Sunday, October 02, 2016


It is now the first week in October, 2016 in the Phoenix-Scottsdale area.  In most parts of the country October means thoughts of chilly nights and preparation for the onset of winter which is just around the corner.  

Ah, winter; I remember it well during my days in Cincinnati and Missouri.  Once it arrived with its ice, snow, and cold it was as though it would never leave.  In Arizona we love the winters with the sunny 70 degree days especially when we play golf on a January day while the northerners are shoveling snow.

Like practically everything in life, however, there is a bit of a payback for the northerners as we Arizonans have to endure 100 plus degree days practically every day from June into September and sometimes beyond.  Neither situation is perfect but since I have lived in Arizona since 1987, I obviously prefer the situation here.  There is something about ice cold car seats and heaters that don’t really work well in the extreme cold that makes me glad I have to search for a parking space with shade in the summer in Arizona.

So, while those living in the northern climes are piling on the firewood and warming up the car for fifteen minutes in the morning hoping the heater works, here are a few advantages for Arizonans as they prepare for winter as listed by Scott Craven of AZCENTRAL.COM.

1.  You can now launder the smelly shirt you have kept in the back seat of your car all summer for sweat emergencies.
2.  You can now fire up the stove and enjoy food that doesn’t have to fit in a toaster oven.
3.  You can walk the dog without having to set the alarm clock at 3:00 a.m.
4.  Prepare smug Facebook weather posts for comparisons with your East Coast friends.
5.  You can now enjoy the post-dryer warmth of bed sheets straight out of the dryer.
6.  You can now open the blinds and allow sunlight to shine on areas not illuminated since May!
7.  Two words:  Patio dining. 
8.  Prepare your cold weather gear as temperatures could plummet into the 60’s before you know it!
9.  Answer the usual “What do you want to do this weekend?” question without starting, “We’ll head north….
10.  Breathe deep the rich scent of manure as your neighbors prep their lawns for winter seeding.

Would you prefer to be the guy below or play golf in Arizona like pro champion Kirk Triplett?  DUH!






  1. Glo, Seeker of Dinner Reservations5:10 PM

    Of course, there is the other side of the coin: the disadvantages of winter in Arizona. Here are my top-ten reasons why:

    1. Snowbirds from Illinois (can’t drive well, don’t even attempt to).
    2. Snowbirds from New York (can’t see over the dashboard, hold up the deli lines by asking “how many slices are in a quarter pound of white American cheese?” and buying twelve different types of cold cuts at ¼ pound or less each after hemming and hawing each time over whether to buy Boar’s Head or the store brand).
    3. Snowbirds from all of the other states: see #1 above; see #2 for those from New Jersey.
    4. Art festivals: So many, so many things to buy by people (like me) who shouldn’t be spending that money but are too weak-willed to resist the allure.
    5. You CANNOT get a dinner reservation or a walk-in table (without waiting an hour) at any decent restaurant in Cave Creek/Carefree between October and May because of the snowbirds, who will finish eating and remain for another 45 minutes laughing and babbling at the tops of their voices about, well, anything totally meaningless and annoying).
    6. Unless your pool is heated, you can only stare at the beautiful, clear, COLD water between October and May, sobbing at being unable to take a dip without screaming from the pain of frostbite.
    7. If your pool is heated and you dive in, be prepared to develop a bad head cold from the cold wind blowing across your wet hair and pate.
    8. Opening the blinds to let in sunlight shows the level of dust you’ve accumulated and refused to do anything about over the long spring and summer, and now, damn it, you have to do something about.
    9. Your rotten, miserable, furry beasts demand to be walked on a beautiful Sunday morning when you just want to freakin’ sleep in.
    10. Did I mention S-N-O-W-B-I-R-D-S?

    On the plus side – YEAH: NO SNOW! For that reason alone I tolerate the snowbirds. And stay away from the deli …

  2. Glo,

    Great list; I'm still laughing! Somewhere Johnny Carson is applauding you.

  3. Jim”

    I’m with you on the weather in Arizona during the winter. It is time to clean off the outdoor grill and get ready for a winter of prepping good food outside, veggies and meat. I did it in Butte for part of the past 11 summers by raising the garage door and grilling in a bit of a break from the wind but here, rarely do I have to do that. The only problem here is our grill is attached to a natural gas supply coming off the house and I ran up a gas bill over $500.00 by forgetting to turn it off after grilling a particularly big and juicy T-bone. Made for a rather expensive meal but the meat was good. No more summers and fall in Butte, we sold the house there and are here for the duration.

    We just got back from a week in Alexandria, Minnesota where it was beautiful but the ducks were telling us a coming story. They were herding (flocking?) and flying south for the winter. Time for us to return too. Our friends there used to live in Arizona (20 plus years) and decided to go back home to family. Can’t fault them for that but winters are brutal.

    We rub our great winters into all of our out of state relatives but then we hope too many of them do not come visit us, it would interrupt our routine.

    Jim Johnson

  4. Hi Jim,

    $500 gas bill for grilling out? Wow, I'll bet you attached a note to remind yourself to avoid that in the future!

    I don't think I could ever go back to Minnesota in the winter after spending 20 years here. Good to hear that your friends have such a strong relationship with the folks back home. That's one way to prove one cares about their family. I don't think i could ever live up north again. I can take the summer heat here much better than the cold up north.

    I've never had a gas grill. I've always used basic cheap ones and burn charcoal briquets. We used to grill out even in winter in Kansas City but their winters are not in the same league as Minnesota.

    Hope all is well with you. Good hearing from you.

  5. Mike Slater1:19 PM

    Hi Jim, I have to agree with Glo on snowbirds. Especially the ones from New York. They're always bitching about something. There should be a sign at the border saying " If you're from New York welcome to Arizona now go home."

    I've never lived in the snow before but I've lived in the Valley long enough to know it can get damn cold here in the winter. I had a job in Tonopah one morning with the sun shining and the wind blowing about 40 miles an hour. I left my truck running and would jump in every 15 minutes to warm up.

    I know how cold swimming pools can be. I was cleaning mine on a February morning and caught my foot on the side and fell in. The temp was 55 and I was fully clothed. Needless to say it was cold. Had to go in the house and take a hot shower.

  6. Mike,

    Yeah, they tend to be bitchers. I met a lot of them in the USAF when stationed in the sticks in Missouri and they had plenty to complain about mostly about not being in the "city." It was like they couldn't understand how anyone could stand to live anywhere but New York.

    Most of them were pretty good guys otherwise but they liked to put on that unless one was from NY he didn't really know what was happening.

  7. AzDavey7:07 PM

    The Phoenix-Scottsdale area is the best in the, golf, and more golf, and then sit on your patio watching those beautiful sunsets with a glass of wine in your hand.

    ....and when you hit your tee shot in the over seeded fairway, you realize that beautiful greenery all around you, maybe a little brown in the rough which is normally not over seeded...but still the best place I know to spend the winter months.

    NOW....let's talk the Ryder Cup and a former ASU golfer who set the USA up for a win this year....10 birdies in his final round as Phil Michelson and Sergio put on a show in halving their match.....and what about 'Captain America', the new nickname for Patrick Reed, a golf star in the making...and let's not forget Ryan Moore who made the clinching putt taking the Red, White, & Blue to victory.... a great team captained by Davis Love III with the Phil Michelson approach to a real team concept.

    ....and my final statement, why not a Ryder Cup in Arizona someday at Whisper Rock in North Scottsdale.

    Enjoy Arizona this winter even though the Arizona Republic did endorse Hill The Pill...the winters are still great.

  8. Dave,

    Most of the courses are over seeded now looking really good. Pretty chilly tonight so the weather is coming through for us.

    I've been going to Dove Valley more often these days. I'm kind of tired of Legend Trail and their attitude. Dove Valley is a lot friendlier and is only 15 minutes away. They re-open tomorrow after seeding.

    It's nice and cool tonight so the the 100's are probably gone for this year. I hope I don't jinx myself on that!

    Yes, it was a great Ryder Cup and I agree on Reed. I'v never cared a lot for him and his attitude until now as he really got the job done at the Ryder. His enthusiasm really ignited the rest of the guys. I was happy for Moore too. He has always been such a little quiet guy that didn't get much recognition. I remember one year at Phoenix he didn't have a single logo anywhere on him; very rare in these days of guys plastered with corporate logos. It was quite a couple weeks for him with his good showing at the Tour Championship then knocking in the winning putt at the Ryder.

    Sad about Arnie. He will be missed; he was one hell of a guy

    No surprise with the Republic endorsing Hillary. Supposedly they lost a lot of subscribers over it. That's good news; I hope they fold. I dropped them two years ago.

    Take care; always good to hear from you.

  9. Here Jimmy, is the latest video. It's 59 seconds. Things you NEVER DO in a studio.

    Every New Yorker I ever knew was a little paranoid and irrational. Folks in the Ozarks use chainsaws to cut wood and New Yorkers have seen the movie about a massacre. They wanna disarm Americans so that they'll feel safe from foreign terrorists. Trump and Clinton both call New York home. Yep.

    Anyone who thinks Trump or Clinton will help them is crazy. Dude, Trump sells his campaign signs! They both beg for money. Even a dollar ... sniff (cue the tears).

    Some famous music star didn't like Jen and he told me to get rid of her. I told him that when he runs into SN, to tell her what he did. We ain't talking now.

  10. Mike Slater10:38 AM

    Jim, I got up a 6 this morning and went outside. It was 63 brr. Time to bring out the sweat pants. For the first time in 147 years the Arizona Republic endorsed a Democrat for president and look who they picked. The Republic is all liberals so it's not hard to understand. Guess they want to go out of business. They took a really good paper and turned it into a liberal rag.

    Since I quit the paper I've got three things in the mail wanting me to renew and I keep sending it back saying I don't want your liberal rag.

  11. Mike,

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm up here in the higher elevation and it dropped to about 58 degrees! I had to wear gloves to pull in the trash can!

    I would love to see the Republic fold too. They lost a lot of subscribers with the Clinton endorsement plus they didn't have that many readers anyway. It's a combination of their liberal mentality plus the fact that most people don't read the paper anymore anyway. I quit them two years ago when they raised the price for the umpteenth time. I figured enough was enough.

    I guess I am getting to be like a lot of older guys I knew through the years that lamented about the way the country is going. I remember my dad having a fit when Truman beat Dewey in 1948. That's probably how I will feel if Hillary wins. If she wins the country will get what it asked for. I don't think she has good enough health for the job besides being a worthless POS liberal but we will see I guess.

    One of the saddest things about it all is the mentality of much of the country now. Too many people want something for nothing rather than jobs to MAKE money. Plus we have nonsense like BLM which is nothing but a local terrorist organization. I'm just going to stay locked and loaded and hope if someone threatens me I can get the first shot off.

    By the way; how about Bass Pro Shops buying Cabela's? They will have it all now.

  12. Steve Kloscak1:07 PM

    It's funny listening to people always bashing AZ weather, like its just horrible because its over 100 degrees for a couple of months. Most of the country puts up with bad weather for 9 or 10 months out of the year. We have 9 months of great weather.
    Looks like another hurricane about to hit Florida. You have to be a dumbass to live there or anywhere in the east.. lol

  13. You're right, Steve.

    I'm glad they feel the way they do. It makes it less likely that they will move here. Besides, the 100 degree weather is nice for cooking as it eliminates the need to buy charcoal to grill out. All we have to do is let the car sit in the sun a couple of hours then throw the burgers on the car hood. Five minutes a side usually gets them cooked just right!

    Those fools just don't get it. It's all about ingenuity!

  14. Mike Slater12:34 PM

    Kim, I was surprised to hear about Bass Pro Shop buying Cabela's. I shop at Cabela's for ammo once in a while because it's down off the 101. Never been to Bass Pro Shop because it's in Mesa.

    After the Republic endorsed Clinton I wrote an e-mail to Laurie Roberts and told her she may want to update her resume since the Republic put the last nail in they're coffin.

    I have a Trump sign in my yard and driving down my street I saw about 5 or 6 Trump signs. Didn't see any Clinton signs.

  15. Mike,

    It surprised me too. Bass won't have much competition now. I remember when they started in Springfield, Missouri many years ago. They had an aquarium in that store that was unbelievable.

    The last thing the Republic needs is to lose subscribers. They are hurting as it is. They even have that little twerp Mike from the blogs years ago writing some liberal columns for them in the Scottsdale tabloid. Laurie mauy be looking for a job soon too. Good riddance, she can take Benson, Valdez, and the rest of those liberal a-holes with her.

  16. Mike Slater1:59 PM

    Jim, Cabela's has a nice aquarium too. My son's a big time hunter and goes there all the time buying guns and ammo. He has so many guns he had to buy a gun safe because he has small children.

    It seems the Republic is trying to lose subscribers. They got rid of all the conservatives employees and replaced them with liberals. Don't forget Montini, he's the worst.

  17. Mike,

    I agree on Montini. Benson with Valdez and Laurie Roberts are close behind. Now they also have some ding dong named Abe Kwok giving his liberal two cents worth also.

    They have to be really hurting as the newspaper business all over the country is in bad shape because TV news and the internet are scooping them terribly. Who wants to read their stupid left wing crap the next day when they can see whatever they want 12 hours earlier on TV whether it is liberal or conservative?

    Luckily, the lady next door still gives me the paper every day after she reads it so I can still do the New York Times crossword puzzle. That's all the rag is good for.

  18. Mike Slater12:15 PM

    Jim, I get the paper on Sundays at the store because my mother likes the funny paper and I do the puzzles. The rest of the paper ain't worth a damn.

    Laurie Roberts told me she's a "moderate" Republican which means liberal to me. I bet she votes for Hillary. I don't miss the paper especially the sports page. I don't care about the local pro sports teams anyway.

  19. Mike,

    That's pretty much the same as me. The lady next door still takes it and throws it on my patio when she is through with it. It's been 2 years in September since I paid for the piece of crap. Like you, all I do is the NYT crossword puzzle and skim the rest.

    I did, however, read Montini this morning and for once I agreed with him. He mentioned how the Diamondbacks stunk on the field this year but the team will still make a fortune so they should quit bitching about how they need improvements made to the stadium and have them paid for by taxes. I agree, screw them and their crappy team. I loved when that Maricopa County supervisor told the main guy Kendrick to take his F--king team and moved back to West Virginia if he didn't like the situation!

    It's stuff like that has had me saying the hell with these pro teams that expect the public to pay for everything so they can make millions for themselves. With the D-backs my guess is that the Salt River Tribe is after them to move on the rez where they will build them a stadium. I hope they do it; good riddance.

  20. Mike Slater10:31 AM

    Jim, while the D-Backs are going home my team, the Dodgers, are in the playoffs. I think Dodger Stadium was the last ballpark to be funded by the owners and not the taxpayers. All the local teams could leave as Far as I'm concerned. Delta Airlines is ready when they are.

    Nice to see the Rams beat the Cardinals last week. Maybe all the talk about winning the Super Bowl will end now.

  21. Mike,

    I was overjoyed at the D-Backs failing. Nothing against the players but the ownership is strictly a bunch of a-holes who deserve to be last; especially Kendrick and Hall. I loved it when that county supervisor told them where they could go.

    I wish the 49ers could have beaten the Cardinals even though I hate Kaepernick. What a stupid punk he is; really sucked in by all that BLM bullshit. These guys make millions and have no brains. Three more cops shot the other night. There is going to be a backlash on this eventually. I can see some white supremecy group going into the BLM neighborhoods and doing some shooting of their own. I'm glad we are in AZ where the only asshole is Maupin.

  22. Mike,

    The D-Backs are a minor league team wearing major league uniforms if you can consider those ugly uniforms "major league." Guys like Kendrick and Hall are major reasons for their problems. They don't know shit about baseball talent or where to find guys who do. They have Tony LaRussa who has been good at other places like St. Louis but the D-backs are a bad organization that will never do well because of upper management.

    I agree on the pink stuff. It's a worthwhile cause but not suitable for pro football to be wearing pink shoes, etc. They need to find some other way to integrate it.

    Maupin is a POS just like Sharpton. Neither one has ever worked a day in his life. They just feed off the contributions of the dummies who are foolish enough to give them money. The Black people would be better off without them. They cause more trouble than anything. That's the way they make their living.

  23. Mike Slater1:31 PM

    Jim, I've been a Dodger fan since the late 50's and they had two things that made them successful. They had good scouts that could find talent and good minor league teams. The D-Backs don't have that.

    Of course what ruined Baseball was free agency. Teams can't keep there top players more than a few years because the players are chasing the big money. I remember back in the 60's Sandy Kofax and Don Drysdale wanted a raise and threatened to strike. They finally settled. I think Kofax got about $125.000 and Drysdale $100.000. Imagine what they would be worth now.

    Maupin, Sharpton and Jackson are all race hustlers.

  24. Mike,

    You're right about free agency. I have mixed feelings in the sense that if a guy has a chance to move on to another team for a lot more money, he should be allowed to. It's no different from someone in the business world moving on for the opportunity to make more. The difference is that in sports, free agency can kill the small market teams that don't have the money to hang on to their stars.

    I know that I would move on if I played for Pittsburgh making $1,000,000 a season for 2 seasons but could move on to the Yankees for $10,000,000 a season, I would be gone in a moment. There are so many physical factors involved like a pitcher getting a sore arm, etc. and having his career end. The money is too good to pass up.

    Sports have changed a lot because of free agency. It happens in all businesses but we know of sports because we read about it in the paper every day or watch it on TV.

  25. Mike Slater12:43 PM

    Jim, I understand why pro players want to make more money. They have to think about injuries that could end their careers. It just seems that pro players care more about money than they do about winning championships. That's why I like college football. Those players play to win championships. Look at teams like Alabama or Ohio State. Their goal every year is to win a national championship.

  26. Mike,

    It's true; the pros care mostly about the money. I guess when the next play in football could be a guy's last play if he is badly injured, I can see their point. However, they need to put that in the back of their minds and give 100% or they are cheating their fans. It's a high risk high reward business and if a guy can't give a total commitment, he may as well not play.

    A lot of those guys have never had serious individual injuries but with the attrition of taking a constant beating every week, it tends to have a residual effect in the years of retirement. Definitely something for players to consider.

    I think I would rather practice kicking field goals. Those guys do OK and have a hell of a better chance at not getting hurt. Plus, since they are on a team they still have a good chance to meet babes!

  27. Mike Slater5:17 PM

    Jim, you're right about kickers. They make good money and don't take a beating. I would add backup quarterbacks to the list. They make good money and don't have to play much.

    I remember when the Cardinals drafted a QB from USC. He signed for like $11 million and only played a short time. Now he's in broadcasting. Imagine getting $11 million it's like winning life's lottery Sadly though many players don't manage their money well and end up broke.

  28. Mike,

    Yeah, the kickers have a pretty good deal on not getting hurt but they can have a lot of pressure on them if they have something like a 45 yard field goal kick with one second left and their team losing by 2 points. Add some wind and a sloppy field and it can be quite a challenge. Fortunately for them, that is not an everyday occurrence.

    I've also noticed that on kickoffs not all of the kickers run full speed downfield after the ball carrier and his blockers!

    The backup QB usually doesn't even need a shower after the game. One doesn't sweat much when they ride the pine all night. Is the guy you're thinking of Matt Leinart? He signed for a bunch of money from SC and never did anything. Good thing Kurt Warner came on the scene.

  29. Mike Slater1:50 PM

    Jim, watching college football yesterday I saw were kickers can win a game or lose one. North Carolina State had a chance to beat number 3 Clemson at the end of the game but the field goal kicker missed. They lost the game in OT.

    Yes it was Matt Leinart. I think he got like $11 million to sign and he was a flop. Joe Montana on the other hand won a national title at Notre Dame and went to the pros and won four Super Bowls so you never know. Drafting college players is a crap shoot.

    I think Alabama is on tract for another championship . Nick Saban is a wizard at finding talent. The natives in South Bend and Tucson are getting restless. Both teams are 2 and 5. May be some coaching changes soon.

  30. Mike,

    So true about kickers. They can be heroes this week and bums the next week while playing less than one minute both times or even getting their uniform dirty. Even if they guy holding for them screws up and makes a mistake, the kicker usually takes the heat.

    Leinart never made it and it didn't surprise me. He was just a pretty boy and not too smart as he knocked up some babe on the volleyball team and had an unwanted kid plus a bunch of alimony. He also didn't have an NFL arm. Another brilliant mistake from the Cardinals.

    I agree on Alabama. They have a great tradition with guys like Stabler and Namath plus a great coach in Saban and with their reputation they get great players anxious to go there. Meanwhile, ASU continues to suck under Todd Graham. He needs to be dumped. Maybe they need another Frank Kush!

  31. Mike Slater12:38 PM

    Jim, Both Arizona State and Arizona need new coaches. Frank Kush was a great coach. Arizona State made a big mistake in firing him.

    Did you happen to read the article in the Sunday paper from the head honco of the Republic. She can't figure out why the paper is getting hate mail and phone calls after they endorsed Hillary for President. What planet is she living on? I got a laugh about the conservative editorial board. There isn't one conservative on that whole damn paper. The paper has to be losing subscriptions like crazy.

  32. Mike,

    I don't know that much about Rodriguez at U of A other than I think he coached at some place in Michigan. I just plain don't like Graham at ASU. It's hard enough to win in the PAC 12 with a good coach so ASU has no chance.

    I love it that the Republic is losing subscribers. I think they will wind up being online only if even that. There are a lot better papers around the country that have folded who are much better than they are. It's all about being online these days and even that isn't perfect. People simply have better and quicker ways to get the news.

    The Republic is just a liberal rag. Other than Robert Robb all they have is a bunch of crazy liberals. I don't know how they expect people to give a damn what clowns like Valdez, Roberts, and idiot Benson have to say.

    They have let a lot of people go. Not much of a good sign.

  33. Mike Slater10:22 AM

    Jim, Rodriguez coached at the University of Michigan. He was fired after 4 or 5 years because he wasn't winning which is a no no at Michigan. He's been at UofA for 5 years and isn't winning so he will be gone soon.

    I have read the Republic since the mid 60's and it was a good paper until Gannett took over and went liberal.

  34. Good point about the Clinton signs. There are a lot of them around here, because of the lucrative Clinton days. Marijuana is popular because it has indirectly created lots of Colorado jobs. Lots of folks want Trump for the same reasons- work. I support Clinton in spirit, but will probably vote Republican as usual.

  35. Mike,

    Yeah, I thought it was somewhere in Michigan. You're right; with those top Big 10 programs a guy has to produce quickly or else he is gone. Kind of tough to do with Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan State in the mix along with some tough independents.

    I won't even line my trash can with the Republic. I tried it and the can complained!

  36. Rick,

    Glad to hear you will probably vote for Trump. He is definitely off the wall on some stuff but he sure beats Hillary and her crazy liberal crap. I don't think she can physically do the job either. Her health is apparently pretty bad.

  37. Mike Slater12:35 PM

    Jim, when is winter coming? I had 4 days last week over a hundred. My A/C is still coming on every day.

  38. Mike,

    I'm up by Carefree and it's been in the 90's every day regardless of our elevation.

    Go figure, huh?

  39. A friend, also an Army vet, moved to Tucson and she said it's cooler there than in Phoenix. I find that hard to believe, but I guess it's possible. I've thought of moving there.

  40. Rick,

    Tucson is a bit cooler than Phoenix-Scottsdale. Barb says it is because they are at a higher elevation. When it is 110 here it is about 105 there. Big deal, huhb? Still hotter than hell!

  41. Mike Slater10:44 AM

    Jim, it's true Tucson is a bit cooler but only by a few degrees. Once it's over a 100 it's still hot. I would never live in Tucson because it's way to liberal for me.

    Trump is looking good. Hillary must be worried. All I want in this election is for Trump and Sheriff Joe to win and stick it to the Arizona Republic.

  42. Mike,

    It's so typical of any college town that the liberals rule. They are very UNrealistic because they are so IDEAListic.

    The students take political classes from a bunch of frustrated professors who can't get any other job than spewing lies to college kids about how important it is to take the liberal point of view that anyone who has success and money is out to screw everyone else. In reality, the jealous bastards would love to be successful but aren't sharp enough to pull it off. Consequently, they "teach" that it's unfair to have a lot of money and anyone who does should be forced to share with those who did nothing to deserve it.

    I went to the U. of Cincinnati and U. of Central Missouri for my BA and it was the same crap in both places. The only reason I even went to college was because it meant more money. They can keep their dumb ass philosophies on liberalism.

    I'm with you on Trump and Joe. I hope they both win. Joe has been indicted but that may be a help to him. I've always voted for him and always will.

  43. Mike Slater11:49 AM

    Jim, I've watched enough Waters World on Fox to know how dumb college kids are. It's a shame they can vote.

    Obama's DOJ will go after Joe but turns a blind eye when it comes to Hillary.

  44. Mike,

    I agree. When I enrolled at the U. of Cincinnati in the fall of 1965 right after my discharge from the Air Force, I was just past age 24 and had 4 years USAF behind me and suddenly I was in classrooms with kids fresh from high school who thought they had the world figured out. Luckily the military obligation was still in effect until 1973 so most of them learned quickly after they did a hitch a lot more of what life was about.

    Kids are easily influenced by idiots like Obama. Hopefully many have now learned what a fraud he is and will make wiser decisions in their futures not influenced by that phony excuse for a president.

    As far as Jesse Watters, I love his bits on Fox. He always has that shit eating grin on his face as he puts down liberal idiots without them realizing they have been had by him. Funny guy; reminds me a lot of how Jay Leno used to do the same thing with "Jay walking" segments on the Tonight Show.

  45. Mike,

    How about the FBI re-opening the the case on Hillary and the tie in of Huma and Weiner? Hopefully this will kick her ass out the door. That's pretty serious stuff when they close a case the reopen it. Something is rotten in Denmark or at least sizzling.

    You're right about the dumb asses.

  46. Mike Slater2:17 PM

    Jim, Hillary's e-mails are the gift that keeps on giving. The FBI should have recommended charges the last time. If she is elected they won't be able to touch her.

    As far as the dumb asses the country is full of them.

  47. Mike,

    I just read a bunch of comments on Twitter and Google. It looks like they have her dead to rights on everything and that Trump should win with ease. The only problem is that a lot of dummies will probably vote for her anyway and some jerk like obama may step in and pardon everyone.

    However, at the moment I will take what we have on her ass and hope it sticks at least enough to keep her away from winning. I hate to sound skeptical but I just don't trust the rats in Washington. If I was Comey I would get some bodyguards and keep an eye on my back.

    Isn't politics fun?
