The twelve
year old kid who recently lost on “Jeopardy!” because of a spelling error
received a valuable lesson in real life. Although many schools and
texting habits today aren’t particular about correct spelling, young Thomas
Hurley III found out that “Jeopardy!” does care about it. The Final
Jeopardy! question was “What is the Emancipation Proclamation?” Thomas got it
correct except he misspelled “Emancipation” which made him incorrect.
Afterwards, he claimed he was cheated saying: “It was only a spelling
error.” Only a spelling error? Maybe spelling is more important in
life than the kid thought: at least on "Jeopardy!"
I love to
turn on the computer in the morning and see where Obama’s poll
numbers continue to drop. This morning
(August 10) Real Clear has him at 51.0 disapproval and 43.6 approval; a variance
of -7.4%. Gallup shows him at 50
disapproval and 41 approval, a variance of -9.
Polls aren’t everything but those numbers at least make the coffee taste
a little better in the morning.
Have you
heard the latest liberal nonsense from the city of Seattle? Fox News reports that “Government
workers in the city of Seattle have been advised that the terms
"citizen" and "brown bag" are potentially offensive and may
no longer be used in official documents and discussions.”
OK, if they want to drop “citizen” for “residents” they can
go ahead since they probably have many residents who aren’t citizens living in
that liberal haven. However, the city
government leaders are either too young or too stupid to understand the term “brown
bag.” They claim "brown
bag" has been used historically as a way to judge skin color. Not so! It has
strictly been a term for someone taking their lunch somewhere in a brown Kraft paper
bag. Example: “Are you eating at McDonald’s today?” “No, I’m not.
I’m broke so I have to brown bag it today.” It’s an innocent term that like so many
others in our thin skinned liberal world is being mistaken for something that
doesn’t exist.
Great letter to
the Republic from this past
week: In response to another bleeding
heart story about the so called Mexican “dreamers,” a guy from Glendale
replied, “My dream is that people don’t keep expecting me to pay for their
dreams. While I have plenty of dreams, I
work hard and make intelligent life decisions to achieve them rather than
expect someone else to pay for them. It’s
the American way; work hard for what you want and don’t expect that society
owes you anything.” Amen!
Jim....always enjoy your articles and opinions...they never get old, and you're right on target all the time....I guess that means we may be the same age or so...
Brown Bag in my younger days related to retail dining establishments not have a liquor license to serve alcohol, so we had to 'Brown Bag' it and then buy a mixer.
I agree with you the newspaper business is hurting...I still subscribe just to have a way to kill in hour in the morning with the java in hand.
Summer has been cooler than normal in Elvis land...and speaking of Elvis, next week(August 16), some 100,000 Elvis fans will come to Memphis for candlelight services and the whole 9 yards, and his death goes back some 36 years now...
TIME DOES FLY....I've still got some original copies of the Memphis newspaper headlining his departure....August 16, 1977.
Jim, what is it with the west coast states of California, Oregon and Washington? Is it the water they drink or all the rain that screws up their minds.
The term "brown bag" to me meant as a kid my mother would make me lunch for school and put it in a brown paper bag.
I have a feeling the Arizona Republic is not long for this world. I started reading it in the 60's and was a good conservative paper until Gannett took over.
Hopefully the next layoffs will involve Montini, Roberts, Benson and Valdez. One can only hope.
As far as illegals I'm to the point of just rounding them up and deporting all of them.
Jim, as always I love your blog. The Megaflicks marketing department sure failed on this one. I would have done the sign as MEGAFLiCKS and maybe dot the "i" with a movie reel (of course our kids have no idea what a movie reel is).
As far as the kid on Jeopardy, the only problem I have with the judge's decision is I can't remember ever seeing Jeopardy worry about spelling before, but I'm not a regular viewer of the game. And 99% of the game is verbal answers, so had he just answered this verbally, he would have won that answer (and still lost the game lol). I think the kid knows how to spell it, but was nervous and added the extra letter inadvertently. Mind you, I believe spelling is important (just ask my kids - I'm a grammar and spelling Nazi..oops..that word is not pc lol). Anyway, there probably aren't many adults who knew the answer to that Jeopardy question.
Don't get me started on Obama..the day has been nice so far. I simply mute the t.v. when he's talking and still get the same info.
I've never yet heard the term "brown bag" used for anything other than lunch. In fact, my youngest just started high school and her older sister "advised" her that "no one takes a lunch box to school and she needs to brown bag it." Even the current generation kids knows that "brown bag" means lunch. But, going back to the game show topic, not all adults are smarter than a 5th grader. And clearly, that is the case in Seattle.
We stopped subscribing to the Republic in 2005 or 2006. And now, the Republic wants us to pay for an on-line subscription to read the on-line paper? They must think they are the only way in town for us to get the news. Besides, if I want the news with a liberal slant, I can just tune to MSNBC...and mute the t.v.
A British Engineer just started a business in Afghanistan.
He's making land mines that look like prayer mats.
It's doing well.
He says prophets are going through the roof.
The Repulsive has sucked ever since the Gazette hit the ditch. Their brand of Liberal turns people off but what are our choices? There is no withering competition unless like me you consider FOX new on the tube. Montini and Valdez represent the worst of all Liberal thought or is it too kind to call it thought? Robb is occasionally on target but the rest of the rag is not as good as Cottonelle for wiping.
Unfortunately I spend summers in a union town with a paper that is worse than the Republic. Butte is the states blue in a predominantly red state with all kinds of bleating's about how bad the Republicans are and why everyone should belong to a union. The locals think being a Dumbocrat is their heritage.
Can't wait to get home in a month to the reliably conservative Repulsive!
Jim Johnson, Butte, Montana
It almost looks like Obama is trying to play down Benghazi, when he's making an American Benghazi when he's ignoring the flood disasters in America.
It's likely that there has to be a certain amount of property damage to a certain amount to warrant President Obama's mention for a disaster.
If it's not edited out, I interviewed the county Republicans taking donations for the flood victims. Democrats, Liberals and Libertarians gave to the Republicans with the only tent near the Roubidoux River to give to the Good Samaritan Resource Center.
Not one whisper about the floods?
Yeah, I looked it up. I Googled Obama and Waynesville. The last time that Obama gave money to Missouri was early in July for yet another disaster. Perhaps it's just become mundane.
Why didn't President Obama reinforce the embassies instead of running like a school girl? Obama lived around Muslims. He knows that they will see the closing of the embassies as a weakness. Worse, if he's just making it up and think of al Qaeda leaders like in a spoof movie and scratching their heads?
"Abdul, did you threaten them?"
"No, but it's too bad about the floods in Waynesville. We should send them money like we did Joplin."
Meanwhile, he's in Florida talking to disabled veterans about TBI and PTSD which are both easily treatable by music education. Maybe Obama doesn't read the U.S. military hospital's own recommendations that learning music will treat both of those medical conditions.
Thanks! I enjoyed reading that. Keep them coming
2:42 PM (6 hours ago)
to me
Even the few times I take exception to your comments, (mostly because they refer to something I commonly do, such as "LOL", and "IMHO") I admit I tend to agree with you. I once sat in as a "parent observer" to a grammar class and to this day, I don't know why they retained that teacher....although I forget most of the details, it was 40 minutes of wasted time since she said more than once that that spelling and grammar in communication were less important than communicating an idea. When I queried her after the class was dismissed, she said that spelling was not important because many words which sounded the same were spelled differently. When I asked about comprehension of written communication, and her statement about spelling being unimportant, she said she left spelling and grammar to other teachers who conduct those classes, she taught "speech".
When I was in school...and I suspect you were treated similarly....everything I wrote was graded to include spelling and grammar....even my math homework and class papers.
And, I am confident you have noted that my LOL, IMHO, and similar "shorts" are reserved to my informal writings, and those which I want to keep, I don't get on others for that....but if they were to try it in a classroom, I would REDLINE it and return it....hehe.
That said, I do enjoy your columns.
Joseph C. Schubert
4:34 PM (4 hours ago)
to me
I have been reading what you post to my AOL address. I would love to comment but I have been so ungodly busy that I just don't have the time right now (and may not until December - yikes!).
I do agree with you on quite a bit (i.e. the importance of spelling), although I think the kid got screwed because I have seen Jeopardy allow other errors. You should see what some lawyers write.
However, may I suggest that you tone it down on the "loser liberal" stuff, if you truly want a social debate on the issues. I don't care if you detest Obama (I don't agree with him on everything either - but probably more than you since I voted for him twice). But as a moderate. who is becoming more liberal considering how far the GOP continues to careen to the right, you are far too intelligent to paint all people with the same brush. Think about it.
Besides, what is the GOP going to do when Hillary wins in 2016? (LOL). Right now, the GOP has nobody who could win the election and I don't see this changing any time soon, unless the Democrats commit collective hari kari.
Anyway, I hope all is well with you and Barb. I may have to get cataract surgery - aging SUCKS, but the alternative sucks worse.
I pretty much agree Rick, I haven't seen anything on the flooding but then I don't have a tv..
Sam is spot on with how spelling affects comprehension and therefore communication in any advanced language.
I doubt any German school mistress would tolerate sloppy attention to detail; but the Germans are light years ahead of us on many issues and public school is probably one of them.
Well Joe I see you are not locked up.. still the unabashed liberal, well I wouldn't expect you to change just for us.
The problem is you always use the cheap tactic, like just equating people who are serious and very concerned about where this nation is headed as mere partisans.
You gave it the old shell trick with Jim and accused us of all being concerned over the fate of the Republic party when actually we are concerned over the state of the Republic..'s the very same one you live in.
Are you still sore about not betting me a thousand like I wanted? know I would have paid.
I think you were just projecting how you view life a bit and pinched yourself in the process.
..but thanks anyway for saving me from ruin, imagine how it would look if it were a lawyer giving some muppet money in direct opposition of how the world really operates..
Hey Joe.. (sounds like a song) I read a pretty good article written about a retiring tenured prof. at Penn State named Philip A. Schrodt.
He has written a book about academia life and here is a link to his swan song as he is departing College Station and heading back to normal, where ever that is.
anyway I hope you enjoy his thoughts as I did. excerpt...
.."While I have been fortunate in my set of departmental colleagues at Penn State, the institution as a whole is phenomenally weird, following a North Korean governance model without the transparency [6], and with an Office of Sponsored Programs—OSP, the Office for the Suppression of Productivity—that has the tapeworm as their mascot. In discussing my decision to leave with a colleague who is an ardent supporter of the system, I referred to PSU as “an authoritarian hellhole,” which elicited the reply “Well, it is that…” [12] Suffice it to say that the serial pedophile Jerry Sandusky found a welcoming and protective environment at Penn State not out of luck, but rather as an all-but-inevitable consequence of the institutional culture.
Ah yes, the Sandusky affair: more than eighteen months and still going strong—in fact with the forthcoming criminal trials of three senior university officials, the impending release of the long-delayed Federal investigative report on university violations of the Clery Act, and the rumored settlement with more than two dozen of Sandusky’s victims, it is going to be even more in the news"..
..not to engage in cheap Sandusky bashing at your expense but he is bringing the issue to a new level and unlike me he is there.
..But the accusations of all of us being in some Republican lock step still has me mystified; can you point out something I said that was just plain sucking up to any political whore Republican or other?
whoops.. guess I forgot to put the link in to Professor Schrodt's blog on his "retiring thoughts"..
I wish I would just get it over and forget everything I know, this nickle and dime stuff is annoying.
Since the mistake by the kid on Jeopardy was written on the answer board it was the "Final Jeopardy" answer.
He shouldn't have inserted the "T" in "emancipation" not only because it caused a misspelling but it changed the pronunciation of the word and that is what nailed him.
I've seen misspellings many times on the show also but the pronunciation was the same i.e. "teacher", teecher". In his mistake the "t" made it an incorrect pronunciation.
The kid had no chance to win anyway as the other kid beat him by over $50,000. He did pocket $2,000 which as an eighth grader was a pretty good amount of dough.
The brown bag thing is typical liberal garbage that someone's feelings will once again be hurt but in this case it is nonsense for the reasons we have mentioned. It's simply a term used to carry one's lunch in a brown Kraft bag and nothing else.
Of course, in a liberal haven like Seattle, anything with the the word "brown" or several other colors will set off alarms with the language police.
See my reply to "A" about the kid on Jeopardy and why he was wrong.
I think the "Waiting For Godot" mistake is about the same. By leaving the "g" off "Waiting" it changes the pronunciation of the word which makes it incorrect.
"Watin" phonetically would be "Way tin" and lose the "ing" finish.
Just another reason to spell words correctly and avoid the hassle. It isn't that difficult.
This country has really changed. It wasn't that long ago that no one would ever challenge the use of "brown bag" because they thought it involved racism. I can see Jesse and Al back in Harlem laughing their asses off and bragging about how easy it was to get us on the run.
Now that you mention it, "negro sack" and "African American bag" sound pretty good.
Let's go with that and see what they have to say. Al would probably choke on one of his $50,000 diamond cuff links.
Thanks for everyone's responses.
I'll answer the rest of you on Sunday morning after I pick up my "Megaflick's" movies!.
Thanks for the nice words.
Exactly correct on "brown bag."
I remember those places would advertise BYOB which meant "bring your own bottle" and the normal transport was in a brown Kraft paper bag. It amazes me that anyone would want to make something more out of such a simple item but that is what we have to put up with these days.
I feel sorry for anyone named "Brown." They must REALLY catch hell! Maybe they should get after the governor of California for having that name!
I'm with you on the morning paper. I still enjoy reading it with Barb over coffee. The latest cutback at the Republic is just part of a continual decline. I'm sure more will be leaving.
Looks like a great finish today for the PGA. Good to see Tiger is not a factor. I'm sure Jack let out a sigh of relief. Now Tiger has to wait until the Masters next April for another shot at Jack's 18.
Totally correct on "brown bag." Just more liberal nonsense trying to make something out of nothing.
Of the four you mentioned at the Republic, I agree. If they said I could have two of the four gone I would pick Montini and Benson.
Montini has been there since the early 90s with his whiny crap and Benson is a spoiled kid angry at his historically Republican Mormon family.
After them we could go after Valdez and Roberts. Laurie didn't used to be so bad. I guess they sent her to conversion school. I sat with her at a light rail debate coverage in 2006 and she seemed OK then.
Rim shot and cymbal finish please!
Jim J.
It seems like a long time ago I had two papers hit the driveway.
I always enjoyed the Gazette too. I think it lasted until about 1993 but its days were numbered long before that. As sources for faster information increase, newspaper circulation goes down.
I hear people saying that younger people don't want to fool with hard copy papers because the computer is easier for them. From what I see, a lot of them just don'r care about the news and don't get it from ANY source.
It's surprising how many don't give a damn about things like the NSA spying (See Jay Leno campus interviews). They will when the black Victoria pulls into their driveway with a a bunch of questions about their messages.
Obama refers to Benghazi as a "phony scandal". Tell Mrs. Stevens that.
I think he will regret those words. His approval rating is diving and even more people will wake up when they see what happens to their insurance costs under O-Care. I hope the Republicans forget about defunding. Let the monster kill itself. Maybe the voters in 2014 will wake up.
I agree; the LOL's and IMHO's are reserved strictly for these informal blog comments.
My teachers always made it clear that regardless of the subject being taught, proper grammar and spelling were essential for a good grade. Most of them subtracted one point per misspell.
I loved spelling tests and always got 100 on them. To me they were easy and I liked the pride in being correct.
I'm glad I was good at history, English, and spelling because I always struggled in math once I got past basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Fortunately those are the only ones I have ever had to use.
As Diane on "Cheers" so eloquently put it, "Phew!"
See my comment to "A" above for my reasoning on the "Jeopardy" story.
I try to hold back on the liberal name calling but Obama is so detestable that it is difficult.
As far as Hillary, it will be interesting to see what happens.
We can only hope that the country has learned a lesson from Obama that will strike her down. Unfortunately, there are the freebie loving obamaphone users who line up for welfare who will vote for her so they can continue to sleep in while others carry the load for them. If that happens, we have to hope for majority wins in Congress until we can flush Hillary and all others like her away.
Can you imagine her as president with Bill as the "first husband?" There would be a lot of cat fight alerts. Now, there is a "Yikes!" moment.
As soon as I saw "Hey, Joe, I had a Jimi Hendrix moment. Great entertainer and fellow USAF vet.
Good to hear from Joe; good guy even if he is leaning left.
Joe's problem is he comes to these places with a spray can as do many.
He typically makes a statement and you won't hear from him again until Christmas.
You should read that blogpost I left a link to by the retiring professor (because he sure the hell won't) if you want to see why liberals think and act like they do- it's done through the process of gradual immersion starting with the family- something we have no experience with.
I don't blame Joe for his liberalism because he has apparently had a lifetime of exposure.
How he can ignore the fruits liberalism bears has to be due to his becoming numbed down over years; I know from experience that when you spend decades in prison it changes one's perspectives.
..there has never been a prison built that rivals liberalism worse than that just look at the results (personal destruction) it does to people.
The real reason people like him never want to discuss issues is because they always end up out on an unsupportable limb unless they move the ball through ad hominem attacks; besides in his shady line of work thinking in absolutes is bad for business as usual.
Listening to liberals all around us mock reason over the sounds of their own gallows being constructed makes sense once you see the bigger picture.
Blue would call me a cyber bully for this morning's outrage.
..haha but then she's another screaming liberal.
I tried earlier on that link you gave and it comes up "page not found."
There have been a lot of network TV news channels covering the poor woman and her toddler drowning in the Roubidoux River in Waynesville Missouri. It's not been real easy filming this thing.
The woman was swept off I-44 when the river raged over the four lane highway. She managed to make two phone calls on the way down the swollen river to plead for help from the 911 operator and another time to tell her family goodbye and this will be in the film. And all the camera crews parked yards from where her body was found. I even have footage of that same bridge, even on the day that searchers found her.
Jim, the fact is that President Obama wants to be REMEMBERED. It's why people run for President these days. And he will be remembered, but look at it this way; his Presidential library will be about the size of a phone booth with his own books about himself on the shelves.
Where is Blue these days? A grocery store cop? A liberal? Doubt it.
Cops are always Republicans - Jack Reacher movie.
BTW, an investigator and I were discussing Snowden. Pray that Putin is stupid.
Cher - the Early Years is an album with her own song 'Hey Joe' on it (Yes, I have 60s' vinyl album).
I originally got the link yesterday from this article published in the American Thinker on line by this guy..
- evidently I should have cut and pasted it.
.. it's still there however the link..
has been scrubbed by the usual suspects.. you have to be pretty quick to get to devastating articles before Eric Holder does I guess.. at least the original article is still up..
..not that anyone really gives a damn.
well bend over and get ready for the next attack on our personal liberty.
Evidently the phony HLS is on alert for some VX gas being sent by mail to the US.
Well looks like it will start taking longer for all packages to be delivered soon when they all need to be opened in the name of national security.. and the fools in Boston will probably cheer..
Sad about that woman on I-44. We have idiots over here who look at flooded roads as though it is a sport for them to try to get through. Of course, they never do and have to be rescued at great expense to them.
One guy in a Lexus got pulled out a couple years ago from the Indian bend Wash and said as soon as it rained hard he would try again.
Yeah, Obama will be remembered but not favorably. He is dying in the polls but, what the hell, he is spending 9 million of taxpayer money this week so he and Michelle can loaf around Martha's Vineyard.
I think Blue is still around but chooses not to comment anymore.
..diplomatically put..
.."After a week of downpours, the search continued Saturday for a 14-year-old boy believed to have been swept up in a rain-swollen waterway in Kansas, and crews a day earlier in Missouri recovered the body of a woman swept away in her car during flash flooding that also killed her 4-year-old son.
..The heavy storm front that stalled over the Plains last weekend hit south-central Missouri and south-central Kansas hard, damaging homes and businesses, forcing evacuations and leading to at least three reported fatalities in Missouri during the week that followed".
Well I hope things dry out in Missouri soon Rick, we really have it good in Az and no one should ever forget it.
People lose their minds when something out of the order happens, it's utterly amazing what power six inches of water has, I have seen boulders the size of trailers floating down a desert flash flood, and everyone who has dealt with the ocean has a deep respect for it's moods.
..we are in the grip of an oncoming ice age it appears and everything is wacky.
Middy, you are right that we are in the beginning of another ice age. A bad winter will take many more lives and people should plan for the worst and hope for the best.
Nice story excerpt about the loss of life in Missouri from the floods. It's a blessing that there were so few that died.
I read now and then about hikers caught in a flash flood with a wall of water from a storm that happened many miles upstream and on a sunny day. Arizona is famous for those wicked flash floods.
Oh yeah, I watched one in Gold Park near Twentynine palms roll through and it wasn't even raining where I was, luckily no one got caught up the canyon we were headed.
Ten minutes later and it would be "abandon jeep" for us- and that's no exaggeration.
Here is a great video taken in Afghanistan during a flash flood generated miles away.. these are boulders being tossed like styrofoam in a bath tub.
.. awesome power all around us.
..and Eastern Colorado is blowing away it's topsoil just like in the dust bowl years.
Change is always on the way..
.."Two workers were hospitalized after opening a package at John F. Kennedy International Airport Sunday, but the substance inside – initially feared to be nerve gas – turned out only to be beauty supplies".
..but is it safe to come out from under the desk yet?- and this is the expensive laughingstock we have between us and foreign terrorrrrrrissssttsss?
If any business tolerated a workforce with the level of contempt and sorry attitude the average bureaucratic slob puts into their job the company would collapse their first quarter.
Paranoia is creeping in. Beauty supplies? Ha-ha! They must have been on their way to Michelle.
I listened to Cher's "Hey, Joe." I hope it is not a fave of yours; she is really bad on that. Hendrix would turn over in his grave if he heard it.
She does have some decent songs but not that.
I agree, I would rather listen to a cat go through a garbage disposal than listen to her.. but that's just me.
-besides she looks like an alien.
..catch the version on the Dreamland album by Robert Plant if you want a fresh approach.. great guitar by Poryl Thompson and Justin Adams.
..slightly haunting to say the least.
Just to set the record straight about Hendrix, he was in the 101st Airborne, not the AF.
He only joined the Army to avoid going to prison. He was basically kicked out after just 1 year, because he was a total screw up.
He was lucky they gave him an Honorable discharge.
Damn if you aren't right on everything; he was a total screw up.
I'm surprised he lived as long as he did after looking at his bio. I always heard he was in the Air Force and gave him credit for doing his duty. My error.
I never was a fan of Sonny and Cher.
Their original show was really popular until they decided to get divorced. The comical thing was that they came back on TV after being divorced and expected their fans to act like nothing ever happened. Big mistake; they failed pretty quick once people figured out it was now just a stupid act.
Calif. politics.. he runs for mayor of Palm Springs and wins, goes on to become a State Representative and his wife decides he has outlived his usefulness and.. oh, that is a bit speculative I suppose.
..lets just say that good skiers don't normally plow into trees.
Jimi was gifted but he also had a problem with the horse- like I said he grew up in rank liberalism in Seattle and died in rank liberalism way before his time. rate him as the greatest guitarist of all times is a stretch and probably more pc than anything..
I can name a dozen as good or better that are living and playing today.
No one said the public wasn't fickle; however he had worse taste in women than me.
I really liked his fuzzy vest tho..
Cher just looks like what a witch should look like to me.. Morticia-
Chad is a handsome.....?
I shoulda went to that space retreat in Joshua Tree this weekend..
(right about now they are really howling) the rumor is they are having a meet and greet with a space alien and possibly rides in an actual flying saucer..
who needs monte python when you live in Clownafornia?.. they think it's a documentary.
I was studying today how to edit video with that new program and it's really exciting!
Sonny and Cher. I don't remember the show well. Cher used to be hot ... yeah, watch me meet her someday and she says, "I read Jim's blog! I USED TO BE HOT?!!
I remember when Sonny hit that tree.
..just a reminder there is a tree out there for everyone Rick, it's just a matter of if and when you find it.
Mary Bono is a typical rent seeking political whore cut from the same cloth as a lot of the liberals in LA and up north.
She ran as a Republican but everyone knew what was coming.'s the same old song,
here's one just for you Glo... that's smoooooth top drawer stuff, how about those memories eh?
A little Sonny / Cher trivia
I met Sonny & Cher in the early 60's, when a band I was in (yes I was young and had hair) auditioned at an underage (non-alcohol) club around 19 ave & Peoria area.
Back then they were going by the name of Caesar and Cleo.(he looked like Caesar/she like Cleopatra? (sorta)
They were the "headliners" we thought they sucked, but within a year they were all over the radio as Sonny & Cher with a number one hit.
I think Sonny was connected to the music business through a friendship with producer Phil Spector...who later went on to murder some chick...
And so it goes, Spector's a murderer, Sonny assumed room temperature, and Cher looks like a wax museum version of a transvestite...turn,turn,turn....
Whatever happened to Sonny and Cher's child, little whatshername?
SHE(Chastity) is now a HE, Chaz....(and HE ain't exactly little)
What's the chances of a Jew ending up a lifer in prison and a Sicilian ending up dead in the Cal. political/entertainment environment?
..about as good as a former NFL star murdering two people in front of his own house, having no alibi anyone but a two year old would believe then fleeing out of state and eventually being acquitted because the pair of bloodstained gloves shrunk being stored a year in the evidence locker..
monte python is considered a documentary in some places.
..(I gotta call Joshua Tree and see if they saw any strange blue lights last night at the space convention).
Are the tattoo, sign spinning and smoke shop industries now counted in the revised GDP figures?- if so it stands to reason the numbers should improve. ominous sign on this end is I have seen a few strip malls who had started to get tenants the past few months now losing those tenants..
Starting a business has never been riskier.
Pax Obama.
.."JOSHUA TREE — On a typical day in downtown Joshua Tree, in as much as Joshua Tree can be classified as typical, customers sip fruit smoothies outside the cafe.
People go in and out of businesses, filling their shopping lists. Friends stop to greet each other and chat. A man reaches over to give a loving scratch between the horns of his pet goat, Dada Aye".
.."My friends call me Manifest, Shaun Page warmly tells people he meets. The name is a reference to his days as a captain of a sport fishing boat in the waters off San Diego.
With a friendly countenance and a goat for a pet, he inevitably meets a lot of people as he and Dada Aye pass away the afternoon outside the local smoothie shop".
Calif. is a lifestyle- Rick, you need to migrate left- and be sure to take a few goats with you. lol..
haha.. reading further I was glad this guy found a vegetarian goat, from what I hear the carnivorous strains are much too dangerous for pets- and I bet the goat beats a puppy hands down for the "chick magnet effect".
..Shaun (or Manifest) claims she is an excellent rock climber- imagine that!
..yeah, I should have went to the space convention.
Jimi was in that era of Janice and others who couldn't handle it (Brian Jones, Duane Allman. etc.) Too much money; too much drug opportunity.
Do you remember Melanie who had that hit around 1971 about the roller skate key? Her daughter plays in some small lounges around Cave Creek and North Phoenix.
Robert Plant has done some good solo stuff. My favorite is "Big Log." Nice video.
Caesar and Cleo? LOL Phil Spector? Wow! There is a threesome.
Phil really screwed up with that murder rap; one look at him told us something bad had to happen. Remember Ronnie and the Ronnettes?
That's cool you knew them when.
I remember when "Chastity, Chaz" was born. Hard to believe she/he turned out the way he/she did.
I have news for everyone: If you are born a man, you will always be a man not matter how weird you are. Same goes for women. You do not become a man.
That sex change stuff is bullshit. The next thing I'll be hearing is they put a man on the moon. No way!
Are you referring to Hernandez with the Patriots? I haven't been following that case but I assumed he would get off. Those bastards always do.
The NFL may as well not even exist for me; I quit on it a couple years ago. Too many scumbag players and too many new pussy rules.
Some of those sigh spinners are pretty talented, buddy. If Ed Sullivan was still on they would have a clear shot at their 15 minutes!
"went" to the space convention?
Is that your clownifornia education kicking in?
Sonny got Cher into the studio to sing backup on some Spector hits. He was the brains behind their rise both in the 60s and 70s. I watched their show all the time and it was always an 'aaawwww' moment when tiny Chastity was brought out (trivia: She was named Chastity after the 1969 grade-C movie that Cher started in). sadly, I also have the Best of the Sonny & Cher Show on DVD. LOVED Bob Mackie's fantastic costumes.
I wonder what Sonny would think of his new son? Actually, I have a transgender friend named Randi (formerly Randy). Several years ago she went thru the whole process and has never been happier. What's interesting is that she is still married to her wife of 13 years, whom she married when she was a he. And the wife started a new career as a Transgender counseler.
Life is unpredicable.
PS Spector actually produced a record with Cher under a faux name: Bonnie Jo Mason. It was an homage to Ringo:
.."Are you referring to Hernandez with the Patriots? I haven't been following that case but I assumed he would get off. Those bastards always do".
..Now that sounds like something George Zimmerman might say..
na.. there was a case in the soon to be irradiated unicorn preserve a few years ago where a South American hit team sliced up a famous ex NFL running back- who's name escapes me at the moment- wife and a Jewish waiter friend...
..someone will remember his name.
You're right about Sonny. He was a bright guy and using the gimmick of putting each other down worked well for them in the early 70s.
Unfortunately, that schtick didn't work after they were divorced and it surprised me that they thought it would. Both failed when trying to make it on their own on TV.
Cher was a pretty decent actress and even won an Oscar for "Moonstruck" in 1988.
She is way too vulgar for me though.
You are my head researcher. I never heard of that Bonnie Jo Mason piece.
Thanks for digging it up.
Jim, Melanie's tune was Brand New Key:
"I got a brand new pair of rollersketes, you got a brand new key ..."
She also had a hit with Lay Down (Candles in the Rain). Got them both on my Superhits of the 70s CD collection.
Glo, I was just a little tyke when I heard Melanie's "Brand New Key." Yep.
Been editing all day long! Had a couple of burritos this morning. Coffee.
I played the rough version for my friend and somehow without thinking about it, I always manage to get some visuals matching the lyrics. I get in that zone.
I did a lot of video for this one and I'm at 25 minutes now. Got two songs now. Loving, heart felt songs for the visuals with interviews as well between the songs.
We oughta get an award for this.
I say the Cecil B Demile award at the least..
amazing that a journalism career can be re channeled like this, the old Golden Buffalo would be proud.
..they gotta be thinking that you can do just about anything you put your mind to, probably ask you to sit on a board or something.
I was told to sit on a board once.
Problem is Rick once you start making some folding money they along with the government will be on you like flies around a bag of brown bananas.
Those alumni hawks are right behind the real tax/medical (death squads) enforcers when it comes to shake downs.
Well that's one advantage ignorance provides,I've got the drop on you in that area; the only shake down letters I get are the ones from my dad's teaching college who seem to have mixed me up with him due to identical naming.
I just wonder how many 90+ grads actually answer those things.
Might be fun to go to one of them sometime just to freak em out- I could walk the halls claiming to remember things and people, maybe see a ghost or two "Hi Ed, you look great"... hell it could be a nice get away in ten years or so if they don't catch on by then.
Yeah, I want to go to Alva Oklahoma for my vacation- who needs maui.
Heck Middy, I grew up on a farm. I've sat on lots of boards! In sports, they call them benches, but they're really just fancy boards!
I guess I could sit on a board and I'm old, so I'd probably need paid to sit on a board for any length of time. It's really uncomfortable serving on a board after a while!
I had pretty much forgot about Melanie until I read of her daughter playing at the Marriott at Desert Ridge, and some bar in Cave Creek.
Supposedly she has a pretty good local following. Plays guitar and sings.
A fiend of mine in the early 70s loved "Brand New Key." Not a bade tune, something a bit different.
Ah, Alva in August.
Better get your reservations at the Dew Drop Inn early; that's their prime season.
As they say..go for the chiggers, stay for the tornadoes..throw in some flooding and we got a deal.
God's country that's for sure.
.."I'm Proud to be a Okie from Muskogee".. yep "from"- the operative word.
I notice no great Cincinatti songs- wonder why?
When I was a young boy, I knew what Melanie was talking about. Uh huh. Yep.
Today it would be, "I've got a brand new iPad, you've got a brand new charger." And they'd rap it.
I doubt you could find a pair of clamp on steel wheeled death machines anywhere today, it occurred to me that the intro for Skating Away by Tull sounds like the sounds of a skate key cinching them up but the song is about ice skating- artistic license I suppose.
I had a pair and only due to the rubberized bones of a six year old I had then I never actually broke anything.
Just try to buy a skate key at walmart or get a new Blatz church key to replace the one someone stole out of the spoon drawer- they only exist in some memories.
I cringe every time I see some future socialist riding his bike with a sissy helmet like Obama wears when riding his girls bike with the pink streamers that Reggie got him.
..whoops- nearly time for the two minute drill.
Are you serious? I can't believe you haven't heard "Cincinnati Ding Dong" by Art Lund from the 1950's. LOL
I'd like to see him getaway with that Chinese imitation today!
I never was a roller skater, especially with the clamp on skates and the key. In Cincy, it was all about ice skating at Cincinnati Gardens.
My friends and I thought nothing of transferring twice on three buses to get there for those evening sessions topped off by the McGuire Sisters singing "Good night Sweetheart for it's time to go."
Ah, yes, Blatz Beer, sponsor of the great "Amos and Andy" TV show.
"I'm from Milwaukee and I ought to know; it's Blatz, Blatz, Blatz, Blatz, where ever you go cause Blatz is Milwaukee's finest beer!"
Was that one of the great trolly songs or about the state mental facility?;
I know it's not about the great cupcakes we grew up on.
ah, gotta finish the project I started Sat. I replaced the dishwasher, garbage disposal and ripped out the cabinet base and now doing a concrete sub floor under the sink and tiling it tomorrow..
.. and yes it hurts all over.
-off to Lowes.
Would have thought these would fetch a MUCH higher price?
I wondered what happened to my skates... my problem was trying to clamp the gizmos down tight enough to my PF flyers or Jeepers which featured the distinctive red stripe..
cowboy boots with a hard sole worked a bit better but they were mostly for dress up.
..gotta keep in mind this was in the 50's PDT era. (pre-duct tape).
.. bailing wire the standard of the era had it's limitations and keep in mind the concrete in Channing Texas was in short supply, we had to do a bit of off road skating. skate just kept coming off my high top's on the hard corners...
Fondly remember strapping the skates to my Keds shoes and roaring down the sidewalks in Torrance California back in the 50's. Great fun.
Moving back to Arizona ended my skating career because we lived on a street with no sidewalks and no paved roads. To ease my pain I started watching women's roller derby. They had some great skates among other things.
Today my grandkids have in-line skates. of course they can't go out without their sissy helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads.
Now I hear that two of them are going to start playing soccer.What is this world coming to? Why play a sport where you can't touch the ball.
I wouldn't be too worried about that, before long they will be required to bring a prayer rug to school.
..might as well get yourself one while you're at it mike.
Those don't look much like the ones I remember from the 1950's
In the 50's they were totally silver and the wheels were metal. The key turned a little lip to catch on to where the sole and the upper part of the shoe met. You had to tighten it good or they would come off.
We had indoor roller skating rinks in Cincy where one used their own skates which were usually high topped and laced.
When I was stationed in Missouri, many of the small towns had skating rinks open in good weather that had big shutters opened to make it airy.
I don't think the country could have existed in the 50's without that wonder of inventions, baling wire. I mean, it was used for EVERYTHING.
Kind of like duct tape today. One company actually changed the name to "Duck" tape since a lot of people were to damn dumb to know it was really "duct" tape that was originally meant for heat ducts.
I'm with you on the pads, helmets, and knee pads; strictly puss items.
If it wasn't for all the kids getting skinned up in the 50s, stuff like mercurochrome and methialate would have gone out of business. Every kid who played was painted up with that stuff.
Everything today is based on safety. I see kids riding bikes that are so helmeted and padded, I don't know how they can move.
When those goddam prayer rugs start appearing in American schools is when this country is finished.
Baling wire and duct tape are two of the greatest inventions in the world.
Having owned horses for 25 years I acquired lots of baling wire. With that and duct tape I could fix just about anything.
Sorry Jim, the country you grew up in is finished, we are just waiting for the wake and the new ownership to take over.
After how many years of thundering lies calling we logical skeptics heretics and deniers over how CO2 levels are destroying the world going so far as to call for our death for disbelief; we now get the good news that it was a scam all along.
Actually it's much worse for them because what they are engaged in is a false religion, worshiping at the feet of the created rather than the Creator.
(which was covered in the ten suggestions)
Ice ages kill many more people than elevated temperatures could ever hope.
.."Sometimes apologies just won’t do. While I do not believe this represents all of rural Missouri, the racial undertones of a taunted rodeo clown dressed as our nation’s first black president is what the nation woke up to this morning,” Webb said. “It’s time for all of us, from both rural and urban areas, to fight this type of sentiment with a united front. Leaders of this state need to do more than accept a pressured apology"..
..this mindset we are seeing every day comes from the very thinking that demanded that an innocent man to be put to death at the same time releasing a criminal,
it's also the mindset that blamed a video for the second 9/11 attack.
You can make fun of Hindus, Christians, Wiccans, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and even those crazy people at Westboro Baptist Church, but I can't write anything negative about Muhammad. Or else, they'll issue a jihad against me.
Eric Holder can call Muslims tolerant all he wants, but I know better from personal experience.
Love the CNS report on he earth cooling. I'm sure all the lib networks will be blaring that news out to us. Yeah, right! LOL
It's too late for those dummies to turn back now. Stupid Ass Obama has made his statements and would be made to look even more foolish than he does now if that is possible.
I haven't given up on this country yet. We still have our hillbillies and those guys have a way about changing things if they get pissed enough.
I thought the Obama mask on the bull in Missouri was hilarious. I used to go to the Missouri State fair in Sedville every year and they always did stuff like that.
I read where the crowd was howling with laughter over it. Good for them.
O-k.. is Cincinnati Ding Dong John Boehner's campaign song?
Or is the esteemed A. Wiener actually an Ohio native?
I never realized that MO was a state filled with Obama ass-clown ass-kissers.....
Write that POS place off of my list of to-go places....
Ice ages kill many more people than elevated temperatures could ever hope.
yep, I would much rather be too warm than too cold. that's why I live here.
..Pevie Hicks said...
..."I never realized that MO was a state filled with Obama ass-clown ass-kissers".....
mmmmmm.... clownass....mmmmm-tastes like jellybeans..
(meanwhile Jim is watching Meet me in St. Louie on the Judy Garland marathon)..
This just in from our:
This is getting ridiculous...Hope and pray for the clowns sake....
He never ate at a Chic Fil-A
Hey have you ever known any seriously mentally ill people like Reggie's squeeze with either a sense of humor or the ability to laugh at themselves?..they are as rare as a double taped turd.
..turn the sound off and watch any of these political potentates- the body language gives them away.. they are all a bunch of phony marxists so the only play they have is to punish their critics.
BTW the crowd was cheering the bull.
It appears the normal people in Missouri are no worse than the normal people in Clownafornia..
Today in the USSA it only takes one whiner, in normal times that complainer would have been tarred and feathered the next day for his views on our first amendment guarantee and that would put a stop to this type of nonsense.
(Either way your getting a clown...Might as well be a REAL one)
I can go with "this time let's hire a professional" right along with "It's supposed to be veggie love not Reggie Love"..
Sadly I doubt the professional clown would take the job because the way things stand today the office is beneath his dignity.
I would buy that clown (the honest one) a beer any day.
..just where the hell is the National Association of Circus Clowns on this one?
probably being held hostage by the Congressional Black Caucus..he should have just wore black face like everyone else does.
I say we have a national blackface day once a year in honor of the First half black clown elected to the office.
..maybe on Zer0's birthday if we could ever get that straightened out.
Obviously...They fired the wrong clown!
I suppose it won't be long before the DOJ launches a probe into all the late night comics and SNL for "mocking" the President?
Just occured to me:
If Obama had a son...
..who could be knocking on my door at this hour? why is the cat under the bed??.. ahhhhsggggghhh..
It's an intelligence game and it's really kind of freaking me out. It's a global reconstruction kind of thing, in my opinion. It's a power struggle and most of you don't want to see it, because it's just simpler to deal with problems in your own lives. Lucky.
I read or see the news, I start putting pieces together with news from months ago, years ago, decades and I find some outdated intelligence plan that appears to be active.
In journalism and in the military, a person is trained to gather information, evaluate that intelligence and make a command decision based on the available information. Corporation executives do the same thing and in fact, they are run by former military officers. Like minds.
If you look at the membership of the Council of Foreign Relations and others, you will also find like minded people.
Highly intelligent people with vast wealth and resources. Masters of media. Leaders of business. All advising the President.
Now, look at the world. Starting to get the picture that scares me?
It's all intentional and Obama is part of a vast conspiracy to force the transition of the United States into a global government without our consent.
The government did it with the bailouts, didn't they?
Hey, I saw the picture & my first thought was that some of my blog buddies here had gone in together & opened an adult video store. Then I realized, if that were the case, the name of the store should be MEGAFLICKHEADS (in the inappropriate font & squished kerning)...Oh well. They should have hired a real typesetter/designer for the job. I used to catch crap like that before a job left my desk all the time. Flick 'em. You get what you pay for.
.."You get what you pay for". quaint and about believable of a notion as fronting some guy on the corner for a dime bag.
(meet you here in an hour)
Like Charlie Brown said when someone told him, "you win some and you lose some"- Charlie replied "wouldn't that be nice".
sorry but the day of making blanket statements like you get what you pay for makes an assumption that has a few leaks in it beginning with the hopeless condition of education.
Just about everything is manufactured in China to strict Bic lighter company standards today.
Heirloom quality? ...sure..
Beer and John Deere tractors are just about the only commodities left made in America that haven't been entirely compromised; but just wait until the government nationalizes that industry as well.
at least there's Stella's.
You know Rick I have more things going than taking a header off the balcony over this political dog and pony show.
We see it and I would imagine as well as or better than you see it; but what real effect on the tide is a single drop going to have unless there is cohesion?
That is the real problem, the game got changed while everyone was watching the squirrel of the day show for the past few decades.
It didn't happen overnight and it won't probably be over very quickly once it gets serious.
Like I say, we don't have a political problem as much as we have a moral problem.
I am sure that if this level of corruption were going on in the late seventies there would have been a few political hacks swinging from the cherry trees.
A suitcase device going off in Washington probably wouldn't upset as many people as you might think, something for the dark forces to consider.
American government is like a termite infested structure in downtown Detroit right now.
A fire might be the most merciful thing to happen.
Hey.. chop chop, you don't have time to be saving the CIA from itself, right now you have a few films to produce.
I want you to pick up the slack on my Social Security check- I understand there might have been some irregularities with the lock box.
(wonder why Germany isn't raising hell over our government refusing to return their gold?)
oh- look another squirrel!!
Actually what this rodeo clown controversy represents is the liberal American Negro is in the process of adopting the very same terrorist tactics the muslim terrorists have been with their intimidation tactics claiming the prophet has been disrespected.
Once again the community organizer in chief has elevated the only game he has.. divisiveness.
The rules have been modified to where now a mere insult to the "Chosen One" is an insult to the Church of Tolerance and will not be tolerated.
(yeah I know)
Religious fanatics all act similar; all liberalism represents is the belief that a modern day version of manifest destiny gives the average sociopath of a political animal the authority to do whatever they see fit to maintain that power.
...George Orwell was a hysterical optimist.
.."Hundreds of Hamilton County poll workers will be retrained – and 163 “retired” – as a result of voting problems in the 2012 election". about Cincinnati ding dong.
.."“When you see all of these mistakes continuing to be made in particular precincts, we have to look very hard at how we can correct that so it doesn’t happen in the future,” said Hamilton County Board of Elections Chairman Tim Burke, who is also the county’s Democratic Party chairman. “We do extensive training. In spite of that, it’s clear from the review there are a significant number of poll workers who need to be replaced"..
Oh.. sorry about that election, we won't let that happen again.
When you think about it the storefront sign was probably bought by a foreign small businessperson, engineered by a foreign small business person, installed by a crew of illegal's working for a foreign small business person so it makes sense that no one in the line of noticed, no one probably speaks the language.
Either that or it's owned by Anthony Wiener.
..ain't this a great country.
.."Lefty" to the rescue- grab your wallet.
It's a lovely fall day in the Missouri Ozarks and it feels like September.
Yes Middy. Chop chop. Working on the film about the flood today! I would have liked to use one of SN' songs, but there's a lot more red tape involved and I have three nice tunes.
Still no money coming in Middy. You could be the money flowing department head and get us some bucks for producing films. Yeah! Get Lana on GMA and Today.
Lana is pro-Second Amendment, an avid deer hunter, Danielle Boone, and spokesperson. Ask Lana what she thinks of Obama sometime. She's far more outspoken than Joe the Plumber.
Jill the CEO.
They have been Dems in Missoura since I was stationed there in the early 60's but they were not as bad as the ones now.
I love the way they want the announcer at the Fair to have sensitivity training. The guy is the superintendent of schools of Boonville, Mo. on I-70 and is afraid of losing his job.
Sensitivity training is an insult.
You're right, the crowd loved it and was cheering the bull. We need more of this.
I suppose it won't be long before the DOJ launches a probe into all the late night comics and SNL for "mocking" the President?
Especially the guy on SNL. He is really good at imitating that phony.
It's all intentional and Obama is part of a vast conspiracy to force the transition of the United States into a global government without our consent.
Good comment, Rick.
It's hard to believe that they actually put up that sign, stood back and looked at it, and saw nothing wrong.
Here's a quote from Dennis Miller:
"I wish we would act as quickly to shithammer Nidal Hasan as we do rodeo clowns"
Hamilton County is an embarrassment.
Gee, what a coincidence; it is Cincinnati proper. Then there is Clermont County which is like Scottsdale compared to Cincinnati being like Downtown Chicago.
From: Reader "Dr. John"
Subject: Canada's Top Ten List of America's Stupidity
This is “Canada's Top Ten List of America's Stupidity.” Of course we look like idiots, -- because we have acted a wee-bit strange at times.
10) Only in America ... could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.
9) Only in America ... could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black. 40 % of all federal entitlements go to black Americans. 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics, ?X the rate that go to others!
8) Only in America ... could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.
7) Only in America ... can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.
6) Only in America .... would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.
5) Only in America ... could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."
4) Only in America ... could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
3) Only in America ... could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public, because the price of gas went up, when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).
2) Only in America ... could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.
1) Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.
Think about it, use all your political skills and put America back in search of proper balance between God, Country, Family, Individuality and Government.
damn, Bernanke has lost the market it seems, ten year is headed north again.
Yeah Rick I was thinking the same thing last night, this seems like late September..
The reason the First Canine couldn't fly with the family is devout muslims believe dogs are unclean; the de facto President is a member of the muslim brotherhood so she would never allow the unclean on the same airplane she is traveling on.
I explained it Jim, no one involved uses English as a primary language.
give me any other explanation that makes sense.
DOJ and FBI Admit they lied about the scope of mortgage fraud.
They were doing this in the weeks leading up to the election, which happens to coincide with the Benghazi cover up.
Obviously, the administration was very busy using fraud(s) to get their fraud elected....
Well that's just a shocker eh?- so does this mean the mortgage market is distorted?
Hey, they are doing the very same thing right now bundling rentals into investment derivatives they did to housing ten years ago.
Blackstone is getting in the rental buy up late while every other big player has left the table.
..try to keep your eye on the pea..
...(there is no pea)
Is anyone else as tired as me of these golf shots of the leader of the free world takes?
If that's any kind of a golf swing and not some herniated, spastic reaction or someone in the rough is shooting at him I'll eat my hat.
(check out that shot on the Washington End Times).
He golfs like he shoots baskets, the only hole in one this guy is likely will have to involve Reggie.
Obama is the poorest excuse for an athlete I've ever seen. He can't golf, shoot basket balls or throw out the first pitch at a baseball game. It's embarrassing to watch this clown.
My dad was a Phoenix Jaycee and we would work at the annual Jaycee rodeo in the 60's and I got to meet the rodeo clowns and some of the cowboys every year. They all had more integrity and honesty than the clown in the White House ever will.
Rodeo clowns are the safety officers at the rodeo, they are pretty good athletes and put it on the line.
Well this might be a bit of a distraction..
.."Most people were like down in the Situation Room and [President Obama] was like, ‘I’m not going to be down there, I can’t watch this entire thing,’ We must have played 15 games of spades".
..time for the spin team to earn their pay.
30 months for $750K -??? Not bad....where do I sign up for this retirement plan?,0,6369649.story
"Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all."
Only in America, do the rich outsource jobs and make so many people unemployed, then complain that they aren't buying their products. Oh boo hoo.
BTW Middy; I used to own a John Deere farm tractor and there are parts made in Canada and Mexico.
Hollywood and the music industry even offshore jobs now.
It's the future when none of us will work and we'll all have flying cars too in the American Empire.
starting to get real in Egypt.
Video was in Arabic??? What were they so mad about?
A rodeo clown ?
Well maybe some of the 4 thousand people who just got let go at Cisco can find jobs making signs with better font.
Looks like the sheep are finally seeing what the details in the new healthcare law is all about. Not that anyone could have possibly seen it coming.
I imagine that the two airlines that Obama protected us from merging and destroying the economy being headquartered in Arizona and Texas had nothing to do with his illega.. erh, I mean "principled decision" to break the la..erh I mean make a- (ah hell I can't go through with it).
Maybe you should brush up on a second language.
Actually they are upset over the pattern of meddling with their personal lives by our government- starvation tends to motivate people.
Remember what started the whole thing?
These people are not fools, they know what is being done and they know we are behind the attempt to install the Muslim Brohood permanently in power- same thing in Syria.
Cairo is a fairly modern city for the age, after all you need modern bridges to throw armored military vehicles off of.
They are simply acting like humans will; it's something Ron Paul was trying to warn us of.
They are only a few years ahead of us.
..get used to the arabic- you are going to see a lot more of it in the future.
With our squandering food for fuel insanity the world is suffering an acutal food shortage; not just not getting their hostess cupcakes but corn which is the food stock to much of the world..
of course if we remove the ethanol supports commodities all across the board would probably crash.
That's the problem with a crony capitalist economy.
Obama could have diffused the situation in 2009 when it was comparatively easy, but solving problems...that's not his job.
Evil does not look at life like you and I- it sees crisis as opportunity.
I have a theory.
What if organized, controlled chaos is what certain governments want? The Middle East instability would be good for certain wealthy families.
You guys are money smart. What would that do to the price of oil? They've all been stocking up on gold too. Consider that.
We are pretty close to global war and that has never been profitable for anyone. So a little controlled instability would be good for commerce.
Well Middy? And if we're right, what can be done about it? Realistically.
Spoiled the blog ... I made ya think. LOL
Well, first we got to get a piece of land in the Colorado mountains. They got legalized weed and that's important for medics in guerilla warfare, in that it might be our only easily found sedative.
In the NWO, you can't go buy otc medical supplies at Wally World, without a good credit history/mark/ID ... whatever. Access denied.
Where would anyone replenish supplies?
In July 2008, a G20 report said that Obama would usher in global governance. That would mean reasons to create such a monstrosity! Real or imagined reasons.
The best way to fight such a thing is to encourage music education to make people smarter. To care about others, because the enemy means to divide and conquer. We must unite and overcome!
But that'll never happen. Says so in the Bible.
I wonder if these layoffs will lead to no unemployment if they offer them part time with no benefits?
Sounds like a pretty good angle to me if I were going to have to remain in business in these lawless times, all they have to do is get another executive privilege signed.. piece of cake.
Yeah, when some guy got his leg blown off in Vietnam the first thing we would do is get him a joint..
not really..Rick, war is not like anything anyone has ever experienced and should only be joined as a last resort.
Yes, structured chaos is exactly what the real movers and shakers have been doing, and they got their boy inside performing like a trained seal doing exactly what they tell him to.
Notice when Obama went to vacation, he was required to go to the real president's home to meet her but first having to stop and bring lunch. So when is the last time a president had to make a meeting, bring lunch and be on time?
..he is on a very short leash.
Libs react to poking fun at Obama like Muslims do over pics of Mohammed
Middy, Colorado produces many varieties of medical marijuana now. I've read about it.
Isn't it interesting that liberals hate GMO products that we eat, but they don't seem to mind GMO weed.
It is the world we live in. Hypocrisy is the human condition.
Market down another 225 today. Uh-oh! Good point about the dog and the airplane, Middy. Makes sense.
Miller is great. Yeah, the NAACP is making even bigger asses of themselves than usual. I love Texas: they have invited the guy down to do an encore!
It's Ok to have masks of Bush (both), Reagan, and Nixon but no one must must criticize the anointed one.
He was also quick to jump on the Tryvon bandwagon with his bullshit "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon" but not a peep from him about those three drug selling black kids beating up the white kid on the school bus.
What a worthless hypocrite Obama is!
That's a hell of a YouTube on Egypt.
No One, and I mean NO ONE is supposed to criticize the anointed one.
From a US Marine:
What happened to Walter?
President Obama goes to a primary school to talk to the kids. After his talk he offers question time.
One little boy puts up his hand, and Obama asks him his name.
" Walter," responds the little boy. "And what is your question, Walter?"
"I have four questions"
"First, Why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of the Congress?"
"Second, Why do you keep saying you fixed the economy when it's actually gotten worse?"
"Third, Why did you say that Jeremiah Wright was your mentor, then said that you knew nothing about his preaching and beliefs?"
"Fourth, Why are we lending money to Brazil to drill for oil, but America is not allowed to drill for oil?"
Just then, the bell rings for recess.
Obama informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess.
When they resume Obama says, "OK, where were we? Oh, that's right: question time.. Who has a question?"
Another little boy puts up his hand. Obama points him out and asks
him his name.
"Steve," he responds...
"And what is your question, Steve?"
"Actually, I have two questions.
First, Why did the recess bell ring 20 minutes early?
Second, What happened to Walter?"
Yeah they are pretty pissed in Cairo, don't blame them a bit.
Market took a bit of a hit today, more ominous is the rise in the short term bond rate..
I predict more Quantitative Easing, Ben really doesn't want the book of Revelations style economy crash written in the Bible of Bernanke.
Pax Obama.
Jim...mocking Presidents (and politicians) is traditional. True the MSM and entertainment industries lean left so more Reps get picked on, but Dems get some pokes as well. Here's a picture of a famous rodeo clown, WHO HAPPENS TO BE BLACK, wearing a Hillary Clinton mask and having the bull charge at him (her)
Nobody, not even the NOW (National Org Of Women) gave two shits about this, yet mocking Obama in exactly the same venue has somehow brought about "The End Of Times, for the blacks.
Maybe they are trying to regain their Trayvon losses?
Oops, forgot to incl the picture:
Tell me what is any different about this event?
So who has the power to order the VA to target veterans who had an extremely high security clearance and would present a problem to a tyrannical government ... geeee that's that a tough one ...
So another words, I am right about my opinions and the government really wishes that I'd just shut up.
In their dreams.
Another veteran, visiting as a test audience for a new video, said that the VA was messing with him too. So it's not just me. Oh goody ...
The flood video is ready for final viewing by the CEO. Her majesty ... heh heh heh.
You guys will like it. The film has Republican references throughout. Illuminati. Caring. Tearfulness. And some fine looking chicks.
I think the difference is the same old crap that happens every time something like this occurs. The jerk progressives have to make it into a black-white incident.
They never stop to think that "Hey, the SOB is 1/2 white". Maybe WE should be screaming too except we are smart enough to not associate ourselves with the loser.
The NAACP is such a joke it is unbelievable. They are a losing organization that is still trying to be relevant even though their usefulness ended a long time ago. They are hurting the black cause now.
Plus, the anointed one has so many people fooled he doesn't need the NAACP. Regardless, I'm sure dumb ass Holder will be making his appearance on it to get his 15 minutes.
My daughter is bi-racial and I'm very proud of her. She's a remarkable young lady.
She doesn't trust Obama, but the Republicans have historically protected Blacks. The Republicans ended slavery, you know.
She's not sure what to think of you guys. Her dad's friends. And she knows all the stories.
I think it was a Republican from Pekin who paid for a train ticket to move to Missouri. A little extravagant, but it seems ... symbolic of an earlier time.
Gotta be a good little Republican now, I guess. Learn to be more like Jimmy and Middy and when I'm gone, the daughter might inherit the legacy and be a bit like a bi-racial SN.
Do you think it would be racist if we had an NAAWP?
I can't believe you said that! I'm shocked! SHOCKED I tell you!
Do you know how hurtful that is? Do you? Well, do you?
Actually..... now that I think about it, I think it's a great idea! LOL Can you imagine the outrage over that? I can just hear that jerkoff Rev. Jarrett Maupin of Phoenix now. (I love the way these idiots like to call themselves "Reverend".)
Did you notice the outrage Obama had over those three black kids beating up that white kid in Florida on the school bus because he wouldn't buy dope from them? No? Me either!
I guess he meant to but just forgot. Uh......yeah.
What a 14 caret phony he is. Him and Sharpton, Jesee and all the rest of them. Not a peep.
Jim, after the incident with the rodeo clown does this mean my white grandkids can't wear an Obama mask for Halloween?
Glo has a good point with the NAAWP.
Jarret Maupin is on KFYI from time to time. He's nothing more than an Al Sharpton clone POS.
Here's my six question, "Who Said It?" quiz:
1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
> A. Karl Marx
> B. Adolph Hitler
> C. Joseph Stalin
> D. None of the above
2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility, ..... for shared prosperity."
> A. Lenin
> B. Paula Pennypacker
> C. Idi Amin
> D. None of the Above
3) "(We) .....can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
> A. Nikita Khrushev
> B. Josef Goebbels
> C. Boris Yeltsin
> D. None of the above
4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."
> A. Mao Tse Dung
> B. Hugo Chavez
> C. Kim Jong Il
> D. None of the above
5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."
> A. Karl Marx
> B. Lenin
> C. Molotov
> D. None of the above
6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."
> A. Pinochet
> B. Milosevic
> C. Saddam Hussein
> D. None of the above
> Scroll down for answers
> Answers:
> (1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
> (2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
> (3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
> (4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
> (5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
> (6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005
Here's my six question, "Who Said It?" quiz:
1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
> A. Karl Marx
> B. Adolph Hitler
> C. Joseph Stalin
> D. None of the above
2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility, ..... for shared prosperity."
> A. Lenin
> B. Hugo Chavez
> C. Idi Amin
> D. None of the Above
3) "(We) .....can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
> A. Nikita Khrushev
> B. Josef Goebbels
> C. Boris Yeltsin
> D. None of the above
4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."
> A. Mao Tse Dung
> B. Paula Pennypacker
> C. Kim Jong Il
> D. None of the above
5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."
> A. Karl Marx
> B. Lenin
> C. Molotov
> D. None of the above
6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."
> A. Pinochet
> B. Milosevic
> C. Saddam Hussein
> D. None of the above
> Scroll down for answers
> Answers:
> (1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
> (2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
> (3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
> (4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007 **"B" is an alternate. This crazy broad has made lots of similar asinine statements most relating to signage!***
> (5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
> (6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005
Sorry bout the duplicate...BIG thunder and lightening (~~very~very~frightening~~) must be to blame for the premature post? First one wasn't finished before the FLASH-BANG, KA-BOOM...
(*for posts lasting more than four hours, consult your blogger*)
Sounds to me like Hillary would make a fine communist dictator.
We can't drive our SUVs, but an MV-22 Osprey is fine for the Obama dog.
Ah ... have a dream!
Ah dream of one day being able to kick it with chicks of all races ... naked.
Ah dream of a day when common sense will rule.
Ah dream of a day when all people, regardless of income, shall have their own cave.
Ah dream of dreaming and remembering the dream when I wake up and with clarity.
This just in ... police have arrested the bull that was chasing the Obama clown in Missouri.
The judge set the bond at one million bales of hay.
Looks like you are in the gibbon stage Rick..
..gettin' out on that limb again I see.
Nothing will change until the people go hungry.
..and that's the simple truth.
I hate to say it guys but it really looks like she might run unopposed; if the GOP doesn't get religion and I mean yesterday, they are finished and done.
I doubt it will get that far anyway.
folks, that was an American provided bullet.. and the protestors know it.
"Looks like you are in the gibbon stage Rick..
..gettin' out on that limb again I see."
Well I don't exactly see myself as an A-1 quality person. Clint Eastwood once said that a man's gotta know his limitations.
About all I have is creativity and imagination. That ain't much.
I wish you'd be more clear, Middy.
Middy, I am not going near the Obama clown thing. I live in Missouri and I want nothing to do with it. It's like a bear trap for patriots.
What if I'm right and there is a big intelligence game going on and y'all say how Obama is capable of that. So why would you make fun of people that could potentially exterminate you by apparent burglary or accident? A random mugging.
What if you're right about Obama? I'm pretty much alone and no match for powerful people with lots and lots of money. I would have to make alliances, in person, with people who are equally as powerful and wealthy. So that I could plan, buy the equipment and prepare for what may come.
Everyone's got headaches. Floods cause mold.
Seen a Fox news report about Hillary Clinton denying that Benghazi was terrorist related.
Makes ya wanna put up a fence around Washington DC to keep them foreigners out of the 50 states, huh?
Middy, You get what you pay for, buddy. And just for you I would add this: You live by the sword, you die by the sword. Don't take that too literally but it does apply.
Yeah, Jim, that's exactly what one has to do sometimes -- stand back & take another look -- because when one is too involved with the microscopic details, one tends to miss the macroscopic picture. That works for all things actually. And, not to get ethnocentric, but here goes: the principle may not work so well when both the typesetters &/or business owners have, ahem, fluency in English challenges.
"Torrent" is the name of the latest video from Lana Jefferies Music LLC. It is the story about people who care, including an interview with Fox News. I know y'all love Fox News.
So what did y'all think of the film? We had quite a discussion on what should be used, what should be left out, a test audience gave good feedback before it was finished editing.
I'd still like to use some of SN' songs as well as others.
This story was highlighted by Joe Pags. I agree that Americans need to be kept abreast of what suicide bombers are planning.
But this video is more important to watch.
I got them all correct. My fave was: "(We) .....can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
What a bitch. Right now it looks like she may be in the driver's seat but 3 years and three months is a long time off and with Obamacare and all the other bullshit coming out of liberal Washington, a lot of people may finally wise up.
Right now I'm wondering why we are paying those guys in Congress when Obama just keeps bypassing therm and doing everything by executive order.
Post that flood video when it's available, Rick.
.....uh....I think I'l delay my visit to the pyramids a little longer than originally planned.
I'm in "DeNile."
Good video, Rick. Love the background music; good interviews; professional looking.
I believe the word is esoteric..
I read em.
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