to back off from..
If Romney and America loses you can hang it directly on the GOP and how they treated the tea party.
It's what you get when you listen to ashatts like kkkarl Rove and that lying sack of shit mr. ed Rollins.
"Well that's a personal decision I guess no one can help you with..." You got that part right, buddy. And, btw, I wasn't asking for advice. I was just telling you all some of my thought processes & since I put up with so much of your crap, often without even an argument these days (because it is overwhelming), I believe that if you had any decency at all, you would let me speak my mind without making everything about, you, you... Your wallet, your wiener & how much it hurts when you do not get your way in each election & so on...
I almost always make my mind up based on principle & the only reason you cannot see that is because you have none yourself.
" now you believe he has done something to fix the economy?- delusional. Believe me we are going to have another round of recession starting very soon..." No, actually, I was just stating some correlating facts from personal experience: I got laid off twice under the GW Bush administration & policies &, after a long struggle to become reemployable, all of my persistence & work finally paid off under Obama. Those are the facts. I know that correlation does not always equal causation tho. But you obviously do not. In fact, you do not even wait for correlations to materialize before blaming Obama for everything bad about the economy & even some things that have not yet occurred...
You know what? Get your catty swipes in right now because, when I am working full time again, I won't have the time to deal with your pathetic bs &, really, about the only thing that bothers me here is the way that you people tend to discard real friendships over political disagreements & rip people up behind their back.
This is hilarious; sent to me by a regular reader. (2:30)
Good for a laugh because the guy is such a loser and good for a tear for the same reason.
It's really amazing how someone can be exposed when they don't have the crutch of the Teleprompter.
Don't know to watch that video or not Jim... that first segment with Chris Wallace was him asking that of Candidate Michelle Bachman...
so what is to be gained beginning with a distortion?
the rest is factual, but please....
I hope you are right about the polls but even at that, 4% advantage with a 2.7% fudge factor isn't too bad I guess.
Still early and hopefully Romney can wax that stuttering fool in the debates. I have more confidence in Ryan v. Biden even though Biden supporters look at his stupidity as charm since they are as ignorant as he is.
I remember 1960 like it was yesterday. Kennedy won the election in large part because of the debates with Nixon. Kennedy was sharp, young, and well spoken. Nixon had a 5 o'clock shadow and seems uninformed and tired.
Kennedy got a lot of votes out of that not to mention the lines of nuns around the block at the polls standing in the rain waiting to vote for him.
interesting article in today's rag..
To find out what's interesting about it you need to read down at the comments.
There is a real hostility being waged on some in society, some of these hate filled thoughts could have been written by Rick or Cj..
.. like this gem.
..." Oh my the poor baby boomer generation. They have ran the USA into the ground with their pizz poor financial and social programs and now we are supposed to feel sorry for them ??? You reap what you sow boomers. Oh yeah, thanks for all the national debt and kicking te can down the street nt doing a darn thing about it. Your grandchildren thank you also"
..and this one could have written either by Cj or Hugo Chavez..
.."But the boomers are the largest generation, so they have the power to whine the most. Don't forget that this was the free love, anti govt, anti corporate group that flip flopped into Yuppies and pro big government (look at the huge expansion under Bush II). Who is in charge of the companies deciding to outsource entry level jobs (kids and grandkids' jobs) to other countries? Boomers. They (e.g. AARP) lobby Congress into voting for the big programs that will crush their grandkids. They en masse totally deserve the criticism, unless they personally voted against those policies"
Obama and that crowd of criminals we watched at the convention last week is pitting every group possible including family members against another to keep us stirred up, at each others throat and from seeing the larger picture, he knows the elderly will have to be put out of their misery, what better tactic than a constant whisper campaign against them... just like Adolph and Stalin realized.
Yes I can see your point Cj about Jim supporting someone wanting to eliminate the middle class- same as I do..
what a bitter, misguided fool you are.
The Pack has their hands full with the 49'ers.. bad calls, but this might be the best game of the day.. gotta watch it on the internet..
Denver Pittsburgh probably will be a good one tonight.
SCORING UPDATE: David Akers makes 63-yard FG, ball hits crossbar, bounces over
and bad luck, can you believe this shit
Gonna be worse if the niners play keep away.. to your dilemma on who to vote for, I think, you should definitely vote for the American Communist Party! - Proud (edited)
There Proud. I think that I know you well enough to cut through the BS and edit your words to get to the meat of what I think you really meant to say. I mean, you are merely arguing with CJ, just to be arguing with her. Incidentally, you sound like Bodo. Well, friends do sometimes sound alike.
And the Queen Mary 2 rum smelled lovely, but my housekeeper still dumped it down the drain. My friends look out for me. Sorry Bodo. Told you that I don't drink.
There is a real hostility being waged on some in society, some of these hate filled thoughts could have been written by Rick or Cj..
No Middy, you can't play God. You can't possibly know what I was thinking when I or CJ wrote those words, although it may read like hateful words. Writing 101, you can't possibly know what someone's intentions were when they said something. That's editorializing, but since your comments usually are editorials from whatever brand of vodka you're drinking, then carry on. So was this rant Seagrams or Hiram Walker?
I couldn't see anything wrong with the San Francisco game today.. they just dominated..
poor officiating but can't blame it on them...
Looks like the Cards might win with Kolbe.. who woulda thunk it?
In case you missed my notice the other day, you should watch this clip from YouTube before it is removed.
It was supposed to show on Fox but they received pressure from the administration to remove it. I wonder why!
CJ says I want to get rid of the middle class? I must have missed that one. It makes no sense. Why would I want to get rid of myself?
yeah Jim,
I've seen that video before, he just joined that Rev Wright crazy ass nutjob church to pretend that he was a Christian.
CJ doesn't want to get rid of the middle class. That makes no sense at all.
Can you imagine Middy and Proud going into East L.A. and ignoring the poor and bragging about how little they paid for something? They'd get shot for their shoes!
The upper class NEED the middle class to snob to. Without the middle class to push to suicide, the rich would have no fun at all! The lower class folks would just shoot the rich folks for driving to drive them insane.
And could you see some insurance salesman trying to hawk health insurance to a poor family? He'd get shot just for his shoes!
Trickle down what? Yeah, go to Harlem and brag about that stuff. Them rich folks would get shot for their footware.
So it's impossible for the wealthy to get rid of the middle class. Without the middle class, there would be no trickling up for money to trickle back down again in a continual cycle. CJ knows how the system works.
Get rid of the middle class and the rich won't exist. It will look like some post appocolyptic Australian made movie. Except the rich won't have shoes.
"CJ says I want to get rid of the middle class?"
No, Jim, that is just Middy putting words into my mouth so he can write me off as the enemy again because I expressed some concerns I have been having that did not fit exactly into his book: "The World According to Middy" ... Because it is as obvious as it is that the sun will rise again that anybody that expresses any concerns about the condition of the middle class (those the are still young enough & healthy enough to work anyway) is a dirty, stinkin', rotten commie in his book as well as out to get him.
For the record, here is what has been bothering me: REAL, CURRENT EXPERIENCE has shown me that the real opportunities in this country have gone to shit under Republican administrations (both Bush's, actually, but the critical blows fell under the second Bush) ... And of course you guys are not in touch with this fact because you were either out of the competitive job market by that time or else secure in your job with retirement all lined up. So I honestly believe that you guys are the ones being "idealistic" here. Chasing rainbows. I may still vote for Romney, however, & I never send that I wouldn't. Just expressing some concerns & one is those concerns is that neither candidate is really worth voting for. One is just as bad as the other, just in a different way.
.."No, Jim, that is just Middy putting words into my mouth so he can write me off as the enemy again because I expressed some concerns I have been having that did not fit exactly into his book: "The World According to Middy" ... Because it is as obvious as it is that the sun will rise again that anybody that expresses any concerns about the condition of the middle class (those the are still young enough & healthy enough to work anyway) is a dirty, stinkin', rotten commie in his book as well as out to get him"
...."Do I vote for Romney & risk being partially responsible when his policies finish off the middle class? Or do I vote for Obama & hope that the light I am finally seeing at the end of a very long tunnel turns into daylight?"- 12.19
Yeah I see your point, Jim, Buzz, Proud and all the other older white formerly middle class people voting for Romney is the same thing Cj, are we all voting to destroy the middle class?..
So how do you figure they are going to "finish off the middle class?"
you said it, not me..
I realize you are buttsore about me always having to correct you in public but you are not a 12 year old- a twelve year old is capable of learning.
Obviously you are looking for a scapegoat for your failures and we seem to provide one..
Only a moron would think there is something to consider for the middle class from a government that dictated Volts to be produced to begin with.
You believe that big lie of claiming GM has paid back that loan we gave them.
when actually the "invested" taxpayer money into campaign payoffs that now are bankrupt like Solyndra and others, Cj is evidently someone who cheers the thought of doubling the costs of electricity and all other forms of utilities we all need, she is considering voting for someone who has by himself and alone blocked the Keystone pipeline denying us jobs, a criminal who has their henchmen at the Justice make sure various states do not clean up dead and phony voters from the voting rolls, she supports someone who has presided over the worst possible calamity in my or anyone else's lifetime and now are concerned that she has to carefully consider whether he should be allowed another four years to complete the destruction.
An absolute childish fool you are Cj and I suppose will remain willingly ignorant..
He has done everything short of threatening to completely destroy our currency through the federal reserve and I bet he will do it if's the nuclear option that he has for three months after his defeat.
He will in my estimation allow normal bond sales to fail.
For the past few months the only ones buying our debt is the Fed, to keep the prime rate artificially low and if they quit that practice all at once it will destroy our currency for generations and plunge us into freefall like has never happened before..
If that happens we will revert to middle ages European style feudalism within a couple of years.
..and despite all this you remain confused as to how to vote... what a simple minded product of big government you are...
The only thing I can think of is you are still motivated by hopes he will forgive that student loan you probably took for the paralegal school...
but that is a silly dream as well- once this guy doesn't ever need you again..
well you can fill in that blank.
I guess Cj must be off to work today.. good.
I noticed that the demasking film about Obama has gone to second place on the list of all time documentaries after this weekend.. that is the only thing that gives me hope any more.
It means most rational people are waking up to the fact based realization that this bastard means to destroy this country any way possible- he hates us.
last chance..this is our last chance.
speaking of GM and the Volt, I just saw this article this morning:
"GM is still losing as much as $49,000 on each Volt it builds."
yeah I see it now, Obama saved the auto industry
Nope. You have another week of this crap before I start my new full time position (right now I am still working part time somewhere else), Jim. Lucky you, eh?
You know what I love about Middy? Nearly everything he says about other people -- when he is not thinking we are all out to get him, that is -- is like a window into his own twisted mind & stunted heart ... In other words, when he isn't under the influence of paranoia, he is projecting his own problems on me & others.
I do have some place to go, though, so I gotta make this quick:
Actually, from everything I heard (before this stage of the campaign), Romney himself is fairly liberal for a Republican. So what I am really objecting to are the policies of the extreme hard right but they are the people that he is appealing to right now & will be beholden to if he is elected.
The world that you all always hold up as a model for success does not exist anymore, Jim. I doubt it was actually ever completely as perfect as you all describe (and I need only to check my own family history for evidence to support that doubt) ... However, those ideal conditions that did exist have changed dramatically.
The middle class as a whole has taken a huge hit recently & as much as you all would love to paint the Obama administration (& liberals in general) as the culprit of that, I know for a fact when I started to feel the ground under my world shake & it was under GW Bush. Around 9/11, to be exact. It started as a low rumble & I had no idea what was happening or what to do about it ... BUT Bush's policies & practices -- REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION -- not only did little to nothing to correct the problem, but also contributed heavily to it IMHO. And now you all are expressing the desire to go to an even greater extreme in the same direction ...
Well, excuse the hell out of me for even thinking about it, but I was just giving you an alternative point of view & mine is not even set in stone the way yours are.
ONE LAST THING: due to the fact that you all are so inflexible in your opinions (at least at this point in time), I honestly believe that if you had been born into my generation & had shared conditions & experiences in the workforce with me, the would be a better than average chance that most of you would be card-carrying commies (or, at least, populists) right now. At least I consider both sides myself.
So how do you figure they are going to "finish off the middle class? (CJ)
That's what I'm wondering. I consider myself middle class. Am I finished?
I saw a Volt also. It was probably thew same one. Was it red? They probably have one circling around town trying to make us believe that they are commonplace.
My favorite thing about them is the 400 pound batteries. They are giving so many govt. discounts on them they are almost free. LOL
Too bad about the Pack. San Francisco may be for real.
The Cards looked bad against a bad team while I loved the night game with Peyton looking great against the Steelers.
I love his comment: He says he prayed the doctors would tell him not to play football anymore because of the 4 procedures on his neck.
Since they didn't say it, he figured it must be OK. LOL I guess he was afraid to ask. The guy is a stud.
Tonight is the big one: Cincy and Baltimore. Yeah, yeah, I know!
I confess....
I was the one in the blood draw waiting room in Litchfield that told the eighty five year old lady that when they called her name to hurry up.
..she was dragging that oxygen tank along, so she was pretty slow getting over there to sign in.. she was still laughing even when I asked her out loud if that "is as fast as you can walk?".. the follow up of "better speed it up there babe" got the biggest laugh.. I even asked her while she was shuffling along "why she wasn't standing by the desk to save time?"
I thought she was going to spit that oxygen mask across the room laughing.. sadly with her problems it was probably the only time today she gets to laugh at something...'s ok, I am on first name basis with the gals at Labcorp.
..haha. yeah the whole waiting room got a big laugh including her.I got to meet an air force retiree who I saw last week at the same place and his wife who had moved here from Scottsdale to be closer to the Air Force base- I assume for the medical coverage and the PX...they were a nice couple that once the ice broke turned into a pleasant conversation..
-but no one normally wants to talk in waiting rooms for some reason..
There is nothing better to break the ice than some loud mouth with an attitude like me holding court.. we all started talking like old friends after the ice got broke.. I ended up talking to a fellow sufferer from Arkansas,
the pump only needed a bit of priming.
Then we all started discussing Obama care and where the nation was headed.. yeah, they are mad....
as I suspected everyone agreed with me but didn't want to say anything in public until I or some other fool brings it up..
The unwritten, number one Alynski lesson rule is to keep everyone isolated and feeling like they are alone and afraid to bring up resistance.
No surprise here, it's just like Obama likes to run an election not by confronting reality but creating an illusion that anyone opposing is alone and crazy and not a team player..
So my lesson of the morning is I think there is an army of reasonable people just waiting for someone to break the ice and show leadership... and that isn't the Sept. 10 version of Romney.
However... he's the best we have right now but he had better get religion and pronto because according to Bob Woodward the economy is headed only one way.
Yeah.. the Pack will be lucky to win ten games this year.. too many problems to blame only one issue.
no running game, no secondaries that can contain a Moss or any other competent receivers, and only one or two dependable receivers...
Cobb was the only one that showed up it seems..
and I am not impressed with center linebacker... Hawk is not up to the task.
so no defense or running game and a questionable defense means only one thing...
..this will be a great game Thursday night and they will be one and one after the first week.
With all the ammo and guns being currently sold, I think we are going to have big trouble if the SOB gets re-elected.
It's going to be the ultimate in the class warfare he loves to wage via actual physical fighting which I'm sure he doesn't want but with his actions may be inevitable.
I think there are a lot of people out there who are feeling that enough is enough and are ready to rebel.
I'm not in love with Romney but I hope for our sake and the sake of many others he wins.
No, you are not finished yet, Jim. Just getting closer. What I was talking about, however, in an internal dialog musing sorta way, was the middle class that is NOT ALREADY FINANCIALLY SET UP the way you & Barb (& Middy & Mike ...) are. So, if the demise of the middle class is realized, it will take some time to be complete while the older boomers gradually cash out the chips they collected by taking advantage of a strong economy ...
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