Wednesday, April 02, 2014


The daughter of Orson Welles lives in Sedona.  Her name is Beatrice, she is 59 years old, and is the offspring of Welles and his third and last wife, Paola Mori. 

Beatrice has decided to auction off several items from Welles’ estate because she thinks they would be better off in the hands of those who appreciate Welles’ work rather than gathering dust in a museum.  Since she lives in Sedona, I assume she is not destitute and selling the stuff just to get some dough.  Her reasoning makes sense too.  I’m sure there are still many Orson Welles fans around who will appreciate his mementos.

There may be some who never heard of Orson Welles.  For those who fit that category, it’s all right since Welles died in 1985 at age 70 and I realize that for many younger movie fans, nothing happened before their lifetimes.  They are still mesmerized by Donnie Walberg and Leonardo DiCaprio.

I admit that Welles was an acquired taste for many but he did enough in his lifetime to gain fame and produce a lot of great films.   He also scared the hell out of a lot of people on Halloween night, October 30, 1938 when he and his Mercury Theater players did a radio version of H. G. Wells’ sci-fi classic, “The War of the Worlds.”  Most of the six million who tuned into that broadcast knew it was a spoof but enough thought it was real enough to cause quite a stir.

If I was to choose some favorite films by Welles I would start with probably his greatest:   “Citizen Kane” (1941).  Although William Randolph Hearst’s name is never used in the film, Charles Foster Kane showed a remarkable resemblance to Hearst while Dorothy Comingore resembled his lover, actress Marion Davies. 

Booth Tarkington’s “The Magnificent Ambersons” (1942) is another fine Welles’ film with a great cast consisting of Agnes Moorehead, Welles (as narrator), Joseph Cotten and other stars of the day.  Unfortunately, after Welles completed the film and was working on another project, his studio (RKO) sweetened the ending of that film which was a big mistake.

In 1949, Welles starred in “The Third Man” which may have been his best acting role as the evil Harry Lime.  The use of a zither for the background music is haunting and adds a lot to the suspense.  A beautiful and young Alida Valli isn’t hard on the eyes either.  She was quite a dish!

In 1958, “Touch of Evil” was released and portrayed Welles as an aging, blustering, crooked police officer in a small Mexican border town (actually filmed in Venice, California).  Welles is outstanding among a cast that includes Janet Leigh and Charlton Heston in the unbelievable role as a Mexican narcotics officer!

Even if Ms Welles is selling out for the money, I doubt if her father would mind.  Orson Welles once said: “I am essentially a hack, a commercial person.  If I had a hobby, I would immediately make money on it or abandon it.”                                                          

Orson Welles (R) and Joseph Cotten in "The
Third Man" (1949)


  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Patricia Lake, who was Marion Davies and William Randolph Hearst's illegitimate daughter and also widow of Arthur Lake who starred in the Blondie and Dagwood movies, was a personal friend of mine when I lived in Palm Desert, California during the '80's and '90's. She was a fantastic lady......unfortunately she passed away a few years ago....

  2. ArizonaDave2:28 PM

    Jim, for your info, the name 'WELLES is a variation of the name 'Wells' whose origin came from living near a spring in England...but Orson Welles, the actor, was one of the best....several people have jokingly called me 'Orson' down through the years even though the spelling is a touch off, but both with ancestry from near Lincolnshire,England...

    NOW, you know the whole story; wonder if this Wells could have beaten old Orson Welles on the golf course...MAYBE????

    Tiger out for the pick - Rory McIlroy....

    Dark Horse - Zack Johnson

  3. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Have to agree, Harry Lime, the greatest, thoughts of the Zither bring the movie totally in focus and the closing sequence as the road gets closer, not a fan of the ponderous and much loved Citizen Kane' Thanks, Jim.

  4. I have to confess I have never watched an Orson Welles movie mainly because I'm not a fan of black and white movies.

    The only time I saw him was on the Dean Martin comedy roasts.

  5. When I was 13, our local radio station ran the full version of War of the Worlds. My mother and several of my relatives who had listened to the original and some of my cousins all listened at my Grandmother's house. I don't recall all the details now, but I can still recall that we all...and especially us kids...became "very tense"...even though we knew it was just a story. Still one of my favorite
    Halloween nights. Would really enjoy one of our local stations
    broadcasting it come Halloween...just as it was broadcast back then.

  6. Hi Jim,

    I posted a comment to your blog that mentioned William Randolph
    Hearst and Marion Davies......I knew their illegitimate daughter
    Patricia (Lake).....Incidentally, her home in Indian Wells, Ca was
    right next door to Joe Cotten's....I have been a guest in her home
    many times....wonderful lady!......God Bless!...Sonny

    On 4/2/14, Jim McAllister wrote:
    > Orson Welles' daughter is going to auction off a lot of his memorabilia.
    > Here is my take on it and a short list of some of my favorite Welles'
    > films. I think the guy was a genius in most cases. Not so much in some
    > others but, hey, a guy has to eat, right?
    > Remember, you read it here.

  7. From Alan Robinson

    Just read that same article today. Darn I will be out of state doing a Civil War Sojourn, would really have liked to see what was going up for auction

    Back in the early 70's I worked for a company "American Can" at their research and development area in Barrington Illinois. As the staff photographer I was in charge of all media and upon occasion I would project a 16mm film in the conference room that stared Orson Welles doing a marketing message both as camera talent and voice over for American Can. Of course I had nothing to do with the effort but a couple of individuals I knew at Corporate in Greenwich Connecticut had been on location when they film was shot. Only words that I remember... from more than one individual....He was a sonabitch...loud, demanding and nobody knew what they were doing....To your point an interesting character.

  8. From Len Marcisz


    Your piece on Orson Welles is like, totally awesome.....dude! I'm like: "This McAllister guy is so totally cool to remember Orson Welles, and to see, like, black and white films and stuff." Only one problem: I like totally can't get my head around that other article way down there below the Orson Welles one; it was, like, totally not awesome, poking fun at important words like like.

  9. Native,

    Very interesting, the Blondie movies with Arthur Lake and Penny Singleton were around forever. Lake was a funny guy. That neat that you knew his wife. I never knew of the Hearst-Davies connection.

  10. Dave,

    My money would be on you in you played Orson. I doubt if he ever picked up a club and i know you can break 80 any time you feel like it.

    I don't know about Rory winning the Masters. I watched him a few balls today at Houston and he doesn't seem that sharp. Zack Johnson has had a good year and has won it before; maybe he can repeat.

    However, I will pick Jason Day. He won that WGC Match Play in Tucson and looked good doing it. Plus, he has done well at the Masters in the past and is young and strong and does seem to get ruffled.

  11. When I think of Orson Welles, the first thing that comes to mind is Citizen Kane. great movie albeit a tad depressing (... Rosebud...).

    The second thing is that War of the Worlds broadcast. I listened to it once and totally cracked up: I mean SERIOUSLY - how could anyone take it for real with all that camp style, dialogue and music??

    And the third thing I think about is that he was one of the first BIG HOLLYWOOD NAMES on a TV commercial: "Paul Masson. We will sell no wine before its time." Those were the days when up and coming and unknown actors/actresses were in commercials paying their dues, instead of multimillionaire celebrities of today edging the newbies out and lining their already overloaded bank accounts.

  12. Randy,

    Yeah, Welles was great as the terrible Harry Lime and the photography and music in that film are fantastic.

    A great ending for sure with Valli and Joe Cotten plus the fine English co-stars Bernard Lee and Trevor Heard.

    I liked Citizen Kane as much for the actors as the story. I love the old character actors and there were some of the best like Ray Collins, Everett Sloan, Harry Shannon, Agnes Noorhead, Paul Stewart, Fortunio Bononova.

  13. Mike,

    Some of the best movies ever made were in Black and White.

  14. Sonny,

    Did you ever meet Joseph Cotten?

  15. Alan,

    I can picture Welles being an SOB. He had a huge ego and a great vocabulary so I imagine he could do some chewing out.

  16. Len,

    Thanks for the awesome review. It was just so ultra!

  17. Glo,

    He did War of the Worlds in 1938 which was Depression times which was scary enough plus people of that era were a lot less hardened to being part of a spoof. I admit, it sounds a lot more superficial today.

    Welles may have been down on his luck and money when he did those Paul Masson ads. He had to be throwing away some pride doing those but, one never knows; he may just have been a greedy SOB cashing in at every opportunity.

  18. While I have never watched many of his movies, I certainly know who Orson Welles is. I actually think I must have saw him in a bit role or two after he was big -- I mean, he was HUGE -- before I saw him in "Citizen Kane" because I remember thinking, "Wow, he wasn't bad looking back then," when I did see that movie. I thought the same thing about Marlon Brando.

    By the way, I think you actually mean Mark Wahlberg, Jim, not Donnie Wahlberg. Mark Wahlberg is primarily a MOVIE STAR while his brother, Donnie Wahlberg, is primarily a TV actor. And there is a big distinction to be there, you know: Orson Welles was a MOVIE STAR too, so I believe a better comparison is to Mark Wahlberg (who loses that fight, hands down).

    Are there any "younger movie fans" that read your blog than me, Jim? Just wondering because I was just thinking that older movie fans can't even tell the difference between Donnie Wahlberg & Markie-Mark ... But, honestly, I do not believe that age makes much difference matters much when even the youngest of the youngsters have already cleared the half century mark.

  19. CJ,

    Good to see you return and amazingly enough, Glo commented right behind you. You two are originals from 2006 when I posted this stuff on AZ Central in the good old days of characters like Bodo. I'll always remember how nasty he was to you setting the tone for what a jerk he was.

    Not only were you and Glo two of my earliest bloggers, you guys were the first women to comment.

    Anyway, thanks for the correction on Donnie and Mark. Mark was who I meant.

    Welles and Brando definitely gained weight in their later years. It would probably be a tossup as to who was the fattest.

  20. Glo, Glo, Glo.......

    Marky Mark couldn't hold a candle to Michael Caine who starred in the 1969 "The Italian Job." Plus benny Hill was in the original.

    Most remakes are done from laziness especially when they choose a member of a boy singing group as their star. That movie belonged to Michael Caine.

  21. Don't know much about Wells other than he was talented enough to stay relevant for half a century. I remember being fascinated listening to my folks and grandparents talk about the War Of The Worlds broadcast and how it fooled so many people into thinking it was really happening.
    I guess then, like today, America was gullible wanting to believe what they get from the media is true.

    Regarding the Whalberg brothers, I think they are both extremely talented actors, remains to be seen if their careers wind up on par with the likes of Brando but I wouldn't rule them out. IMO Donnie is great on "Blue Bloods" and I thought Mark was also great in Perfect Storm as well as my fav, "The fighter".

    Recently the two brothers tried to help out their youngest brother's hamburger joint career by joining ranks on a lame show called Whal-Burgers. Brotherly love?, maybe, but a show it ain't!

  22. PROUD,

    Three films you should see by Welles:

    1. Touch of Evil (1958)

    2. The Third Man (1949)

    3. The Lady From Shanghai (1947)

    #1 and #2 are good examples of film noir. #3 has Rita Hayworth as a blonde and is a bit of a mystery with a fine cast.

    "The Stranger" (1946) with Welles, Loretta Young, and Edward G. Robinson is available on YouTube:‎

  23. SteveBuzzardo11:40 AM

    Actually Mark Whalberg just starred in "Lone Survivor", about Marcus Luttrell the Navy SEAL in Afghanistan . I read the book. I hear that Whalberg was pretty good in the movie.

  24. SteveBuzzardo11:42 AM

    Hey Jim , didn't Welles play Perry Mason on TV? That's all I remember about him.

  25. Steve,

    Welles doesn't have Perry Mason listed in his credits. You may be thinking of Raymond Burr who played Mason in a couple reincarnations of that character through the years with the main Perry Mason series running from 1957-65 on CBS.

    Burr and Welles looked a bit alike; both portly.

  26. SteveBuzzardo6:33 PM

    Jim, yeah I guess I was thinking of Raymond Burr.

  27. PROUD2:43 PM

    When Burr got too fat to walk, they turned him into Ironsides, a wheelchair bound super sleuth.

    That show must have been popular because I see pictures of him (usually in police blue color) painted on the closest, rock star, parking spaces all across the land... :-)

    BTW Jim, I tried to watch "The Stranger" not sure if it was the B/W or the dramatics, or maybe the music?...but I couldn't get all the way through...

  28. PROUD,

    Although "The Stranger" is usually given 3 stars, it is not as good as "The Third Man" or "Touch of Evil" I tried to find those online but they are not there yet.

    I think Edward G. Robinson was the real star of "The Stranger" and Loretta young was always easy on the eyes besides being a fine actress.

  29. PROUD7:04 PM

    Jim I remember watching The Loretta Young show

    She sure knew how to come down a flight of stairs!

  30. PROUD,

    She was a true member of babedom; beautiful eyes.

    We always watched her TV show. Great in films, loved "The Farmer's Daughter" and "The Bishop's Wife."

    Pretty girl.

  31. You guys seen this? It's been around since last summer. I ran it through Snopes and they say it can't be confirmed nor denied:

    Convicted Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) is scheduled to receive $8,700 per month in government disability pay, as well as a partial federal pension of $45,000. That generous $8,700 in disability comes thanks to Jackson’s sudden development of a "mood disorder" as the federal government began looking to indict him. Jackson, who was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison, had no history of mental illness during his prior 17 years in Congress. Rev. Jesse Jackson has defended his son’s claims of mental illness, stating to the court, " This time a year ago I thought we may have lost him."

    So, Jesse Jackson, Jr. 17-year veteran of the US Congress, suddenly gets a "mood disorder" (about the same time he learned he was to be indicted) and is going to prison for 2.5 years.

    Because his "mood disorder" was so severe, he has become disabled and will receive $8,700 per month as a disability payment as well as $45,000 a year from his congressional pension, a total of about $150K per year. Is this a great country or what?

    Come to think of it, I've have had a rather substantial "mood disorder disability" ever since Obama got elected in 2008.

  32. PROUD1:42 PM

    Jim and all. most here remember Mel Maguire from the AZC blogs. She is my friend on facebook and today she posted this exciting news:

    So I got a message on Twitter from someone claiming to be Sean Hannity's rep. It was from his official account. Since it's unlikely that a hacker would have used proper English, I answered it.
    It was the real deal. They want to have me speak on a segment about the ouster of Brendan Eich and the social issues it portends. I'm kinda trippy now. Here's the article I wrote that his rep said she absolutely loved (seriously, her words):

    Here's a link to her blog on the Mozilla CEO topic from The Gay Conservative, I think it's great:

  33. I see where the great Mickey Rooney passed away at 93 years old. He was quite an actor and played in over 200 movies.

  34. PROUD4:35 PM

    Where's Butch?

  35. PROUD4:43 PM

    JUST IN from: Frank J. Fleming:

    The great thing about the gay marriage debate is that you get to be hateful bigot no matter what side you're on.

  36. PROUD6:38 PM

    ‪#‎MickeyRooney‬ successful to 93, proves ‪#‎randynewman‬ full of shyt.

    Obviously... short people DO got some ::-)

  37. PROUD7:07 AM

    Looking,(sounding) more and more, like elusive ‘pings' from Malaysian crash MH370, weren't pings at all,

    Just like the fat lady singing?

    Hard to imagine a tech world where an entire population can watch televised footage as it's military sends a smart bomb down a single chimney half a world away...

    Yet the major powers on the planet waste a month looking for something the size of a football field?

  38. Good article by Mel. I vaguely remember her name from the blogs.

  39. Mike,
    Yep, Mickey was a great talent. he never let his 5'2" height get in his way.

  40. PROUD,

    I emailed Butch and he says he ius fine. He has been busy doing something....maybe his memoirs.

  41. Randy always said he didn't mean people short on stature. He says he meant people short on other things like consideration, humor, etc.

    He might have just been trying to bail since he caught hell initially.

  42. There is something we have not been told about the Malaysian plane. It seems like they could have found it by now with all the technology available.

  43. PROUD2:09 PM

    Looks like Dem. Elijah Cummings might need a couple cases of extra-strength CYA for his (denied) role in the IRS scandal.... …

    I wondered why he was screaming so loud to end the investigation, now we know, HE'S INVOLVED!

  44. PROUD4:13 PM

    Waco redux? BLM storms cattle ranch with 200 armed guards & helicopters to stop a rancher from allowing his cattle to graze:

    Rumor has it Obama admin is casting for a new Janet Reno. Susan Rice topping list for blindly doing / saying "whatever the hell we tell her to say" Michelle O in second place as the "look-alike" candidate!

  45. PROUD4:51 PM

    Jim, new reports make it sound like they have indeed FOUND the missing Malaysian jet. (saying it's undeniable but waiting for actual pictures from the ocean floor before hurting the families with another dead end)
    That's fantastic, just not sure how the hell it all unfolded as spooky as it did?

    Changing the subject. Way back in 09 CJ joined facebook and emailed me about the experience, I joined that day (CJ was my only friend), thinking I would see what it was and write an AZC blog about social media. To cover the bases, I also joined twitter, though the Red Menace and a few other libs were there so I never bothered going back....That is until about two weeks ago....

    My twitter acct was still there & waiting, and i must say, though I absolutely love using my facebook acct (I have family I never see all over the world that I am able to stay in touch with through pictures and exchanging posts) this TWITTER thing is a lot of fun. Why just this week I got to smart off to Bill Clinton, Hillary, Eric Holder, The Blade Runner, Jody Arias, Joe Biden and on and on...Just like McDonald s...I'm lovin it....

    I know you're already there, as is steve, but I hope other McCalister regulars would drop by and give it a look. For people like me,(wordy as evidenced herein) it's therapeutic because you only have 140 characters (incl spaces & punctuation) to make a point, but you do get a chance to tweet / chime in with some of the heavy weights.

    I'm: @callowj

    Looking forward!

  46. Then he dumped me from Facebook. LOL. Here's what you have been missing, John: Pictures of my BEAUTIFUL new granddaughter -- she's 2 1/2 now -- blonde haired, blue eyed & smart. That's about it, for the most part. Every once in a blue moon I will make a comment on something that is going on but not very often. How is your stomach?

  47. PROUD8:06 AM

    CJ, congrats on your beautiful granddaughter, enjoy every minute, they grow up even faster than our kids did!

    Stomach's old news, managed to bust or bend the balance of parts but all healed up as good as new, (well, hair line aside :-)

    Wasn't sure you remembered being the person that talked me into trying social media? I was against it, but came around after connecting with relatives I rarely if ever see, and discovering people I hadn't seen since grade school. Now I read where old farts have taken over and driven all the yutes over to Instagram,(where they take pictures of their food)

  48. SteveBuzzardo1:47 PM

    Proud, its good to see you on twitter and especially Jim. He always made fun of it, like just full of spoiled celebrities and athletes.

    I tried to tell him that it wasn't like what he thought it was. LOL

    its a hell of a lot of fun!

  49. PROUD3:27 PM

    Woman arrested for throwing her shoe at Hillary Clinton ? Hmm, now where have we seen that before???

    Must be that Vast Right Wing (TIP) Conspiracy???? …

  50. That Waco thing is incredible. What the hell is going on in this country?

  51. PROUD,

    I was thinking about joining Facebook since I am now writing for the Images AZ magazines and after more stories but after I started filling out the form, I decided they are asking way too much and cancelled it.

    Twitter is fun as after 140 it is done. I'm part of the new AZ Talk through the Republic plus still do the Plugged-ins on Sunday so having that contact with those Republic people is nice.

    I've heard of Instagram but am not otherwise familiar with it. Sounds like a Twitter clone.

  52. PROUD,

    I saw that tape of the gal throwing the shoe at Hillary. Too bad she missed her.

    I haven't seen any action on the menace lately which is good news. She probably moved back to Toledo. One can only hope. Total loser but I must admit she had us fooled for a while.

  53. I see where Sibelius is jumping off the sinking ship of Obamarama. Not a good sign for the HC law but being a Cincinnati girl even she has the common sense to see the thing is a total loser just like Obama.

    I wonder who he will blame this time for all the mistakes.

  54. PROUD8:48 PM

    Jim, unbelievably, the admin is selling Sibelius's departure as "mission accomplished". Despite a rocky start she made her 7M quota and now (as almost no Americans even know) there's NOTHING to do until "open enrollment" begins next Jan. Good luck selling that one!

    I really think you should join facebook, not sure what they ask upon joining that you are objecting to, but once inside you can adjust your settings as tight as you like limiting what you as well as anyone else can see. You can adjust things to show far less than any normal two second google search would reveal.Don't see much difference in that or twitter?

    I figure, after all those years sleeping with a heel, Hillary isn't going to be bothered by one more (in a size 7) flying past her head.

    Anyone else getting worried about Middy?

  55. I'll think about it on Facebook.

    Middy returned a message to me the other day and says all is OK. I hope that is the case.

    Funny about Sebelius; yeah she did a wonderful job. Only in government would she be able to last that long with out being canned.

    That 7 million number is already falling apart now that they are finding out how many people have paid nothing. It should get even funnier.

    Obama must think this country is really stupid. We know his followers are; not so much most others.

  56. Going to a the Heard museum this morning, should be fun.

  57. I see where the government jack-booted thugs are coming down hard on a rancher in Nevada. This could turn ugly in a hurry.

    This could turn into another Ruby Ridge or Waco. In those incidents the feds had no problem killing innocent men, women and children.

    Anyone that thinks the government really cares about them is a fool.

  58. PROUD1:36 PM


    The story of Hillary shoe thrower, Allison M. Earnst, is getting weirder by the minute.

    Not just a political malcontent, turns out she has strange ties to the Aurora CO movie shooter. Here's a couple items:

    Looks like a real nut case...I would expect her to a "perfect fit" with the Hillary campaign...

  59. PROUD2:41 PM

    I heard that's a nice museum, except on busy days when the herd you in and out like cattle...

  60. PROUD5:28 PM

    Hillary Clinton : Because dodging shoes...
    Benghazi State dept missing $6 Billion,yadda, yadda....

  61. Mike,

    I love the way people are coming to Nevada from as far away as New Hampshire to support Bundy in Nevada. Now I see where the feds have backed off.

    Power to the people; let's have a revolution.

  62. PROUD,

    Plus she is from here! The news is more fun every day.

  63. We had a Heard Museum here in N. Scottsdale for a couple years but they closed it recently.

  64. PROUDS,

    The government is like the goddam Duracell battery. It just keeps going and going and going.......

    I hope someone turns Benghazi into another Watergate one of these days where it just won't go away until someone gets nailed....preferably Hillary.

  65. This Heard is on Central just north of the hooker district.
    Great museum! I took a lot of pictures, it's actually a NA cultural museum and probably not the one Proud is referring to- but pun noted.
    ..(think feather Indians.)
    Yeah it's the same Heard as the one in Scottsdale, but hard times is kicking the legs out from under discretionary spending just about everywhere now so it looks like a downsize had to happen.

    I just fell in with a group of first graders being hosted a guided tour, they seemed pretty happy not to be in school and didn't cuss much or smoke inside.

    I hope you are kidding about bringing on a revolution, that's the worst approach we could take.
    It's gonna happen eventually, but when it does it's going to leave a deep mark.
    I don't know about you but I need a nap every day and most revolutions normally don't afford one,
    plus I like to use an indoor flush model.
    ..take it from me war is a total inconvenience, and something I always hoped to avoid.

    It was a good day, people are going to have to wake up and smell the coffee before any real change can be made, and unfortunately people today need to take a two by up side the head just to get their attention; the whole nation is in a perpetual fog- they have the attention span of a cocker spaniel puppy- and that's giving benefit of the doubt.
    ..enjoy those four seasons Montana.. haha..

  66. Are you on Facebook again now, Jim? I couldn't find you when I searched for your name.

    Middy is okay. I have been getting e-mails from him although none in the past few days.

    I have a new job. I am still in training at the moment but once I am through the training & get a life insurance license, I will be looking for customers ... Nope, I won't be selling insurance exactly, just pre-planning packages & cemetery plots. Seriously, it is something everybody is going to need at some point. Hey, maybe that's why Middy hasn't e-mailed me in a while.

    Paula is running for the Arizona Senate in LD 23.

    BTW, I never look at that old e-mail address, Jim. I went there to look the other day just because you hadn't posted one of my comments & I saw where you had replied to it as an e-mail instead of treating it as a comment. But I also had about a year of crap to sort through, then I started just deleting...

  67. Middy,

    Glad you enjoyed your day at the Heard. I didn't know you ever left the friendly confines of Goodyear.

    Just joking about the revolution but sometimes it looks like it may happen; a lot of pissed off people out there and then this Bundy thing comes along to exacerbate an already delicate mentality in this country. That guy is getting a TON of support. Enough that the Feds have backed off.

    Good to hear the first graders weren't smoking. Must have something wrong with them; they should be up to two packs a day of Camel regulars by now. How about tattoos, surely they had them. I would think that by first grade they would have at least a couple.

  68. CJ,

    I have never been on Facebook although I have considered it because I could get more information for the writing job I have at Images AZ. I looked over their application the other day and I think they are a bit intrusive.

    I must have slipped on your comment. I moderate them and click either "publish" or "delete". I publish anything you post but must have slipped up on that one I sent directly back.

    Congrats on the new job. Good to see you hanging in there.

  69. The Red Menace has no shot at winning a senate seat from a very conservative district. I guess she's not tired of losing elections just yet.

  70. Jim, Paula's loss to Ugenti screwed up her mind. After that she joined the Democrat party. If she couldn't win running as a Republican in a Republican district she has no shot as a Democrat.

  71. Mike,

    It was odd at the time when she ran against Ugenti. Ugenti was out campaigning a lot and Paula wouldn't even put up signs. Paula finished 2nd and might have won with some effort but I think she thought she could just put her name on the ballot and won. Ugenti was no genius, that's for sure.

    Like many, she learned the hard way.

  72. Probably so mike, but I figure someone her age has not just become a new convert to whackyness- so to speak- I think you'll agree that the pratfall of a parting shot she gave us with something about 'war on wimmin' left an impression on everyone.

    I'm not here to bag on her but it seemed to me she just never got a good fundamental education in the Austrian-read 'rational' theory of economics or the original intent of our US Constitution.

    So she tends to rely on instincts, gift of gab and I guess just wings it when it comes to the obvious hypocritical nature of liberalism.
    I doubt she will have any come to Jesus moment this far along.

    It looks like she intends playing to a populist audience from some of the things she writes.

    I think she must be an independent operator with no deep pockets backing by the Democrat mob-at least now we have hope that maybe the red hot campaign-signs crisis might get brought back into the limelight of public discussion.

    But with the Republicans hell bent on public hari kari now owning the amnesty issue and just giddy for an for an open border complete with an all you can eat Federally mandated buffet style Human Needs Services, she needs to step up her game- maybe she should champion the banning of the term 'Indian Casino' for the obvious indecency that term implies, it could be a rally point for a newly minted liberal awareness campaign for the ongoing obvious slur against our long suffering indignant, indigenous indigents.
    ..(probably shouldn't give them any more monkey with handgun ideas).

    When you think about her growing up in the rust belt with the constant union mentality that's shoved down everyone's throat constantly, I figure that alone is a pretty much enough to explain some of her ideas.
