Saturday, August 04, 2012


A gay “kiss-in” at the Chick-fil-A restaurants?  Chick-fil-A welcomed it as long as the participants were orderly.  The restaurant chain issued a statement that “We understand from news reports that Friday, August 3, may present yet another opportunity for us to serve our customers with genuine hospitality, superior service, and great food.”  Great line!  Hell, why not take advantage of the extra business?

About 15,000 gays were expected to participate across the country which doesn’t sound like many.  Some of them thought it is too much of an “in your face” protest.  I have to agree.  As we noticed from the Chick-fil-A appreciation day this week, thousands joined forces to support the chain and their ideals.  Common sense says that a day of same sex kissing at Chick-fil-A was not going to help the gay cause and would probably hurt it.

According to reports in today’s (8-4) media, the “kiss in” was a giant flop nationally, including in the Phoenix area.   About fifty people showed up at one location in Paradise Valley but the kissing was minimal.  Most of the action was shouting lines like “I am somebody and I demand equal rights.”  That’s a bit confusing to me as I didn’t realize Chick-fil-A was abusing anyone’s rights.  All they have done is state their opinion of marriage when asked.  Gays are welcome in their places any time they wish and some are employed there.  This is just another example of a pressure group taking themselves way too serious.

Is Obama getting more desperate?  It’s almost comical that when the unemployment rate went from 8.2 to 8.3 for July, the White House would say it is actually 8.254.  That is a good example of splitting hairs. There is the cheering over 163,000 jobs being created last month.  Unfortunately, not much mention of the 150,000 jobs lost.  But it is all meaningless when you realize that the actual unemployment figure is 15%.   It doesn’t matter how much creative accounting is applied and how much Obama says it is your “patriotic duty” to pay more taxes, he is on the wrong track.

Clint Eastwood backs Romney:  "I think the country
 needs a boost." (Getty)
As if Obama doesn’t have enough on his plate, Clint Eastwood has announced his support for Romney.  This line from Dirty Harry (1971) is pretty appropriate:  Harry Callahan: “When are you people gonna stop messing around with this guy. He’s gotta be stopped now!”

Interesting recent letter sent to The Arizona Republic:  It was in response to another letter stating that “We don’t fight mandated auto insurance.”

Not everyone owns a car.  Those people are not mandated to buy auto insurance.  Does the letter writer actually believe everyone driving has auto insurance?  If so, why do I have to have coverage against uninsured drivers?

Not everyone owns a house.  Are renters mandated to have insurance?  What about all the exemptions to the mandate.  Not everyone is required to buy mandated health insurance (Just ask Nancy Pelosi).

I would advise all young, healthy people with a good income to pay the penalty tax.  It will be cheaper than a high insurance premium.  Then, later when they get a serious condition, they can buy the mandated health insurance because they can’t be refused coverage and there will be no cap on their costs.

Another letter asks:  If we have a failed Social Security system, failed Medicare, failed Medicade, failed postal system, failed solar companies financially aided by the government, what do we expect to get from Obamacare?   Good question.


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Mike slater said...

CJ, sorry about that A/C thing. Is that the car or the house?

As I said before my mother lives with us rent free and the only thing see pays for is whatever she wants to buy. It's up to her if she wants to turn down SS and Medicare not me.

Next Year I'll be 62 and will sign up for SS. If I had my way, which I don't I would have the government give me back all the money I put into the system, with interest of course, and call it even.

Jim McAllister said...


I saw that cartoon this morning. Benson is an idiot. Thankfully, they run cartoons by Ramirez sometimes which helps.

I took my SS at 62. I figured I may as well grab it while it was there.

CJ Phoenix said...

The AC on my house, Mike. I drove a car without AC for most of my life & it would not be a big deal to do it again. Okay, for most of the year, because I do remember a few meltdowns in traffic jams during the hottest part of the year ... The AC is fixed now. The house still hasn't cooled down but at least it is blowing cool again. A fan motor needed to be replaced.

I can certainly understand how you cannot really tell your mom how to live even if she is living with you. Shoot, you guys cannot even live up to your own standards so what makes me think you will take full responsibility for anybody else? But when you take that early payment, guess who will be contributing into that system take is doomed to go broke before I ever get to see a return on my investment ... It makes me so proud to know that my money is going to people that don't really need it & there will be none left for me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,
Good editorial. I was quite please at the firing of a CFO over blatant remarks he made to a drive-clerk at one of their restaurants.

About time the 'NORMAL' people in this country stood up for what they know is right - the standards under which they grew up.

In other words: The Silent Majority must act during this next presidential election to maintain their Majority status!

Obama must go! And I’m a Black guy saying that!


Jim McAllister said...

Thanks, Allen.

Now I see where the drive thru girl wants to meet the guy who gave her the hard time. I hope it doesn't happen as I don't know what it would accomplish. the guy got fired and she should get some good kudos for how she handled it. She should leave well enough alone.

It's kind of like the guy who talks the girl into bed and when she says "Yes" he just keeps on talking until he has talked her out of it. We've all met dumb asses like that!

I hope you are enjoying a nice cool New England summer. We had 118 yesterday! Welcome to Phoenix!

Rick Kepple said...

Hey, I found a small pdf report on the Internet written by a G20 "Sherpa" (appointed chairman of a country) who says the entire global governance that we know today started with events in 1971 and 1973. Other reports say the global governance will be official by 2025.

This is why Obama is and why Romney was chosen. They don't give a rat's ass if you folks stay comfortably rich.

Take note that soldiers and veterans are given drugs that may induce suicidal tendencies while government is worried about the increase of suicide among soldiers and veterans. Think of it as a clue for everything else.

Prosperity, Romney says. They're so funny. They aren't talking about YOUR prosperity. Just theirs.

midnightsstaff said...

Well mike I hope you learned your lesson about attempting to show respect, sympathy or courteous interest towards someone as bitter and hateful as Cj.

Of course if things were reversed and she was in your position do you think she would have done anything about her family member any differently?- do you suppose she would by example refuse to take any state assistance with her parent's medical costs because she is just a better person than you?

I doubt it, she is just as concerned over her own well being as anyone else, does anyone really think she in the same circumstances would do anything she preaches that you should do?

No she is another fat mouthed, closed minded hypocrite that demands you think one way and she the other- people like this are simply too corrupt to discuss matters with.

I thought twice yesterday about the comment I eventually deleted, I was asking the same thing about her ac problem, but realized it a while later that it would only enrage her if I did merely because my ac works.

People with her type of disorder like the voters on Hoover street aren't really interested in any resolution to actual problems because that could lead to a resolution of the issue, but this class envy issue that Obama demands she maintain is much too precious for the baiters in society to ever allow slip away.

People this twisted are not worth anyone's time nor concern mike- they will bite a hand trying to help every time they get the chance- it's learned behavior.

midnightsstaff said...!

of course the msm will completely ignore this film just like they ignored "The Fountainhead"- Megan is one of the only ones on Fox I can stomach any more.. watching this film should be mandatory before voting..

CJinPhoenix said...

So you all are allowed to complain incessantly about abuses of the system & then say that you also plan to milk it yourself, but if I complain about the way that will directly impact me, then I am just "bitter and hateful"? And of course you are also allowed to call me out by name & damn me for my opinions but each time I criticize you or try to defend myself, then it is all my fault for starting the war.

That doesn't even make sense, Middy, & it sure isn't logical or reasonable. GET A JOB! If I am not paying your way now, I am certain that I soon will be &, of all the people on this blog, you are the one that deserves it the least.

YOUR MONEY has already been spent so now it should be MY MONEY, MY CALL ... Stop the abuse right now!

Rick Kepple said...

Day 3 with no AC. I am beginning to really hate this town ...

Well CJ, I have an extra room. It's a nice cool 79 degrees right now. It's not at all like the 105 degrees like 10 days ago. But still no rainfall. And I bake and cook pretty decently too.

Rick Kepple said...

Boy Middy, I'd say you fairly got your head bitten off and chewed up there.

I was just telling a friend yesterday that serving in the military was the smartest thing that I could have ever done. Now that there are no jobs and almost all the publications I used to write for are gone, I appreciate living off the money that I paid in all those years in the high paying jobs.

Paying taxes pays off when you get to the point where employers consider you to be "unemployable." The fact is that most people don't live long enough to collect their Social Security money that they paid in all those years. I've worked in steel mills, farming, truck driving, soldiering, and as a news reporter and freelance writer. I earned my retirement. No fancy politician with a lot of money is gonna tell me that I gotta start all over with a 401K at my age. Not gonna happen.

Jim McAllister said...


I saw another feature on Dinesh D'Sousa with Obama's brother. Very interesting stuff.

I see where Shepard Smith is leaning a little left on Fox. He better be careful.

Those Super pac ads against Romney are so outrageous that even MSNBC and the Huff Post are condemning them. Meanwhile, there are supposed to be more of them released. I notice Obama is just sitting back on this.

His approval is down to 43% from Gallup.

steve buzzardo said...

It sounds like Obama's brother would make a much better president than Obozo. He doesnt want hand outs and he takes responsibility for himself.

I hope that movie does really well, so the joke media will not be able to ignore it.

midnightsstaff said...

doesn't matter, if Mitt is going to just let them keep making charges like he murdered some woman and he doesn't come back hard and go back on offense just be warned- those lies stick with mental cases like Rick and others.

Even though people like you and me know the truth, I don't give much respect to someone who will not fight back.
The freeshitarmy volunteers will always amplify the mantra like Rick does and just shout louder.
..they don't care if it's a lie or not.. this is raw, hardball tribalism, or gang mentality...

Like the bully he is, him and his minions will keep repeating the big lie, again and again and again because the criminal has nothing positive to run on.. and Mitt doesn't seem to know what to do, it amazes me but he was all over Newt Gingrich so... where is that guy?

Mitt is simply acting like any poodle would in the duck blind.. he needs to fire the entire staff.
God help this nation if we elect a president that won't stand up for himself or stand against blatant lies.

If he won't defend himself, do I really think he will defend me or more importantly the Constitution?

This nation is so screwed.

steve buzzardo said...

"Obama: Socialist, Marxist, Fascist... but "shhh!" Don't tell anyone!" -- Mark Levin

Mitt needs Mark Levin to run his campaign

Mike slater said...

CJ, I had that same problem on a house I owned. Luckily they were able to fix it the same day. Back in 1980 I lived in New River and had what was called a piggy back system which was an A/C and a cooler side by side. One day the compressor went out on the A/C but at least I could use the cooler.

As far as me taking SS at 62 I worked for 35 years so I should a least get back the money I paid into it. It's true you be paying for my SS but all the years I worked I was paying for other people.

What make you think I don't need it? I may not need it but the government took it from me and I want it back.

You will get SS when you retire but our kids won't. That's why I told my kids to put in as much money in their 401k accounts as possible so they will money to live on when they retire.

midnightsstaff said...

Yeah Steve, I like the great one's approach to just about everything including not suffering fools gladly just because you don't want to offend anyone.
screw that, the house is on fire and these fools are still discussing what to watch on tv tonight-
.. Mitt Romney's ten years of not paying taxes my lilly white ass.

This election is much too important to just depend on the sense of fair values in a nation that nearly one half has perfected the legal stealing from the other.

This nation doesn't have a political problem.
.. it has a moral crisis...

Jim McAllister said...


Mitt needs to can that woman Saul for her comment regarding Romneycare. Check Laura Ingraham's comment on her.

I think with Huff Post and MSNBC refuting the silly super pac lies, Mitt may feel he can let that take it's course for him at the moment. Or, perhaps he is not being too overt until he is actually nominated.

I think with the dirt Obama is trying to get on him it make Obama look desperate. This has been a really dirty campaign from the left which shows desperation.

Jim McAllister said...


You said this thing won't really get into high gear until after Labor Day......about three weeks until then.

But, I must agree, as much as I am rooting for Mitt I wish the star of Bedtime For Bonzo was here on our side.

Jim McAllister said...


Thanks for the Levin clip. He's got it right.

How about big sis Janet and the charges against her loading up her department with women and purposely excluding men.

With Holder, Geithner, sis, wimpy little Carney, Biden and the rest of Obama's worthless crew of losers, I pity us if he wins.

Maybe we can join Middy and retire to the beaches of Costa Rica!

Rick Kepple said...

Maybe we can join Middy and retire to the beaches of Costa Rica!

Things won't be better in Costa Rica. In fact, they kidnap Americans down there for ransom.

I bought some snap caps today. I still pull to the left on the second and third shot. Some friends want to learn to shoot too and buy their first guns.

No matter who gets elected, this country is definitely going to change. Romney is completely clueless. He made his money by outsourcing jobs. Obama didn't do anything about stopping offshoring except talk about it.

The fact is that the rich and their "Trickle Down" nonsense destroyed this nation. The economy collapsed under eight years of Bush economic policies. Can't blame Congress. It was Democrat under Bush and Republican under Obama and he's done better, under the circumstances.

Irksome, aren't I?

Rick Kepple said...

And I know how to shoot a firearm. I just tighten my grip too much and pull to the left. That's why women are better shooters, cause they don't have that firm grip like men.

midnightsstaff said...

time to tune out all this political nonsense for a while... bp can't take 24/7 for another three months... Been listening to some Kevin MacMichael guitar work lately, man that guy was on his own wave length.. give a listen to his work on the Robert Plant fate of nations album catch Promised Land... the guy is spooky good.
Plant always works with top shelf, Buddy Miller, Doug Boyle, and the best of all Robbie Blunt..
unbelievable talent..

I gotta calm down over Mitt the poodle because he is the only hope we have, he is what he is, at least he's honest and genuine..
I guess that's what gets me so keyed up, I want someone that has gone for the sack and curb stomped if necessary a few times in a street fight..
..that ain't Mitt.

CJinPhoenix said...

"Things won't be better in Costa Rica. In fact, they kidnap Americans down there for ransom." Middy? I would pity the fools that tried that. Seriously, the only hope kidnappers would have of getting any ransom whatsoever would be if they agreed to keep him & that's not gonna happen.

Mike, Sometimes I wish that this house still had the cooler set up it came with but it was long gone before I ever remember & now it is just a heat pump/AC. If I ever have enough money to fix her up, though, I am gonna sell the place & downsize to a place with both: AC just for humid days. Regarding SSI, what I keep hearing is that they want to push the age up for my age group & younger. I was born right about the cut off so we will just have to wait & see but I am going to continue speaking out against it every chance I get because it is getting harder for people my age to work, not easier. And I paid my dues too. At least 30 years and counting at this point.

Jim, Name the place you can visit but you cannot go back to ...

Jim McAllister said...

It looks like it will be Romney-Paul Ryan Republican ticket.

Any comments? Will it help in Wisconsin? Ryan is not an exciting guy but he is smart. In this case he only needs to be smarter than Biden which is something the 99 44/100 of the population can claim.

Rick Kepple said...

Actually CJ, the reason why some countries demand that Americans have a certain amount of cash kept in the bank as a prerequisite to living there is in fact for the ransom in case of kidnapping.

midnightsstaff said...

I think I might have sensed a degree of concern over my possible kidnapping...
I'll take it for what it's worth- but could someone give me a second opinion?

This is the very first house I have ever lived in with air conditioning...
The swamp cooler I had in Twentynine Palms gave it a hell of a try but from mid July on there was a monsoon effect there as well.
the humidity goes up, they pretty much stop working.

In fact this is the very first home I have ever had that wasn't constructed by a gaggle of maniacs wielding hammer and saw..these were honest mexican craftsmen who knew how to put in an honest day's work, a skill I once had but seem to have lost somewhere in my last few years.

..don't worry about me being targeted as some wealthy gringo with anyone interested enough to offer a ransom, no matter how meager it might seem.
One son wouldn't answer the phone, the other would try to bargain the price, and my daughter would vote to let them keep me..
I have learned the art of blending in with the natives.. toss a pouch of Red Man on the dash - flip that Red Sox base ball hat around backwards and don't shave regularly... that's the secret of camouflage that works best out here in Tonopah..

CJinPhoenix said...

Have you figured out my trivia riddle, Jim?

midnightsstaff said...

Well, I guess you weren't kidding around Jim, looks like it will be the Mitt and Paul show, not the right Paul for me but better than I expected.
Honest to God I figured another Gerald Ford or that goofball Pawlenty.

This isn't going to hurt him a bit but I'm a little surprised at the timing and him not picking someone to carry Ohio.
That indicates to me his internal polling says Ohio is not as blue as people think.

I take it as a good sign, maybe my worst fear might not be realized with him actually believing we can grow our way out of this deficit, it is impossible without major spending cuts.
and Paul Ryan is all about cuts as much as anyone.
I imagine he vetted Paul pretty carefully, most think he hasn't been infected with the Washington disease yet..
Hey.. it's better than I expected..

midnightsstaff said...

haha.. can you imagine the Vice Presidential debate?-
I can't wait.
..actually this is the guy we should have at the top of the ticket- that's another reason I'm surprised and impressed at Mitt's self confidence.
It looks like he wants to surround himself with better people than himself- just like Reagan.

..weak tyrants on the other hand surround and insulate themselves with clowns like Biden.

well I'm sleeping well tonight, this is good news indeed.

Jim McAllister said...


You have me on that one. What or where is that place?

Rick Kepple said...

CJ, you can visit Home, but you can never go back again.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan slashing social programs to steal from the poor to give to the rich in the fictional Trickle Down BS again.

The Republicans will cut food programs to the poor. The drought destroyed crops, but the GOP doesn't know or care. They've got money.

The wildlife experts said that disease in wildlife is on the rise, because animals have limited water resources. So that will reduce the human food supply even more.

The Republicans in their greed will destroy America, but hey at least they will still have their money and that's all that counts, right? The government can dig mass graves to bury the dead from the FEMA camps. Hitler promised prosperity too.

midnightsstaff said...

probably the past.

Jim sneaks off to Willoughby every chance he gets, I sneak off to CR every chance I get.

I look at this election as merely the first not the final step to restore America, the fact is that since nearly fifty percent of voters are not going to embrace responsibility just because it's the right or moral thing to do, they are going to have to be convinced.

..better a soft landing than a flaming crash, but all they see is a threat to their lifestyle, so they are going to fight tooth and nail to keep their hand in the cookie jar.

the Faggot in Chief is going feral right now, he knows the truth of the polls so all he has left is anarchy and turmoil, be prepared for things you wouldn't believe could happen in this country before the summer is over.
someone with photoshop skills should give us a shot of that wookie wife of his with a "I bark for Barak" collar on, either that or he might have to write another lunch money check from his own bank account.

Imagine him actually having something approaching normal like a bank account. lol.
Mitt's idiot election team should have demanded seeing that cleared check complete with signature, it was obviously a staged prop- (can you see him and that commie wife sitting at the kitchen table and paying the electric bill every month?) -but they don't seem to have much in the way of creative thought it seems, just one apologetic answer after another for scurrilous charges it seems.
the Facist in chief is trying the old rope a dope strategy to buy time..
Mitt needs to put his foot on that commie's neck and keep it there.

Jim McAllister said...

Any other opinions on the nomination of Paul Ryan?

Here is mine:

It will be Paul Ryan running with Mitt on the Republican ticket in November.

I like Ryan and I like his ideas of trying to cut back the national debt. He is a good family man and an intellectual type. He is not a loudmouthed, gaffe making guy like Biden. He is more like a facts and figures nerd which is what we need to curb the national debt.

At 42, he joined Congress in 1999 at 28 and has been elected seven times. His budget proposal earlier this year was blasted by the Democrats because of the effect it would have on Medicare and other items and was, as predicted, turned down by the Senate.

Obama immediately blasted the selection saying all the right things to his “freeshit army” (Middy’s term) that he depends on for re-election. My concern is Ryan’s proposition earlier to revamp Medicare. Seniors are very protective of the Medicare system and are always ready to jump to conclusions when any changes are suggested. An example of their reaction was the change from a Republican to a Democrat in a House election in New York. The seat had been Republican for a lot of years but the Medicare scare caused the change.

Obama’s reaction was predictable:

President Barack Obama: “In naming Congressman Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney has chosen a leader of the House Republicans who shares his commitment to the flawed theory that new budget-busting tax cuts for the wealthy, while placing greater burdens on the middle class and seniors, will somehow deliver a stronger economy. The architect of the radical Republican House budget, Ryan, like Romney, proposed an additional $250,000 tax cut for millionaires, and deep cuts in education from Head Start to college aid. His plan also would end Medicare as we know it by turning it into a voucher system, shifting thousands of dollars in health care costs to seniors. As a member of Congress, Ryan rubber-stamped the reckless Bush economic policies that exploded our deficit and crashed our economy. Now the Romney-Ryan ticket would take us back by repeating the same, catastrophic mistakes.”
What do you think? Can Romney-Ryan bring down the house of cards that is Obama-Biden?

midnightsstaff said...

It's nearly as tho Mitt gave me a call last week and asked who I thought might be a good pick..

The tea party now has hope that this will not be a continuation of GHWB, GWB or any of the other RINO cartel members turn at dismembering the Constitution..

It will be interesting to see how Mitt handles Ron Paul and the small but motivated group of followers he has.

I would put him in some capacity with the Treasury or perhaps as czar to start the deconstruction of the evil empire on the banks of the Potomac..
..he can swing a machete with the best of them.

Sarah Palin should be chief of operations for his election team then melding into the Speaker of the House role... once enough clear minds are voted in position to remove that tear stained, single tapered piece of crap taking up space today.

The Speaker doesn't have to be a member of congress..

The Sierra club should be placed on a watch list for their involvement in the deceit and eventually tried for their decades of subversive acts to destroy this nation.

All federal bureaucracies should be audited and de funded immediately the last week of January starting with HUD, the EPA, the dept. of Education and Homeland Security.. of course the TSA should be replaced with effective measures, yeah there will be a lot of weed pulling the first term if he is serious, and it looks like he is.

He should consider Judge Napalitano for a replacement for Eric Holder, he and Joe Arpaio can open up a cold case file and arrest these bloodthirsty criminals.

I am flying my flag until after The Terror is replaced every day I can.

Rick Kepple said...

Yeah, I have an opinion.

A CIA source just confirmed to me that they're backing Romney. He said they need that wealth in office.

Oh after I lined out what I believe is their grand plan to destroy the United States like they destroyed Libya, now they want to be buddies with me.

My Ozarks friends were reading our argument, Jimmy. They're kinda pissed at our government now.

So I was right. Bush was the first step, Obama the second and Romney will be the next step to creating the perfect world designed by the CIA, MI6, Muslim Brotherhood, G20 and richest people in the world.

So I'm figuring that they know that I know what they're doing and I'm somehow a threat to their plan.

But a lot of people read our Facebook argument. That's just ignorant of them confronting me online, unless it somehow fit in with their plan.

Hell, it could be that the CIA is backing Obama and the only want people to believe they are backing Romney.

Bottom line? We can't win a civil war or revolution. And you'll only keep your money for as long as they allow you to, Jimmy. And they're likely to go after Stevie Nicks if I don't comply.

CJinPhoenix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CJinPhoenix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rick Kepple said...

I can see their point in creating a better world. Stabilize the global population. Confiscate firearms from problem nations. Trick the rich into redistributing their own wealth and if done correctly, they will make millions, but at the expense of ordinary working Americans and the poor.

We're all expendable. Even the rich. Maybe Romney is just another step toward a better world.

Maybe it's not such a bad plan.

Rick Kepple said...

CJ is gonna be peeved when she realizes that I'm not making this up. Jimmy will just see dollar signs. All I see are millions of the potential dead.

CJinPhoenix said...

Ha! The correct answer is: Istanbul not Constantinople (or just Constantinople, for short).

Hey, what exactly is "voucherization" & what does that mean for seniors & vets that rely on Medicare & the VA for their medical needs as they are right now? In other words, what is going to change if this voucher plan goes into effect?

In case you all are planning to assault me for even asking the question, please be aware that I really do not know how that would work & that is why I am asking. We can fight about it later when I know more but right now I am just trying to understand so I can decide which side I want to take.

I might even take your side. I have done that before on certain issues. But I am going to listen to both the PROs & the CONs before making up my mind. So right now you have my full attention & here is your chance to tell me how it is without an argument ... DON'T BLOW IT with petty BS!

Jim McAllister said...


I'm not sure how the voucher system proposed by Ryan was to work. The seniors were about to riot over any kind of change in Medicare that I don't think it was ever really explained.

My concern with Ryan is that although I like his conservatism, I'm afraid not enough people will go for it now that Obama is giving away the doorknobs to all these spoiled lazy bastards who wouldn't know what a job was if it smacked them in the head. Those types will always vote for Obama. They are the "freeshitters" Middy correctly identifies.

One thing for sure, taxing the hell out of the producers in this country to help the takers is not a solution no matter how much Obama wants it.

It amazes me how a guy like him comes from nowhere with no job experience, sealed records, false SS number, and still doubt over his birthplace can be elected president of this country.

Incidently, "Istanbul not Constantinople" was a hit song in the 1950s by a group called The Four Lads. I remember the last verse: "It's nobody's business but the Turks."

Mike slater said...

I like the Paul Ryan choice. With a Romney/Ryan win and hopefully a Republican House and Senate we can get back to some fiscal responsibility in this country.

The Democrats have already come out trying to scare the old folks that SS and Medicare will be cut or eliminated.

If we don't do something soon we'll be just like Greece.

Rick Kepple said...

If we don't do something soon we'll be just like Greece.

It will be a controlled fall into hell.

Remember the Veterans Disarmament Act of December 19, 2007? Senators and Congressmen were leaving for the Christmas break. Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, all hurried it through both houses in record time to President Bush who signed it into law before leaving for Israel. A doctor can order the confiscation of firearms owned by military veterans. Both parties are in on the redefinition of the United States.

In 1975, Senator Frank Church warned that U.S. intelligence could be turned against the American people preceding a dictator.

After 9/11, a former NSA chief held a finger and thumb close together and said, "We are, like, that far away from a turnkey totalitarian State."

Meanwhile, in Bluffdale Utah, the NSA is building the world's largest supercomputer to monitor all Americans' communications and possibly even their home security cameras and will be operational by 2013. The fact is that people will choose a dictatorship for a better life.

With the drought, possible food shortages coming, Obama or Romney have the American people by their stomach. There won't be a revolution if they play their cards right. They can lead the world into an era of new prosperity and for a price - our freedom.

m said...

Rick, do you wear a tinfoil hat and see UFO's all the time? Perhaps the nice men in the white coats should pay you a visit.

Rick Kepple said...

Rick, do you wear a tinfoil hat and see UFO's all the time? Perhaps the nice men in the white coats should pay you a visit.

Isn't it curious that the rich, Wall Street investors and Elite are attacking me, yet complaining about how ordinary people are creating a "Class War," when it is themselves who are engaging in Class Warfare? A few of my friends supporting Romney noted that so many elitists are attacking me and are leaning toward Obama or Ron Paul now.

No "M" for Munchkin, I don't wear a tinfoil hat. I never even heard of such a thing until the Elites began attacking me on and I've often wondered what cowards they are for doing it.

Do I see UFO's? ROFL You guys are from Maricopa County! Ha ha ha ha ha! Another UFO was spotting floating over Phoenix, newspaper headline. Now, who is seeing UFO's?

The 'men in the white coats' not gonna happen. This isn't 1962 dimwit. The most they could do is arrest me for terrorism and M actually violated Missouri law and federal law. It's M who could be arrested and held indefinitely.

Go ahead and vote for Romney. You people have a lot more to lose than I do.

Rick Kepple said...

Rick, do you wear a tinfoil hat and see UFO's all the time? Perhaps the nice men in the white coats should pay you a visit.

"M" has been previously institutionalized. "M" has indeed worn a tinfoil hat in a drunken, cocaine stupor and "M" likes to make fun of the UFO fanatics. "M" likely lives alone after the spouse left "M."

"M" is abusive to me, so "M" is weak in real life and the Internet is the only place where "M" feels any power. Right now, "M" is probably got the lube out and making "M" happy. Abusing other people is the only enjoyment "M" has anymore. There is nothing else except abuse and one day, "M" will just shoot a few dozen people because "M" has been forgotten and abandoned. "M" should have stayed in Betty Ford.

Mike slater said...

Rick I'm convinced you're a certifiable nut case but that's just me.

Perhaps you need one of those I love me jackets.

Jim, Obama has a lock on the minority and lazy vote. Those people are are only concerned in what the government can do for them and will only vote for candidates that promise the most free stuff.

In 1961 JFK in his address to the nation said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." In Obama's world it's changed to "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you."

Rick Kepple said...

"Rick I'm convinced you're a certifiable nut case but that's just me."

No Mike, I've never been certified, but I have been published. Why, have you been certified insane? Please Mike, keep your abuse to your wife and not me. It's probably why you're working on your fourth divorce. Or is it fifth now?

midnightsstaff said...

...Madness does not always howl. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "Hey, is there room in your head for one more?"

haha.. I better listen to a little Buddy Miller and Daryl Scott...
..we just got dusted up a bit, the hummingbird feeder had to be taken down for everyone's safety...

..the forces of evil are having kittens over this turn of events... Mitt just buried the hatchet right down the center of the socialist forehead.
tomorrow Chris Wallace show will probably be another barn burner.

ahh.. Silver Rider- great riffs, these guys are top shelf.

Rick Kepple said...

Personally I like cruising the Internet, reading this or that, getting an idea and researching it, while beside me, the 50 inch TV is playing some movie that I'm ignoring.

I think I might be retaining water. I always thought that was for chicks. Jim, do you ever retain water? Tell the truth, Jim.

CJinPhoenix said...

Retaining water: It could be hypertension or else it could be pre-eclampsia, Rick. Better get that checked out pronto. The second would be the worst considering your overall condition.

Dang, this place gets strange towards the end of its natural life cycle. Hoping Jim is busy typing out another topic for us to trash. Full moon on the 17th ... that should be fun.

CJinPhoenix said...

HEY, check out this drummer:

Jim McAllister said...


I like Ryan too; he has a lot of class and I'm sure he can handle the debt but it will probably mean some sacrifice which will upset some people.

People like us understand that but with the hordes of people used to the government teat under Obama, it may be hard to get the point across.

Obama is a giveaway artist who loves giving away the doorknobs at the expense of the doers and the takers don't care. They love him since they get their money and goodies even though they refuse to get up in the morning and go to work like we did all out lives.

We have to hope that Romney-Ryan and get the votes to turn this welfare state mentality around.

Jim McAllister said...

Be careful, Rick.

"M" might be James Bond's boss with Miss Moneypenny as his secretary.

Jim McAllister said...


In 1961 JFK in his address to the nation said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." In Obama's world it's changed to "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you."

I used to think Kennedy was liberal in 1960 when he won. I remember the nuns lined around the block to vote for him just because he was catholic.

He seems like a Conservative now next to that unqualified character we have now.

CJinPhoenix said...

Picturing Middy now back when he could still dance:

midnightsstaff said...

The Brylcreem look just isn't cutting it, you know if that gals rack was any further apart, one would have to be on her back- scary.

haha.. yeah styles have changed, no one but Madonna wears one of those skirts that stick out... how did they do that?
it was a bit before my time, but we still had hair tonic.. things change.

Na, Joe has been allowed inside the office a little too much to chance him going all religious and getting things off his chest that might sink the barge Barry.

Remember Jim, two people can keep a secret but only if one of them is dead- and in Washington information and especially secrets are worth more than gold, just ask the Clinton gang.

Figuratively speaking, it's a mexican standoff..

CJinPhoenix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CJinPhoenix said...

Louis Prima and "that gal" is Keely Smith, Middy, and if I am old enough to remember them, so are you. Louis Prima rocked "The Jungle Book" for me and my sisters when we were little. One of my sisters can still do the dance:

CJinPhoenix said...

Rick Kepple said...

It could be hypertension or else it could be pre-eclampsia, Rick.

I'll ask a gynocologist about the pre-eclampsia next time I go. LOL

Jim, if it was MI6's "M," he would have known the codeword. He didn't. Now "J" has to hunt him down and kill him for impersonating a movie character.

Romney made a mistake with his VP choice. There is absolutely no way he can win now. Ryan voted for TARP and claims he can fix the deficit. In his speech, he makes a Freudian slip in saying "bury" instead of "buy" and he corrected himself, but I think he meant bury TARP.

Ryan said that he voted for TARP because he just couldn't see getting on his private plane and looking at his family. It must have been hell for him to decide to save all those millionaire constituents. But that's why he gets the big lobbyist bucks. Somebody's gotta get bribed. Might as well be him.

Rick Kepple said...

If you guys are gonna support Romney, y'all need to get religion. Paul Ryan is hard core Catholic and apparently Romney went hardcore Mormon.

BTW, in the doctrine of Christian prosperity, we take the money from the unsaved heathens. All money comes from God and not Wall Street. Y'all best learn that now.

midnightsstaff said...

All that really matters is they are both hard corps Americans, something that we have been missing for the past three and a half years- you can't compare Americans with commies.

I would rather live in Utah than survive in Shitcago.

Na Cj she doesn't ring a bell but then I didn't ever watch Jungle Book either that I can remember.. Channing Texas didn't have a theater, and by the time I discovered civilization I was kind of old to be interested in Jungle Book,
but we did read Kipling- and Walt Disney had segments of Jungle Book on his Sunday night show..

I remember Riki tiki tavi- a mongoose sounded like a good idea for some kid living in the Texas panhandle seeing how we had a slight rattler problem nearly rivaling India's cobra problem.

I still won't step through a door to the yard without looking close to see if there is something coiled up..

.. so hopefully this time it's just my fading memory- actually I thought it was Imogene Cocca at first.
.. and she did look like a female version of wonk eye Jack Elam with one "girl" looking one way, the other looking another..

Imagine the impact these new talkies must have had tho in the forties and fifties when the average JSP had never seen Benny or any one else other than some local talent.. it must have been a seminal moment in their lives- we have u tube and are amused, same thing with watching the videos of the attack on Pearl Harbor a few weeks after, Hollywood was integral to informing America, now we have 24/7 news channels..
we have information overload.

Rick's overloaded right now and spinning like a top, he is an example of the dangers of allowing our news sources to become raw propaganda outlets.

"the rumor is.. Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years".... anyone buying that except Rick?

"who need information, when your working underground"- as the song goes- so we end up with a lot of "Ricks" out there struggling with issues of basic morality.

When the only restraints on society becomes just the fear of being caught we as a nation have turned a dark corner indeed.

People, or I should say monsters like Obama rob us of our values because that's what socialism does, if allowed to fester and not be dealt with properly it strips the individual of our sense of self worth and most importantly our pride.
.. so when someone declares..

"you didn't build that- someone else did"-
it's Satan's message delivered by his mouthpiece of pure evil- (let someone else do it).

midnightsstaff said...

Jim, check this article out in the American Thinker this morning...

..this might be the best article I have read in a very long time, and as one of the respondent's noted..

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors"

gee Rick, was Plato a Democrat or a Republican?

...think about it, this was the type of exposure that formed those thoughts of our founding fathers- especially one as well read as Thomas Jefferson, do you think he just pulled these lofty well thought out concepts out of the either?

But to be fair the framers were not distracted by an agenda bound media nor any high level of carping except by the usual quislings that supported the tyrannical crown.
..and as today that list of fearful people afraid of losing the security that comes with authoritarianism is larger than one might expect unless you are one of those that actually pay attention.

Alas, that is the crux of our problem, paying attention seems to be part of that responsibility of life you know little about Rick- people like you who are armed with the responsibility of voting are too easily distracted by shiny lies every two years.

Voters like you as always will vote for the last one you hear either promise or threaten you on the way to the polls.

Jim McAllister said...

Middy, CJ,

Being senior to both you kids I can say that I well remember Louis Prima and Keely Smith. She was a good singer and had a part as Robert Mitchum's girlfriend in one of the great cult classic films of the 50's, "Thunder Road."

Louis is iong gone but Keely still is around at 80.

Jim McAllister said...


By the way, Keely's skirt in that video sticks out probably because it is a hoop skirt which was popular at that time.

You're right about her boobs. You could drive a Mack truck between those babies!

Jim McAllister said...


Great column in The American Thinker.

I love the last line: "If we would only open our eyes and connect the dots, we will readily discover for ourselves that Obama is not a just man at all."

I often wondered where these guys like Boehner got off calling the guy "a nice guy." From the first time I ever saw him, I thought he was the biggest phony on God's green earth. What are these guys missing about this clown who is trying to destroy the America that we love?

I'm concerned at the moment. We saw what happened when Ryan tried to change Medicare. Is that going to hurt us? The polls are swinging more for Obama lately.

I guess we can only hope that his attack ads are an act of desperation and there are a bunch of voters on our side who are just sitting back and waiting for November to oust this imposter.

God save us if he has a chance to dig his talons into this country for another 4 years. It seems odd but he has a lot of people who are normally intelligent in most matters still swallowing his Pablum.

CJinPhoenix said...

Hey, you two, look at the pictures of Marilyn Monroe & the Playboy Bunny about halfway down the page here:

Bras were built to do that into the 1960s because it was the style & I believe the idea was to give women an hourglass figure (especially since most women weren't as well endowed as the silicon jobs that are so common today) ... So what WERE you looking at on a farm in Channing, Texas when those hormones started to kick in if it wasn't girls in torpedo bras, Middy? Never mind, please don't answer that.

midnightsstaff said...

The eye will see what the heart tells it to Jimmy.. the eye is after all merely the window to the soul, - you can't consistently fool an honest man.

Actually it's that simple, we have had fifty years for the forces of evil to dumb down America from a land primarily of critical thinkers to a backed up sewer of incomplete thoughts- exactly the condition we have today..

I watched the Fox News dog and pony show this morning, if I was on that show I would be looking for something else to do with my weekends..

First they trotted out an absolute turd Juan McAmnisty so he could blow his own horn and then our sensitivities were assaulted by Debbie Wasercritter spewing another bilge load of socialist talking points.

..of course this was leading up to a grand finale of what can be considered a less than stellar panel chock full of the usual half baked opinions offered to us as wisdom by the endless supply of second stringers they keep on rolodex.

If I was at that table they would have had to call security.

Who takes the opinion of Rodney Dangerfield seriously?
..on a good day he is a typical minor league political hack for tyranny, he's good for nothing, that is but a good laugh.

Evan Bayh?- give me a break, typical passive aggressive Vitchy by choice, shoring up the assault on our freedom by trying to explain away tyranny as tho it is merely a second choice for us to consider- I would have told him to get off the set.

Then you have Bill Kristol who's dad must be wondering what he did wrong to bring up a son that chooses party over principle.

Liz Cheny who is still trying to separate herself from her RINO dad weighed in with the only rational commentary made the whole hour.

..All that was missing was a seltzer bottle and a squeezebulb horn..
I may get one of those horns to squeeze every time I have to listen to the lying left defend marxism- (ooggah - ooggah)..
But I imagine I would wear it out by the end of Sept if I didn't throw it at the tv.

Jim McAllister said...


Most of those women would be considered fat slobs today in our poplar "emaciated is beautiful" society.

I'm glad they included Diana Dors and Ella Raines. Diana was a sexy Brit and great in "A Kid For Two Farthings."

Ella was black haired and gorgeous and played in some "B" mystery films mainly in the 1940s.

Two great knockouts from the past.

Jim McAllister said...


I never watch the Sunday morning shows. I think I would throw my Sunday morning eye opener quart of PBR through the TV if I had to look at that sorry ass excuse for a woman Wasserman-Schwartz.

I'm just hoping that with Ryan on board it swings a lot of tea party people over because we sure aren't going to gain any votes for his Medicare ideas.

A lot of people are scared of losing their public dole and I'm afraid they will be afraid of Ryan. It's hard to take away the freebies they have been receiving and conditioned to having.

midnightsstaff said...

and Medicare is in good hands with Hugo Obama?

really- how long are we going to pretend along with Baghdad don williams that there is nothing wrong with the statist approach.

Christmas is coming Jim, get don a "I meow for Michelle" litter box.

Jim McAllister said...

I think the car union should picket anyone using that phrase. It's an insult to cats.

Jim McAllister said...

I mean "CAT" union. I have to start proofreading this stuff.

midnightsstaff said...

there's an app for that.

steve buzzardo said...

I remember Van Halen had a video in the 80s of the song Just a Gigolo. Lol

Hey Jim, you probably know this, what kind of car did Robert Mitchum drive in "Thunder Road"? 48Merc maybe?

steve buzzardo said...

I often wondered where these guys like Boehner got off calling the guy "a nice guy."

Yeah Jim, O'Reilly another phony, does the same thing, how Obozo is a wonderful family man with a beautiful family..
makes me want to puke

Rick Kepple said...

"the rumor is.. Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years".... anyone buying that except Rick?

I posted Mitt Romney's taxes on Jim's blog along with information about a health care company that he's invested in and their promise is to help the world's poor. So why don't you sober up and go read his taxes for yourself Middy. Drunken fool.

Rick Kepple said...

gee Rick, was Plato a Democrat or a Republican?

Middy, Plato was very critical of what we consider to be Republicans today. He would have been more of a Democrat. Plato wrote that Socrates denied payment for his work, so he obviously was not a capitalist. In fact, I'm more like Socrates in my volunteer work!

Middy, you're ignorant. I suspect wetbrain from excess alcohol consumption.

midnightsstaff said...

I actually do puke sometimes just a bit in my mouth at some of these wannabees - I would love to see the great one... Mark Levin debate that pompous asshatt.

Mark has forgotten more about Constitutional issues like the one that broken bag pipe did that Charles Payne commented.."that is the closest thing to being a marxist party plank than anything else Bill O'Reilly has ever said" on John Stossels show this week..

haha. yeah O'Blowhard actually said that mineral rights were the property of the collective... my God it's worse than I thought, not only is he a bully he is an ignorant bully... yeah I know that's redundant.

I gotta tell ya- it was a dark moment in Fox's history letting him go to the dark side, and then promoting him, how he keeps his ratings is something akin to why Walter Krankase had a near cult like following with my mom and dad's generation.

Mark Levin is the absolute best talk radio personality on the air today.. I like Jason Lewis and the recovering attorney / mayor of San Diego Roger Hedgecock...
that and a liberal dose of Robert Plant.

This is the golden age of talk radio, funny tho lots of people won't admit they listen because of the wet blanket of thought police sensitivity that permeates culture today..

This is truly a nation of sheep (no offense to true sheep) in search of a shepherd, they are tired of being bullied.

Mark goes right for the throat every time he has to.. the best defense to counter the outright lies of the left is a good hard dose of offense, and you can't do it if you don't know it.
Mark not only knows the document but he realizes the motivation for it's even being written.

He truly is an intellectual leader that the GOP had better listen to if they want to survive the long over due reform that's in their future.

midnightsstaff said...

wow Rick wake up wet again?

midnightsstaff said...

Another successful Olympics for me, didn't watch a second of it... I guess that makes about twenty or so I have avoided except for the ski jumping back in the eighties...

now the freestyle guys are unbelievable bunch of kids. -cool video.

Mike slater said...

CJ, Jungle Book is my all time favorite Disney movie. I have it on DVD and play it when the grand kids come over.

Jim, this election is going to come down to those that actually work for a living and those that don't and live off the government.

If you remember 1980 Jimmy Carter was leading in the polls right up to the election. Reagan won in a landslide. Hopefully Mitt can do the same.

Rick Kepple said...

On Labor Unions. I am an advocate for labor unions and I strongly believe in their necessity as some employers would embrace slavery again if it were legal. Ronald Reagan was a good man and George H.W. Bush and G.W. are good men too and would prefer having no unions and wish their fellow rich men would mind their manners.

Bernie Madoff is evidence that the rich need regulations and lots of them! They need 50 percent taxes and the deductions to give them back all the taxes and ONLY IF they hire American citizens. Otherwise, the rich employers will just hire people for 50 cents a day if they were allowed, then charge the same prices for the products produced by near slavery conditions. I believe that if rich people were ethical and moral, labor unions would not be necessary.

Again, I feel that labor unions are a necessary deterrent to ignorant, unethical rich scumbags.

Mike slater said...

Rick, private sector unions have a place in society but public sector unions don't.

midnightsstaff said...

it's pure bullshit that employers would give a person .50 an hour for any type of valuable employee.. labor sets it's own value in a competitive healthy economy- that is utter nonsense that anyone familiar with first semester economic theory under their belt would laugh in your face over.

the only thing a minimum wage does is to create more inner city, primarily black youth unemployment averages..
It is a demonic socialist/democrat plot to keep the chains of slavery firmly fixed around that valuable voting block's ankles..

That bastard Johnson, may he rot in hell did more damage to the black American family than any Grand Wizard could ever hope to have done..
In fifty years of dismal failure the illegitimacy rate, youth violence rate and all other measures of failure you can think of have gone through the roof...
That is the dream Obama has for not just his own race but every race in America.. because he hates America, it was obvious to us years ago and nothing has changed.

"Jim, this election is going to come down to those that actually work for a living and those that don't and live off the government"

not so fast there ms.. fixing the vote and endless recounts is the only way Obama can win, he really has no other hope and that will be his assured strategy.
This is identical to how Al Frankin won, the GOP just caved in and gave that seat to the marxists in 2008.

We can thank the GOP for passing the Obama care bill.

Rick Kepple said...

I agree. Government jobs should have no union and politicians should use Medicare and be put on piecework and minimum wage. Government more than anyone should have no excuse for violating ethics and morals. Corruption is not tolerable in government.

Unions are a necessary evil in the private sector and so are regulations. The companies outsourcing should be investigated for possible violations of any number of laws. If they're unethical in one area, they're unethical in another.

In my copy of Plato's Great Dialogues, Socrates said that three classes of society should exist and each working together in harmony in a continual cycle. Socrates said nothing about Trickle Down Economics.

midnightsstaff said...

By the way ms.. I truly believe he is going to challenge the loss because he has been priming the tribe with the old "this election shouldn't be decided by the electoral college in the twenty first century, it should be a popular count" - which is just more populist horseshit.. but he just might end up starting a race riot.

Watch... the GOP will be caught flat footed and end up agreeing with him and some corrupt federal court they already have selected because....

The GOP is a collection of absolute spineless fools and because of that, really don't deserve to win.

Mike slater said...

Middy, we heard the same thing after the 2000 election. The libs were crying that Gore won the popular vote but thats not how the president is elected. Besides that the 2000 election wasn't the first time that had happened. The libs would like nothing better than to do away with the Electoral College and go to a popular vote.

The Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, realized that states with the large populations would be able to elect the president while small population states would never have a say in the matter.

If Obama starts a race war it's a war they they can't win..

Rick Kepple said...

I was thinking of moving to Alaska, but I don't have the money. I suppose that if God wants it done, the money will just be there.

Otherwise, I can just stick around Missouri and be here for when the SHTF. I'll need more ammo.

I don't know who is worse; Romney or Obama. It's like the country belongs to the corporations and the government and the people just are allowed to live here as a courtesy.

You know sooner or later, they're gonna start drilling oil in northern Alaska. Especially if Romney gets in and that's where to be to make some money. Even in writing.

Rick Kepple said...

I'll never move to Alaska of course. It's important to keep a positive outlook. It's why the government keeps saying that the economy is robust, improving, etc. This has been one of my exhausted days. Been mostly sleeping.

I wish Stevie Nicks would visit, but it would be nice if a lot of things would happen, but won't. Life is shit. Plain and simple.

Oh, I could volunteer for the Army. They could write a health waiver and I could go to Afghanistan. The Geezer Patrol. We will use armored golf carts. Special Geriactric Forces.

Jim McAllister said...

What's an app?

midnightsstaff said...

Ya know ms.. you and me are on the same line of thought... it's rare that I find people that see the larger picture.

A real liberal (in the classical sense) education is much more than a piece of paper to hang on the wall..

The concepts of liberty and freedom are values only those who have worked to better themselves, invested in themselves and decided to learn from their mistakes truly appreciate.

Hard lessons life teaches most of us but in the end we can either make the choice to learn from them or blame others for the pain of in our personal learning curve.

Freedom itself is not for every person and liberty can be a frightening concept for those who have never tasted true freedom.

It is equally frightening for us to consider losing either, but we know firsthand what their value really is.

The worst of the chains of slavery and walls of prisons are not constructed from steel and mortar, it's man's unnatural desire to control his fellow man that bind the unfortunate souls.

I've had quite a few conversations inside the walls on that very subject, and surprisingly some inmates would agree, it's just too hard of current to swim against once you reach that level- and of course there are the sociopaths who are soulless and unreachable like Obama.

The libertarian mindset rejects despotism, whether it be political or economic in nature because it is totally in conflict with Natural Law.

.. humans as sentient, rational beings sense it but just can't quite put their finger on it.

Jim McAllister said...


In the later part of the film I remember Mitchum driving a '57 Ford.

I looked up the early scenes and it says he was driving a '51 Ford early in the film. I don't remember that car but I will always remember him crashing that '57.

I also remember Gene Barry as the "revenooer" chasing him driving a '57 Chevy.

Great film, a real cult classic.

Jim McAllister said...


Yeah, the nice guy thing mystifies me too I can't stand Obama or his phony wife.

Some polls show that many think he is nice. he sure has a magic spell over his believers. I can see through him like a window.

Jim McAllister said...


Jim, this election is going to come down to those that actually work for a living and those that don't and live off the government.

Your statement pretty much nails it. Polls can be foolers.

midnightsstaff said...

haha... an app is a joke this time.

Brodrick Crawford could put a pretty good chase scene together in that series about the highway patrol..
...haha I can see him now, leaning on the door of that cruiser, staring far off down the highway with a mike in his hand with that Greyhound bus driver hat on letting the radio do the work..
"crooks never learn that you can't outrun the radio"- sage advice for a prospective driver.
now that Sea Hunt and Sky King was tv for a kid.

Jim McAllister said...


I think O'Reilly and Shepard Smith are in trouble at Fox.

I wish we could get our gal Erin B as long as she says the things we want to hear! LOL

Jim McAllister said...

Crawford was great on Highway Patrol. They drove those stick 1955 Buicks. Crawford would lean in and grab the mike with that gravelly voice shouting 10-4! 10-4!.

Great shows. Remember "Sheriff of Cochine" with John Bromfield driving that '55 Chrysler wagon?

Jim McAllister said...


I mean "Sheriff of COCHISE!" not cochine.


CJ Phoenix said...

AZ Central is going to paid subscription news stories online. JHChrist! More money, more money, more money ... I need to go find me a new homepage now.

midnightsstaff said...

haha... they are worth every penny!

well, this ought to finish them off, good riddance- maybe someone else will give it an honest go.

Na, Erin is strictly eye candy.. an inch deep and a mile wide that girl, she actually likes koolaid, mixes it herself.

Fox business is nothing like that pirate ship sister of theirs, night and day- I don't like Smith either, I think I told you that..

Rick Kepple said...

AZ Central is going to paid subscription news stories online.

Told you. Media will be controlled by their profits and not government dictatorship. Freedom has been sold and investors are making some good money from the spiral into the NWO.

It's very likely that Romney/Ryan will win now, but all I see is a continuing global governance plan from 1973 toward the conclusion of creating global governance by 2025. Obama merely went along with the plan. Anyone who believes there is no plan is a fool.

Rick Kepple said...

Sassafras grows all around me. I didn't know that ground sassafras is a gourmet spice that is extremely expensive! It's also good for hypertension as a blood thinner, a pain reliever and kidney cleanser.

The transition to global governance is going to be painful for the poor and eventually the rich, but not the ruling superrich class. It will eventually result in global war, because it is human nature to reject perfection.

Jim McAllister said...


It should be interesting with the Republic's new subscription set up.

The New York Times tried it a few years ago and it flopped. The Wall Street Journal does it now.

They better make it a lot more complete than it is now if they want people to pay.

Jim McAllister said...


We both like Charles Payne and Judge Napolitano. They should have more time on Fox Business.

I also like Liz Claman who used to be on CNBC, Melissa Francis (ditto) and of course our buddies Neil Cavuto, Stuart Varney, and Stossel.

midnightsstaff said...

Yeah.. all those are on FBN not Fuzzy Fox..
Melissa is another striking intelligent babe that doesn't drink koolaid.

haha.. did you get that email?- yeah the press is having conniptions over this ticket...

"This is simple fact. If Romney is elected, people will die. People who vote for Romney will die. They may die even in the act of voting. I wouldn’t be surprised to see people keeling over the moment they pull the lever. It’s going to be a bloodbath"- haha great stuff eh?

midnightsstaff said...

actually after reading that farce it occurred to me maybe Rick should be considered as one of the moderators in the debate.
.. he comes up with this same type of stuff and isn't kidding..

You couldn't get in one of Mitt and Paul's rallies this weekend in the Democratic convention host state that Marxism is now losing in and Hugo jr. is having trouble filling a high school auditorium.

"the word is, Barry is going to start auctioning off his children, and a date night with Michelle complete with a happy ending because his all his contributions other than the illegal foreign ones are drying up"-

..causing some of us to speculate by looking at Barry's face just how happy that ending would really be.

..there- that seems just as rational and valid as anything Harry Reid is saying from the Senate floor.

four dollar a gallon gas is in our future this summer thanks to that refinery issue that wasn't reported last week.

steve buzzardo said...

Mark Levin will be on Fox News with Neil Cavuto at 4 PM eastern today.

don't miss the Great One!

midnightsstaff said...

Yeah... I record the Cavuto show every day whether I watch or not.. his is a pretty good show.

midnightsstaff said...

haha.. the marxist dyke has nothing, absolutely nothing.

Jim McAllister said...

That "people will die" bullshit is from that loon Jonathan Alter. Typical left stuff that the kool aiders thrive on.

Yeah, a date with Michelle is first prize, two dates with her is second prize.

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