The Presidential election of 2016 will be interesting. It will probably be between Hillary and The Donald. Will a woman win? Will Obama's record affect her chances? Will America vote for a successful businessman with no political experience? A similar situation occurred in 1960 when the question was whether a Catholic could get elected. We shall see.....
Another “first” that had an influence on the election was the four Nixon-Kennedy televised debates.
Pre-election debates had not been that big a deal other than the Lincoln-Douglas debates in 1858 in Illinois which drew large crowds even though the election was not even decided by popular vote. Later, FDR turned down an invitation to debate with Wendell Wilkie in 1940 dismissing it as a “media stunt”.
However, by 1960 there were over 52 million television sets in the United States making TV an obvious and important outlet for political debates. Republicans and Democrats recognized this so four debates were arranged for the fall of 1960 between Senator Kennedy and Republican Vice President/candidate Richard Nixon.
The first debate was about domestic issues and drew 70 million viewers along with a smaller audience that listened on the radio.
Radio listeners picked Nixon as the winner but the much larger TV audience picked Kennedy. As far as substance, the candidates were considered about even. However, this was an example of how much television counted as a cosmetic business even 50 years ago when most viewers were watching black and white sets with poor reception and smaller screens. The TV audience got to hear AND see the candidates which gave Kennedy a large advantage.
Nixon either let his ego get in the way of common sense or else he dismissed the debate as meaningless. He had injured his knee a month earlier and had spent a couple weeks in the hospital for treatment. When he arrived for the debate he was emaciated looking, had ill fitting clothes, and refused makeup for his ever present five o’clock shadow.
Conversely, Kennedy, who was five years younger than Nixon, showed up tanned, healthy, rested, and ready for action. When the debate began, Kennedy exhibited charisma, confidence, and a smooth delivery while Nixon appeared sickly and intimidated. Needless to say, Kennedy won the night on TV where it counted the most and that carried over to the other debates.
There are those who think that Kennedy would have won the presidency anyway although 6% of voters said the debates were a factor in their candidate choice. As it turned out the election was a squeaker with Kennedy winning 303 electoral votes to Nixon’s 219. Kennedy won the popular vote by only 112,827 votes but lost 26 states.
Perhaps Nixon should have reconsidered using makeup for that first debate after all.
Jim, I was nine in 1960 and remember my parents watching the debates. They were both Republican and Catholic but voted for Nixon.
The 2016 election should be fun. Hillary's negatives are high as are Trumps. I would vote for Trump because I have never voted for a Democrat and never will. Besides Hillary is anti-gun and anti 2nd amendment which is a loser for me.
If she's the nominee I would like to see Sanders run as a third party and pull votes away from Hillary. If she loses maybe the wicked witch will go away for ever.
I remember that election well. I thought Nixon would be a shoo-in against Kennedy but the debates killed him. I remember Nixon being ill at the time; he really looked like hell on TV as the writer said and Kennedy was young and vibrant.
It was a happy time for Kennedy and the Dems but it sure dissolved in November of '63 when he was assassinated by Oswald. I remember crossing the street from my barracks to the office where I worked in the USAF at Whiteman AFB Missouri after lunch and by the time I entered the building it had just happened. Needless to say, the confusion was incredible.
I think Trump has Hillary on the run. She is a terrible speaker and seems unhealthy not to mention she doesn't have much of a message other than the usual Dem liberal crap. Bernie has no chance but it's nice to have him around to give her a hard time. I sure hope Trump can pull it off.
I got it and I am 69
Jim, I heard about Kennedy being shot a school. It was broadcast over the intercom. When I got home my mother had the TV on and we watched the news.
I've never been convinced that Oswald acted alone. Kennedy had made a lot of enemies in his short time in office, including the mob, CIA and Castro. I doubt we will ever know the truth about what happened.
I like Trump's chances against Hillary.
I agree, it had to be more involved than just Oswald. He was basically just a stooge.
Trump is getting some heavy protests in California as he campaigns there. The good news is that the protesters are all idiots throwing stuff and acting like the idiots they are. San Fran in particular has gone from a beautiful city to a real shithole now. Fox showed some photos last night of people sleeping in parks, breaking into cars and businesses. The protesters are showing what scum they are plus there is still the Kate Steinle murder by an illegal alien. The clowns are shooting themselves in the foot and don't even know they are doing it. Plus, they are mostly illegal anyway.
Good recap Jimmy Mac of that 1960 election and debates....can you believe almost 56 years ago when I was a young 21 year old voting in my first presidential election. I think in those days you had to be 21 to vote, not 18, but then it changed later due to 18 year olds being I right on that?
The debate I remember the most was the Reagan - Carter debate when 'The Ronnie' took the Carter man to the cleaners...that particular debate probably decided that election plus little Jimmy screwing up the Iran deal.
Oh, how history is always there in politics, sports, or whatever, and you remember it so well.
Enjoy life and move on into 2017.....YIKES!!!
Thanks, Dave.
Time does have a way of disappearing in a hurry. I remember my USAF years like yesterday with being stationed in Germany from June to October of '63 and and a month later being back in Missouri and going through the chaos of the Kennedy assassination. Now, as I look back to that time it has been another 53 years gone by.
I remember when I was 15 how I was so anxious to be 16 so I could drive. My dad always said "Don't wish your life away!" He had a good point now that I look back.
Carter was a lot like Obama: Totally unqualified to be president. Not that Hillary or Donald are qualified but I would sure take Trump over her lying ass. At least he is not some typical giveaway idiot Democrat with a following like those fools in California. I hope he can pull it off.
Jim. I was wondering where the cops were in the protests. The protesters were jumping on police cars breaking the windows out and no cops in sight. Time to go back to the police dogs and fire hoses and possibly bullets to restore order. Of course it is California which is a shithole state full of illegals. Maybe the next big earthquake will flush it into the ocean.
I noticed that too. I guess the cops approve of the violence. It wouldn't surprise me in stupid ass California especially in San Fran which is overloaded with hippies and illegal Mexicans. Wackos for sure, some are screaming to raise the border of Mexico into what is now Calif. Once again we see the mistakes that evolve from out of control borders. They allow them in and the next thing we see is them wanting to take over. So much for appreciation for letting them in.
This country has become a nightmare and hopefully the current crap going on in Calif is going to raise awareness all over the US to vote in Trump and cut this nonsense out. I hope it is not too late.
So JFK was shot by a guy who lived in the Soviet Union for a short time, and welcomed back into the United States. RFK was assassinated by a Palestinian who's ramblings suggested he could have been a Manchurian Candidate.
Nothing surprises me about California anymore. Maybe the cops hated their cruisers and parked them in harms way so they get new ones!
Might be the best candidate is Donald Trump. I don't trust a rich guy who says he's gonna help me, because they just don't. They help themselves and if we're lucky, there are jobs made. He'll cut everything from the poor and no jobs and that will make things worse in the cities.
Absent minded is me. I went and bought tomatoes to plant and discovered that I'd already planted some. I'm hiring a lawn care company since the riding lawnmower died too.
I think the libs are spinning their wheels this time with Hillary. She is old stuff and although Trump is a wild man with no political experience, he has a big following which shows that there are a lot of pissed off people after 8 years of loser Obama.
Trump comes across as a guy who can take us back to the days of pride in this country not of embarrassment like we have now under a weakling pres. Trump has a lot of money so he must really want to do what he says to help the country. He certainly doesn't need the money; he just wants to get things back on track and make the US the great country it once was.
Clinton, Trump and marijuana are all metaphors for the desires of Americans; they want JOBS!
Colorado has already recovered from the recession thanks to a weed. Missouri is still hoping Jesus will save them, but ironically science and archaeology say that cannabis was used in the Holy land back then. Might have been in the anointing oil too, which kind of makes sense in a way.
And if you love the arts and would like to donate for the cause of making better short films and to hire Americans, please go to That's my studio and once marijuana is legal and we have a smoking hot economy again, there should be lots of advertising money and many people wanting video work done. Thanks y'all!
I'll be voting for Trump. I miss owning somewhat successful companies and working for myself.
To paraphrase Jimmy Cagney in "Yankee Doodle Dandy" (1942), "My father thanks you, my mother thanks you, my sister, thanks you, and I thank you." And most of all Mr. Trump thanks you for your vote in November.
We need to get this country back in business after eight nightmare years of Obama. Trump may not be perfect but he certainly is an improvement over the status quo.
Nixon badly needed a shave, that cost him dearly. The Pope issue was big then too with many non Catholics afraid the Pope would be running the government.
A straw poll in my high school had Nixon winning (South Dakota, Washington H>S> in Sioux Falls) but then again that was South Dakota.
Jim Johnson
You nailed it on Nixon. he really did need a shave; he looked like a bum and probably because he had been pretty sick. Kennedy was young and fresh and ready for action. Little did he know what his fate would be in 1963 when he was assassinated. Fate is a strange thing. I wonder what would have happened if Kennedy had lived through two terms. Unfortunately we will never know. Nixon wound up having to eventually resign.
AND SO IT GOES IN POLITICS. Lord only knows if we will ever recover from the guy in there now.
This will go around-even to some socialist friends
Mike Slater has left a new comment on your post "TV AND POLITICS: THE NIXON-KENNEDY DEBATES OF 1960...":
Jim, I think Kennedy was the last moderate Democrat president we will ever see. He wasn't a crazy liberal like they have now. I doubt that if he were alive he would be welcome in the Democrat party of today. He wasn't liberal like his brothers Robert and Ted.
I see Hillary was in West Virginia telling the people she was going to kill the coal industry. Does she really think saying that is going to get union miners to vote for her? Vote for me and I'll take your jobs away. What a dolt.
I agree on Kennedy; he wasn't even close to the liberal nuts the Dems have now who are all left of left. Plus he had his own dough; he didn't need to rape the government to pay for all his lavish vacations like the current clown.
I saw that about Hillary and the coal miners. Not a smart statement by her but we are used to that by now. That statement will kill her in Pennsylvania too where they are hurting.
I see where Cruz has dropped out. That is it for him, GO DONALD! I hope he can pull it off; the idiots rioting in California last week helped him with their stupidity. Dummies like that have a way of shooting themselves in the foot. They just added another foot to the wall.
Jim, it's all Trump now. I hear today that Kasich is dropping out too. The Republican Party needs to support Trump because he will be the nominee. I am tired of hearing some Republicans saying they can't vote for Trump and will vote for Hillary. What's wrong with these people?
Can't wait for Trump to debate Hillary. It should be fun.
Kasich is history. Now, all we need is to get the dumbass Republicans in gear and have them support Trump. With their behavior so far, I just don't know if they will get on the bandwagon. They are really losers. Maybe since it is Hillary they will face they will have a bigger incentive.
The debates should be fun should they even happen.
Jim I sure hope so but I have my doubts. I heard Charles Koch say if Trump were the nominee he might vote for Hillary, I hear conservative callers that won't vote for Trump. Don't they realize if Hillary is elected that will be four or eight more years of Obama policies?
Well it's May know and we had the first 100 degree day. That means the snowbirds will be leaving. It's my favorite time of year. Traffic will be better and finding a parking place will be easier.
They are starting to pile on Trump. Koch has and now Paul Ryan is saying he won't support Trump, at least for now. With that fool, I don't really care if he does or not. I don't know why these people are so afraid of Trump. Do they just want more Obama type mentality in the White House? This is going to be a strange ride from now to November.
If Hillary wins, and it looks good for her so far, it will disappoint me greatly in this country. It's sad the way we have become with so many people looking for handouts and not even wanting to work.
They are starting to pile on Trump. Koch has and now Paul Ryan is saying he won't support Trump, at least for now. With that fool, I don't really care if he does or not. I don't know why these people are so afraid of Trump. Do they just want more Obama type mentality in the White House? This is going to be a strange ride from now to November.
If Hillary wins, and it looks good for her so far, it will disappoint me greatly in this country. It's sad the way we have become with so many people looking for handouts and not even wanting to work.
Jim, Graham from South Carolina said today he won't vote for Trump because he's not a real conservative. That's funny coming from a guy that's not a conservative. He pals around with McCain and Susan Collins, both I don't consider them conservatives.
The whole idea in this election is to defeat Hillary. I believe Trump could do it. The Republicans lost the last two elections. Time to give Trump a shot.
I'm going to the local Republican Party headquarters Saturday and see if they have any Trump for president signs and Keli Ward for senator signs to put in my front yard.
It's frustrating for guys like us because we want to be Repub. and see Hillary soundly defeated. However, they are a bunch of whiners who are obviously wanting to cover their asses to keep their gravy train jobs in Congress so they don't want to rattle too many cages. Ryan is probably one of the best examples of that mentality. What a wishy washy little twerp he is. Graham is another good example with his phony southern accent trying to act like a gentleman.
Hopefully, those guys won't dissuade the voters away from Trump. If they lose their cushy jobs in Congress it's too damn bad. They deserve to lose.
Jim, I totally agree. McCain is another one. I can't wait to vote against him in the primary.They all claim to be conservatives but they aren't. To me they're no different than Democrats.
I heard yesterday that our senator Jeff Flake will not back Trump or vote for him. I plan on e-mailing Flake and informing him that I will no longer support or vote for him.
It's disgraceful that those Republicans won't back the Republican nominee.
Republicans have really become fools. It's no wonder they lose all the time. The Dems are lucky. They are idiots too but with Repubs for competition, they usually win anyway.
Just because Trump doesn't perfectly fit into their little pigeon hole mentality 100% they don't want to support him. They don't even think it over and look at the big picture. They are envious of Trump so they dismiss him immediately. They would rather see Hillary win than Trump.
This may be a blessing in disguise as a lot of people feel the way we do plus they like Trump enough to vote for him and tell the other jerks like Ryan and others to cram it. With the Dems shoving Hillary in that may just happen. She is not that popular and a lot of voters may give Trump a sympathy vote for the lousy treatment he gets from his own party.
Jim, I hope you're right because we can't afford to have Hillary as president. She wants to raise taxes a billion dollars a year for ten years. If she wins we are doomed.
Speaking of Republicans I see the ones in our state legislature caved and voted for the KidsCare program. I'm going to find out if any of my reps voted for it. If they did they will be hearing from me.
Google Judge Jeanine Pirro and catch her comments on Mitt Romney. Great stuff! 8:17 long and she really nails him. What a disappointment he turned out to be.
I see where Trump is going to meet with Paul Ryan and try to straighten him out. How would you like to hide in a corner of that room and hear that exchange?
This is going to be an interesting eleven months leading up to the election.
Jim, I heard on the radio that Dick Cheney and Bob Dole have endorsed Trump. That's good news.
Trump will probably thake Ryan to the wood shed. Sarah Palin said she's going to work to see Ryan is defeated.
You're right about one thing, this election will be interesting.
We'll take all the people we can get.
I think all the criticism Trump is taking is going to help him. Illegals are streaming across the border, people are out of work, Dems are killing jobs like mining in crucial states like Pennsylvania, Obama has become a total joke with his weak decisions plus regardless of the polls, Hillary is weak in many areas.
Trump may be lacking in political experience but he is offering something different: A non politician running for office because politicians have created a mess.
I sure hope he wins.
Jim, me too because Hillary would be a disaster. The next president will probably appoint two or three judges for the Supreme Court. We can't afford to have three more liberals on the court.
Obama would love to get some damn liberal on the Supreme Court before he leaves. He has nominated that guy Garland who, of course, is a liberal. Obama would love to shove all he can past the Court in his remaining time. I don't blame the Republicans for doing all they can to block him.
I'm not in love with the Republicans but they are all we have left to fight off the left. It's disappointing to see what is happening in this country. Too many people prefer welfare to working. People used to be ashamed to take it. Now,they demand it.
Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters finally responded by email. She said that she intends to move marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II and allow pharmaceutical testing. She also told me that she doesn't intend to spend federal funds enforcing weed laws. No one else wrote back.
No one told Dell Mack about anything re: his court case. His publicist (me) kept him informed and they tried to set him up again. Instead, Dell Mack got two years probation with the felony marijuana possession charge. The writer on the opposite side seemed relieved it's over, saying that Dell Mack got way too much media over it! Just doing my job! Well now, the gay rights movement is hammering the Missouri county over their high and mighty Christian morals! Holy cats! I did not do that, Jimmy! I may have inspired a little revolution though.
Jim, Garland is also anti-gun and anti 2nd Amendment. He ruled with the majority in the D.C. Circuit Court that people in D.C. had no right to own a gun. That led to the Supreme Court case Heller V D.C. which the court ruled 5-4 that the people did have a right to own a gun.The 4 no votes were liberal. Any more liberals on the SC will tip the balance and put our gun rights in trouble.
As you know I left the Republican Party years ago and went Independent. I won't vote for any moderates like McCain or Flake.
They ought to just let Dell have his weed so he can enjoy what he can considering his physical condition.
I would recommend to the gay rights people to be careful in your part of the country. They would be better off to let sleeping dogs lie before they see a backlash that they didn't believe could happen. People can take just so much.
I doubt if we see Garland added to the Supreme Court. Obama knows that; he just wants another reason to complain about how unfair the Republicans are. I'm certainly not in love with the Repubs either but I can understand their feelings. There would be a terrible imbalance with another Democrat on the Court. Scalia died at a very inopportune time.
F--k Obama, we need the new Justice when a Republican can make the decision.
I had a dream that I was young and having dinner with a gorgeous blonde at Avondale Country Club in Illinois and she gave me her phone number on a little raffle coupon. Happy dreams.
BTW, Rocksmith does work to teach songs. I'm learning Mary Jane's Last Dance by Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers. It's been eight years and it's high time I learned to play some songs on the axe.
There may come a time when hoards of unemployed, disabled people and foreclosed will be dotting the landscape surviving as they can. Dark politics. It's not good for anyone.
There was no one else in the restaurant; just us two. It was nice. Someone taught me how to eat lobster and it's no one that I know as a friend from memory. Nice thoughts to have.
Jim, I see where Obummer is going to Hiroshima Japan to no doubt apologize for the U.S. dropping an atom bomb. Can you imagine if he had been president during WW11? He probably would have surrendered. He's the weakest president in our history. Hillary would be the same.
Yeah, I saw that the other day. What a clown he is and you are right: He probably would have surrendered and apologized for any Japanese pilots killed at Pearl Harbor.
What a POS he is. A typical limp wrist liberal who thinks that all enemies are good and if we fight back we are the ones at fault. I hope that after January 20 of 2016 we never see or hear from the jerk again. He has been an 8 year embarrassment.
Re: the gay rights thing in the Ozarks/Bible Belt, yeah it's surreal. Like some weird movie.
Like that dream. Gorgeous woman from a good family having dinner with a poor kid, a high school dropout. I could do an entire short film on that encounter alone! Just the conversation. A clash between rich and poor. I need a set, actors, a budget! Makeup!!!!
Obama and the American surrender of the rich pansies. For circumstancial evidence, I submit London's Muslim mayor, who warned Americans to accept Islam or else.
Personally, I'm an "or else" sort of guy. I mean, you know what you're getting with the threat, but there's always a chance with the ultimatum. That mayor is actually saying to do what we're told, or the Muslims will attack. What an ass**le.
Who would have thought there would ever be a Muslim mayor on London. It shows how much Europe has slipped. Who is next? Paris. I wouldn't be surprised.
Jim, without a doubt Obama is a totally embarrassment as are the people that voted for him. Our military is at the lowest level since 1940. We have Russian jets buzzing our ships and planes and Obama does nothing. Democrats have never like the military. After WW11 the military was cut then War started in Korea. Luckily we had some WW11 vets left to fight.
Hillary would just continue Obama's policies. She's not a Margret Thatcher or a Golda Meir that's for sure.
Everything you say is true. The guy is a typical limp wrist liberal who simply doesn't "get it." I love the way Putin is right up front with his remarks toward Obama because he knows he can get away with it. He wouldn't be that way with a guy like Reagan. North Korea is mouthy now too, they also know the guy is a wimp.
However, when it comes to items comes like letting boys go in the girl's restroom because they think they are girls, that's OK with him. That is suddenly a big deal. I don't know if you read any Twitter remarks about this but he is in a pickle this time over it. The states are rebelling and social media is all over his dumb ass. He thinks he is a king and can do what the hell he wants.
We'll see.
Jim, Obama and Hillary have pandered to the gays and LGBT for votes. They were both against gay marriage until they were for it. It's the latest liberal cause.
I for one am tired of all the diversity crap. I read in the paper the other day that our national parks aren't diverse enough. It seems there are too many white people going to the parks and not enough minorities.
When I worked at the phone company they decided that every employee should go to diversity class. That went over like a lead balloon. Most of the people didn't show up so they scraped the idea. You can't force people to like other people.
I remember a couple years ago when Obama said marriage was between a man and a woman. I forget the instance but I think it was at a time when some guy wanted to marry his boyfriend and there was a big brou-ha-ha over it. All of a sudden when he thinks it might be advantageous to support gay marriage, he is suddenly for it. He is a HYPOCRITE in capital letters.
There is too much said about diversity. Why does there have to be a certain number of each race or whatever in the various workplaces. The best person should get the job regardless of race, not because of it. It is just more typical liberal bullshit. Minorities have every opportunity to improve their lives if they have the ambition to do it. but too many want to cry in their beer and feel like they are being mistreated because a dip like Obama tells them so.
The government is not going to change any thinking person's mind on this so they may as well forget about it. We will all be better off when Obama gets the hell out of the White House and hopefully Trump takes over. If the Repubs are smart they will support him so we can get the country back in gear. If he wins I hope the first thing he does is work on the immigration problem. It was really magnified recently by the bad behavior in California during Trump's visit.
Jim, It's about time someone worked on the illegal immigration problem. Both parties don't want to because the Republicans like the cheap labor and the Democrats want amnesty so they can get more votes.
The illegal immigration problem has been festering since Reagan signed the 1986 immigration bill that gave amnesty to 3 million illegals. I'm with Trump. Round them all up and deport them.
I think that if nothing else, the behavior of a lot of illegals during Trump's visits to various places like California is a good barometer of the problem with some of them. One would think they would be a bit more humble and appreciative that no one is really after them to leave. They are like spoiled kids: Once they have their way long enough they feel they can stand up to the system.
I remember years ago when it was an event to catch someone sneaking over the border. Now they flow over totally uncontested. Trump has the right idea. If they are illegal they should be sent back and some sort of deterrent built to avoid illegal entry in the future. The troubl;e that nothing will probably ever happen that way. The die has been cast.
Major cities in America will likely have Muslim mayors soon. Muslim actors. Muslim everything. You asked, Jimmy.
I am still studying that Tom Petty song and getting better at playing the guitar as a consequence. Very cool.
I don't believe Trump is going to do half what he says. Build a wall? Make Mexico pay for it? Trump is about getting the upper hand. I think he's more likely to do a hostile takeover of Mexico to exploit their resources and help retired Americans. Trump the Conqueror. That's more his style, I think. All war is about gaining some kind of profit, otherwise why do it? People gotta eat.
You may be right. I never thought I would see a Muslim as mayor of London but there he is.
Petty is still doing a good job at 66 and still touring I believe. I like guys like him, Eric Clapton, Jeff Lynne who are pushing 70 or more and still get out and rock.
I agree on the wall; ain't gonna happen but I think Trump would be refreshing after 8 years of Obama who I consider thew worst pres. this country has ever had and that includes guys like Harding.
Jim, past presidents like Truman and Eisenhower deported illegals so it can be done. The trouble today is once they step across the border they have "Constitutional Rights" and if they drop a kid here it's automatically an American citizen. What the government has done is hang a welcome sign at the border.
A few years ago my son and I went down near the border to scout for Big Horn sheep and ran into a lot of Border Patrol agents. They all said the same thing that Washington D.C. was tying their hands and not allowing them to deport illegals. They also told us to be careful because there were illegals in the area. We slept in the truck with our guns locked and loaded.
A wall would work. The wall the Israeli's put up works. Of course they also racial profile which we aren't allowed to do. Sheriff Joe is in hot water for that.
Jim, Illegals have all their medical bills paid by the taxpayer and illegal kids in our schools are paid by the taxpayers. The last stats I saw in Arizona was over 50% of births in the state were paid by the taxpayers. Doesn't it give you a warm fuzzy feeling knowing your money is going to take care of illegals?
I wonder if we were to sneak into Mexico if we would get treated the same way. I doubt it. We would end up in a Mexican jail.
I used the words "Operation Wetback" in a comment on the AZ central blog once and the PC police at the Republic deleted it. I guess it wasn't PC enough for them.
No question about it; the system is a joke and I lay the blame on the liberal Dems for it. They are nothing but a bunch of touchy-feely wimps from Obama on down. Just one more reason we need to get a hard ass like Trump in there to try and teach people we are not the babysitters of the world.
The republic is getting worse if that is possible. They used to have at least a couple conservative writers but those days appear to be gone with guys like Doug MacEachern and a couple others gone. Robert Robb was pretty good but i see he now has crossed over to the dark side joining Valdez and montini and that loser Benson.
I quit taking the paper a year and a half ago but I still see it as the lady next door throws it on my patio each day after she has read it. It's the same garbage every day.
The term "Operation Wetback" was common in Ike's terms. That was his program to return them home after they came up to pick the crops.
We need Trump soon before political correctness kills this country. Speaking of trump I see where a recent poll shows him ahead of Hillary in a head to head 45% to 42%. That's the first poll I have seen him beating her. She has been up about 5% up to now. She better start worrying about Bernie.
Jim, you're right about the Republic. It's a shame because it used to be a good paper. You're right about Robb too. He's gone to the dark side. I have no use for Montini, Roberts and Valdez. The only good thing about the paper is the sports and the crossword puzzles.
I like Trump because he's a kick ass and take names kinda guy. That's something we need now.
Hey Jimmy. I went to a sleep lab last night. The tech said it was one central apnea after another. So that's what's causing the exhaustion. For me, it's caused by stress where the brain forgets to tell the lungs to breathe. Well, life goes on.
I found this FM video. I've never seen it before.
Mike is right. The Democrats and Nixon are to blame. If you research how marijuana became illegal, it was done by a Democrat controlled Congress. In Nixon's era when he wanted to make a war on weed to get back at the Jews, there was a Democrat controlled Congress. They made war on the American family! So much for the sanctity of marriage! At 41 minutes, Judge Nancy Gertner expresses her regret for the lives of Americans destroyed over her unjust mandatory rulings that expand our prisons to this day and destroy families.
Yeah, they dumped Doug McEachern and brought in two more libs, Abe Kwok and Elvira Diaz, both libs of course.
I used to do a lot of columns in the Scottsdale section when Robert Leger was there but he is now long gone as are my stories and others like mine. Instead, they have columns by Montini and Roberts. So much for local contributors.
I quit my subscription in Sept. of 2014. The lady next door gives me hers after she reads it so Barb and I still are able to do the NY Times CW puzzle. Nice of her because they will never see another penny from me for that rag.
Jim, in my rant about the Arizona Republic I left off Steve Benson. What a POS he is. The cartoon about the national cemeteries lowering the Confederate flag into a trash can was disgusting. The men that fought for that flag were fighting for a cause they believed in.The vast majority of troops in the South never owned slaves they were fighting for states rights.
Liberals want to erase any history they don't like.
There's only two things the Republic is good for, potty training puppies and lining bird cages.
Yeah, I saw Benson's cartoon about the Confederate flag. Just another example of what a little uninformed twerp he is. Typical of the Republic with him, Roberts, Valdez, Montini, and the rest of those losers who are going to be looking for job if the paper keeps slipping. I notice they have cut off more space again. This time they have dropped the reader's opinions from the editorial page. They are trying to cut corners to save a dime to stay in business. They don't realize apparently that the newspaper business is failing everywhere and they will soon be on the trash heap where they belong.
If I had a bird, I doubt if I would insult him by lining his cage with that rag. I would expect it wouldn't be long before they are online only and that will be the end for them.
Jim, you're right, that would be animal cruelty. The best use of the paper I've found is cleaning my windows.
I don't think the Republic is long for this world. That liberal rag in Tucson will be gone too. The Republic blog site is a waste of time. You can't even comment on the letters to the editor.
I've been e-mailing Montini, Roberts and Valdez but only Roberts will respond on occasion. It seems they don't care for a point of view they disagree with.
Practiced on making a film today. Sound engineer helped me finish up a goofy song I wanted done. "Squirrel Hunting" by the Lost Causes (me). It's just a tour of the farm.
Meadow, the Welsh Pony, eats the grass in the garden! It's a pain to clean out of the rows, but Meadow doesn't step on the vegetables and eats the grass! I have that on the film I made.
I wrote Governor Nixon about my disgust of this marijuana thing. Good thing there are no politicians alive from 1937. Jimmy was right! Democrat Congress in 37 and in Nixon's time! Targeted blacks, Mexicans and musicians for marijuana! Pathetic!
Congress approved marijuana for veterans in states with legal weed only on the day I got out of the sleep lab. They did a complete reversal from two days before.
If it wasn't for the lady next door throwing the paper on my patio after she reads it in the morning, I would never see it.
I think the guy who has really pulled one off is Montini. It's just the same crap from him every day plus he has been doing it for as long as I can remember; probably at least 20 years. I believe he used to do stuff in the Gazette too before they folded years ago.
They are lucky. They have no local competition. If someone wants to read a newspaper, it has to be theirs.
Jim, as you know I live in Sun City and love it. I get the local Sun City paper once a week and always read the letters to the editor. Almost every I see a letter from people complaining about the noise from the jets from Luke AFB. It seems the jets interrupt their nap time. It makes me wonder why they moved here.
I for one don't mind the noise as it only lasts for a few minutes plus it's fun to watch the planes. I call it the sound of freedom.
I'd much rather listen to the jets than the constant drone of leaf blowers and chain saws from landscapers I hear all the time.
Those people need to go back to the 60's with me to my non-air conditioned USAF barracks in Missouri. The midnight shift on the flight line was always revving up the B-47s while they worked on them through the night. Needless to say, it made a hell of a lot of noise but we got soused to it. That's what the Sun Cities people need to do.
Soused. Haven't heard that word for a while.
A tour of the Enchanted Farmstead and the studio.
Seriously, I was going to retire. Take it easy. No more filming. Relaxing. But, you know how that goes when you love your work!
Trump sure is under fire from all sides now! Every day, I look at the news and there's Trump bashing. I read once that he wants to exterminate the poor and serve them up for high dollar dinners. I'm not sure if Congress would approve that, but I might be wrong. There's a lot of paperwork to do for cannibalism, particularly at a black tie function! And what kind of wine would they serve?
In Pulaski County Missouri, Dixon town marshal Mike Plummer was jailed, charged with 10 felonies, five misdemeanors, even won the election to be marshal again! Prosecutor Kevin Hillman had his cop license taken away and Plummer asked for a jury trial. He displayed arrogance in the news against the law that was coming after him!
In the end, Mike Plummer pled the Alford Plea which is dangerous, since he could have gotten the max sentence. The plea is two-fold; a guilty plea, but innocent at the same time. He was given a suspended sentence and one year probation. That's it.
In contrast, 78-year-old music producer and veteran, Dell Mack, got two years probation and must be drug tested for marijuana use as he dies of leukemia. Same county. Two different stories. Government still targets musicians for drugs just like in 1937.
Jim, they're just a bunch of grumpy people. What they don't understand is Luke is a training base for young pilots from America and around the world that have to practice.
When I worked at the phone company Luke was one of the areas I took care of. After I finished my work I would walk around the hangars and look at all the planes. That was before 9/11 after that it was off limits.
I see Hillary is in trouble again with her e-mails. She must think she's above the law.
Trump has enough delegates for the nomination. Maybe some of the Republicans will come around now.
I hope Trump doesn't have difficulty with those delegates. I see where some are talking about sticking with Rubio, etc. We don't need that. We need these clowns to unite and beat the bitch.
I believe it is now 12 states including AZ that are suing the Feds over this bathroom nonsense. What a bunch of s--t that is with the transgenders. I know I would be really upset if I had a daughter in school and she couldn't even use the bathroom without some freak guy coming in who "thinks" he is a girl. Typical of Obama. He is trying to be as troublesome as possible on his way out.
Now I see where he has bought a 9 bedroom house in a wealthy part of Washington to go along with his mansion in Hawaii. The guy and his loser wife have really cashed in at the public's expense.
Jim, I'm getting real tired of minority groups demanding stuff all the time. What about the rights of the majority? That's why the states are suing the feds.
Obama claims to be a constitutional scholar but I guess he never read the 10th amendment which deals will states rights. The federal courts have slapped him down lately for over stepping his authority.
He's a president not a king.
They are demanding stuff because they know we have a weak willed sorry excuse for a pres. who will feel sorry for them and grant their wishes. At this moment Obama is letting illegals stream in here by the thousands from places like Syria, Mexico, and elsewhere. Those will all become Democrats.
Hopefully, more states will join on the lawsuit over the transgender issue. It never ends with the goddam guy. He hates this country and reinforces that thought every day.
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