Tuesday, February 09, 2016


K. T. Palmer  (1899-1976), and a fellow named Tom Darlington were the founders of Carefree, Arizona in the mid 1950’s.

Real estate wasn’t Palmer’s only vocation as explained in his book “For Land’s Sake” (1971).  He also was a homesteader, a lawyer, and during World War II was a successful secondhand store operator.  He sold a lot of war surplus items including secondhand guns.

K. T Palmer (right) looking over plans for 
Carefree, Arizona.
He was not an expert on guns but he found that he was selling more handguns than dealers who were more knowledgeable than he was.  The reason was that Phoenix at that time had a city ordinance concerning handguns that was a frustration to other dealers.

Phoenix required a police permit to be issued before a handgun sale could be made with the idea being to keep guns away from crooks.  Unfortunately, the cops looked at the permit as a way to stop gun sales to everyone. 

Palmer related that a typical situation may go like this:  A lady whose husband was out of town a lot could buy a pistol for protection at a place like a hardware store where she would be told of the necessary police permit.  After filling out the forms, she would go to the police station for her permit.

After arriving she would typically get a retort from an officer asking:  “Who do you want to shoot?”  After nervously replying “N-n-nobdy” she would be asked “Then why do you need a gun!?”  After mentioning that her husband was out at night a lot” she would hear something like “We are here to protect you, you don’t need a gun!”  In other words, “Beat it!” Men were treated in similar fashion.

In actuality, the law stated that refusal of a permit was only a factor if the applicant had a record of drunkenness, was insane, or was a criminal.  Since Palmer was probably the only secondhand store owner in Phoenix with a Harvard law degree, he knew how to avoid the attitude of the cops by going to the Chief of Police about it.  His gun sales jumped by 33% and he never had another rejection.  In fact, because of his persistence, the permit law was eventually repealed for legitimate gun buyers.

Today, if you are 21, buying a pistol and carrying it concealed is within the law in Phoenix and in Arizona.  Those who disagree with that and believe in restricting or collecting guns so they can be destroyed, are fooling themselves.  In his era, Palmer stated that he would “no more deprive the private citizen of his right to possess firearms to defend himself and his home than he would to deprive him the right to own and operate that far more lethal weapon, the automobile.”

He also stated that it frightened him to think of the day when a representative of a government hostile to our way of life, would knock on his door and demand his guns.

Palmer was a bright guy.


  1. Please leave comments in the space provided. Thanks!


  2. Jim, thank you for your article on T Palmer. I am always fascinated wit history ithat took place in our locale. Palmer was a visionary Nice to see a man wearing a suit and hat!

    I also have been meaning to comment on your comments from the Sunday AZ Republic. We always agree with you, wholeheartedly!

    I enjoyed the article on Ferry Farm in the latest American Spirit. I am so glad that you and Barb subscribed to that magazine.

    til later...


  3. from Jim Johnson:

    Today started the long regimen of new chemo, steroids, and Velcade shot into my stomach fat. I was out of Mayo by 8:30 AM and returned home a bit dizzy which is a side effect. My blood sugar has required managing during the day with insulin to keep it below 200. I’m still fuzzy at 8:30 PM but I’m still here. This regimen will continue until it no longer gets results then there are a few other options available so I’m not checking out yet. I cannot have any more stem cell transplants as two is the magic maximum and I have had those.

    On a good note, with friends visiting us we went out for a Gelato and took the 65 Corvair Coupe which ran like a top. 75 miles an hour on the freeway was silk smooth but we could not talk or hear anything due to the turbo muffler on it which is LOUD at speed. I’m losing a garage space so it is for sale. I’ll keep the 63 convertible.

    The heat today was welcome, time to get out the shorts again.

    You all have a great week, it will be so here.

  4. Amen, things vs. firearms and self defense are a lot better than way back then. If they come knocking on my door they will not get my guns until I am certainly dead.

    Jim Johnson

  5. Jim, thank you for your article on T Palmer. I am always fascinated wit history ithat took place in our locale. Palmer was a visionary Nice to see a man wearing a suit and hat!

    I also have been meaning to comment on your comments from the Sunday AZ Republic. We always agree with you, wholeheartedly!

    I enjoyed the article on Ferry Farm in the latest American Spirit. I am so glad that you and Barb subscribed to that magazine.

    til later...


  6. Hi Joy,

    I'm glad you liked the K T Palmer piece and his feelings about guns. He was one of the great characters of his era. A very interesting guy.

    I also enjoyed the Ferry Farm piece in the "American Spirit" of Jan-Feb. It's amazing about all the transformations made on that land through the years. Especially that a Wal-Mart was considered at one time!

    I also have enjoyed the piece about the Loyalists and the Patriots. My mother was from Montreal, Quebec and I wondered why there was so much French there while Ontario was very English. That article cleared it up for me.

    I love the magazine and look forward to each publication.

    I hope all is well with you and your family.



  7. Mike Slater11:54 AM

    Jim, another great article. Guns laws have to be uniform in a state. That's why Arizona doesn't allow cities and towns to make their own gun laws. Could you imagine if each city and town had different gun laws. That would make traveling in the state with a gun impossible. This is why the State of Arizona can issue CCW permits. Cities and towns have to abide by those laws.

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Great article Jim. Interesting how things change but some would have it back that "old way".

    Jack in Glendale

  9. Thanks, Mike.

    Palmer was quite a guy. He was born in Illinois in 1899 died in Carefree in 1976. Tough little bastard, fought TB for many years and still got a law degree. He made a ton of money on war surplus stuff in the 1940's and getting the gun laws in order was one of his big achievements.

    His book "For Lands Sake" is a great read with a nice chapter on the guns.

  10. Thanks, Jack.

    Always good to hear from you. Hope all is well in Glendale.

  11. From Steve K.

    Great article Jim, I didn't know that about Phoenix. Violating everyone's 2nd amendment rights, like NY and Chicago now.

  12. Mike Slater1:54 PM

    Jim, Palmer is to be saluted for getting the gun laws in order. He sounds like a great man.

  13. Rick,

    What are you guys drinking over there? LOL Sounds like a good science fiction yarn! Remember whaty KWTO Radio in Springfield used to say as their slogan: "KWTO! Keep Watching The Ozarks!"

  14. From Rick,

    I recorded the voice of a ghost in a cave! My friend, Caleb, and I were editing the video (he's in Episode 3) and well, there it was! It was a low frequency moan of a kind. Initially on crude volume increase, you can hear something. But when it is isolated, there it is.

    Sometimes I get the creeps editing that video, because I never know what I'll find. I've got a photograph of a genuine fairy and it's on my Facebook page. Lots of weird stuff in the forests of the Ozarks.

  15. Mike,

    Palmer was quite a guy. He made a ton of money in the second hand store business on Van Buren after losing his ass trying to win a seat inn Congress in 1940. He was a lawyer, realtor, builder and many other jobs during his lifetime in spite of suffering from TB.

    His book is a real page turner. I did a talk on him in October of 2014 to The DAR of Scottsdale. They were a great audience.

  16. Amen, things vs. firearms and self defense are a lot better than way back then. If they come knocking on my door they will not get my guns until I am certainly dead.

    Jim Johnson

  17. I'm with you on that, Jim. In Palmer's time it was as bad in Phoenix as it is now in the liberal places of this country. I have to hand it to him for getting things turned around.

    I'm with you. Anyone attempting to come at me better be prepared because I have a silver .38 loaded and ready. Hopefully I will never need it but I like to comfort of knowing it is there just in case.

    As Teddy Roosevelt once said: "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

  18. Hi Jim!

    I just read the article...and some of the comments.....have you
    been sick?....Or was that Jim Johnson?.......I was a little
    confused......God Bless you and Barb.....Sonny

  19. Sonny,

    That was Jim Johnson's message about his health challenge.

    God bless him; I'm rooting for him. Jim is a good guy.

    \Hope all is well on your end. best to leon.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Mike Slater1:38 PM

    Jim, if they ever come for my guns they will get one bullet at a time.I have a lot of money invested in my guns and won't give them up.

    My son is a cop in the west valley and has many guns but he also has small children so he has a gun safe. He works nights but his wife is well versed in using a gun. If anyone tried to hurt her kids she would be like a grizzly bear mom. I feel sorry for anyone that would break into their house.

  22. Mike,

    The Feds will never get our guns. A-hole Obama is the pusher on that and his days are numbered plus gun owners are laughing at what a fool he is. Those people in San Bernardino would probably still be alive if not for stupid ass gun laws.

    I don't care what kind of laws they pass. If someone really wants a gun, they will get it. It reminds me of Cincinnati back in the 50's when fireworks were illegal. We could get all we want just by checking out alleys with guys selling them out of the car trunk. There were places in the South that would mail them to us!

    Liberals are such idiots; they are soooooo idealistic and far from logic.

  23. The Russian people are praying for us, because we're being "taken over," said a Russian gal on Vladimir Putin's Facebook page.

    Mesa police shot a "mentally ill" woman and the first they cited was Aspergers Syndrome so BO put brilliant people on a list. Doctors will be sending names of patients who are on certain medications to the feds and they will order the Republican cops to confiscate guns from them and it will appear to be justified. Now with the medical marijuana thing, the government is saying that anyone with a card must surrender their guns. Cancer patients are being targeted, just like Republicans warned. Yep, disarm those dying people who are smoking weed. They're dangerous!

    Ozarks Trackers is a reality program set in the Ozarks, so yeah, you're going to see and hear some pretty weird stuff like signs of Bigfoot and ghosts talking. It's just basically an excuse to go exploring the woods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m03Caz3GP80

  24. Rick,

    I only hope we can survive the rest of a-hole Obama's term. He hates the debates; it takes some attention away from his never ending desire to reinforce his ego. Now, with Scalia's death I wonder what liberal POS he will nominate. The Senate has to approve whoever it is which should help keep some liberal jerk out. I can see him nominating a Muslim just to throw it in the face of America.

    People should keep smoking marijuana; screw the government. If it helps sick people enjoy life a little more, they should go for it.

    Your walks in the woods look like a nice form of relaxing.

  25. Mike Slater12:33 PM

    Jim, what a sad day for conservatives with the passing of Justice Scalia. He will be missed. You're right about Obama nominating a liberal. Hopefully the senate Republicans will grow a pair and block any liberal nominee.

    I heard he was on a quail hunting trip and died in his sleep. Not a bad way to go.

  26. Mike,

    Very sad. He was on our side. Now Obama is probably out looking for a Muslim/black woman who hates America to take his place.

    Next year at this time he will be gone. I don't like to wish my life away but it will be great to be rid of him. Hopefully a Republican will replace him. The way it's going it's a coin toss now. Hillary has slipped and Bernie is nuts. At the moment I like Trump only because he seems like he really wants to turn things around and isn't afraid to say how he would do it. We need a hard ass in there to make up for that two bit sissy we have had to watch since 2008.

  27. A paranormal society is listening to the mp3 of the cave ghost to analyze it. Gee, if I can get their acknowledgement ... MEOW!

    I can tell who watched that short film, because they're now talking about ghosts on Facebook. When people start emulating you ... the topic rocks!

  28. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Hi Jim,
    I have nothing but the greatest respect and admiration for this man. Where the hell do police offices find the right to dictate to someone, that they have to wait the ten to fifteen minutes for them to arrive while they are being attacked?
    Long live the White Hat defenders of our Rights liked you and I and this man.


  29. Mike Slater1:43 PM

    Jim, I agree on Trump.
    Obama is going to pick a liberal for the court but I don't trust the Republicans in the senate to block it. Right now there are two conservatives in Thomas and Alito. Roberts and Kennedy I don't trust. The one thing about the liberals on the court is they all vote liberal.

    Next year we get rid of Obama, Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer which is a good start.

  30. From Allen, New Hampshire;

    Hi Allen,

    Palmer was quite a guy. he and a guy named Tom Darlington built the town of carefree in the 1950s just north of Scottsdale.

    He was quite a guy, about 5-7 tall and never weighed more than 120 lbs. Was a lawyer and secondhand store owner among other things. As a lawyer he did a hell of a job on the gun laws. Even then there were jerks trying to take our guns. I have news for them: It's never going to happen. Once we give up the guns the Obamas of the world will be in control and even though this country has slipped badly under him, he can''t win on that one.

    As I have told many people: If Obama wants our guns I suggest he personally go in the hills of Kentucky, Tennesse, Kentucky and other similar states and try to take them. He would last about one minute! LOL

  31. Mike,

    This is going to be something with Obama nominating someone. I just hope the Reps. have the balls to go against him for a change. I have my doubts, they are wusses. Roberts really let me down on the Obamacare vote. If it wasn't for him it never would have happened. I see where the enrollment figures for it are dismal this year. Not surprising; it's just another typical phony liberal bunch of crap.

    This country is going to hell. The young people of today are lazy and misinformed. They don't seem to realize that all this free stuff being offered by Socialists like Sanders has to be paid for by someone. Clueless and stupid kids.

  32. Mike Slater1:37 PM

    Jim, the trouble is those clueless and stupid kids vote. You see them on Water's World all the time, dumber than a box of rocks. It shows the sad state of education in the country.

    I'm 64 and am a lot smarter having gone to High School and year and a half of college than these dopey college kids.

  33. Mike,

    They definitely are clueless. They don't understand basic common sense. Nothing is free in this world. They don't even question what Sanders is talking about. They have no concept of pride. They are just looking for a free ride. It didn't use to be that way. People had honor and integrity. Today they can't even spell those words.

  34. Mike Slater12:55 PM

    Jim, I see that Obama and Chuck Schumer have changed their attitudes on nominees to the Supreme Court. Back when George Bush was president Obama wanted to filibuster the nomination of Alito. Schumer said the Democrats shouldn't vote for any nominee of Bush that wasn't (mainstream) which a code word for liberal. Their both damn hypocrites. They must think people are stupid and don't remember what they said even though it's on tape.

    There should be open season on liberals with no bag limit.

  35. Mike,

    And now a-hole Obama is making accusations with the race card:

    CNN chief national correspondent John King predicted that if President Barack Obama can’t get his Supreme Court nominee through the Senate, he’ll argue “that Republicans blocked him because he’s the first African-American president, and they didn’t give it to him because of his race” on Tuesday’s broadcast of “AC360.”

    Gee, what a shock , huh? Here we go again with the asshole. Meanwhile, Hillary is crying that her gender will be a factor if she loses. Maybe, maybe not. But if it is that's life for those who choose to be pioneers. I can think of some other women who would be a better choice than that lying bitch. At least they could say they didn't let four of our guys get killed in Africa like she did.

    I agree with you: "No bag limit!"

  36. Don't know if I already sent this to you or not, Jimmy. Not been sleeping real well lately. Jen's of no help anymore. Typical.

    Anyway, there's definitely a war brewing in this country. http://www.newsmax.com/John-Gizzi/john-gizzi-antonin-scalia-court/2016/02/13/id/714274/

    LBJ was prevented to appoint the famed civil rights attorney Abe Fortas who made history with the court case resulting that the accused are allowed legal counsel. The Republicans and southern Democrats blocked it citing the judge favored Jews. Nixon later appointed a judge to justice, broke into the Watergate Hotel and made marijuana illegal after discovering that it killed cancer.

    I believe we are seeing all this crap because the last of the corrupt who conspired with Nazi's are dying. Speaking of ... Bodo is still on his world tour.

  37. Rick,

    Bodo is still on his world tour? LOL I hope he plans to stop in Iran and make some suggestions.

    This Supreme thing is going to get ugly. Obama is a lame duck so he will really be pushing to get some super liberal clown on the court to establish more of his legacy. I wonder if he can find a black-Hispanic-liberal-gay-woman-ISIS member who is not a citizen to fill the spot. That would make the prick happy. Hopefully it can be someone from Havana too!

  38. I've been busy for two days going through videos on an old hard drive to see what works and what doesn't. I found the first stuff I ever did and some interesting experiments. The next episode of Ozarks Trackers is coming out. I know ... but it's good experience.

    Jimmy, now don't have a stroke about Obama. Obama illegally made appointments in 2013 when the Senate was not in session. It was an abuse of power.


    The immigration executive powers were also halted by the court system. That too was an abuse of power. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/11/fifth-circuit-obama-immigration/415077/

    Also, President Obama's executive order is also expected to be ruled unconstitutional, unless it has already. I miss a lot. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/01/05/judge-napolitano-why-obamas-executive-action-on-guns-is-unconstitutional.html

    So why not get an independent black prosecutor to go after POTUS for abuse of power? Because there's no time. The Republicans had lots of chances to go after him, but why didn't they do it? My guess? Mutual interests.

    There are rich folks on either side that want rid of labor unions, they want to hire illegal immigrants for half the cost of hiring American workers and the Muslim hoard can be stopped with armed Americans who want their pork rinds and beer. All that has to happen is the lame duck to waddle around the pond until January and then fly away!

  39. Mike Slater4:13 PM

    Jim, I'm sick of blacks always playing the race card whenever they don't get their way. President Lincoln freed the slaves but he should have sent them back to Africa.

    I hope the Republicans block any nominee Obama puts up but I don't have a lot of faith in them. Another liberal on the court and we're screwed for years. I guess all we can do is hope for the best.

  40. Good points Rick. I think it is always about mutual interests when both parties seem to strike an accord.

    I think Obama is screwing up not attending the Scalia funeral. I'm surprised his advisors don't go after him on that. On the other hand he is a stubborn asshole who thinks he is never wrong so hopefully he will pay a stiff price with another drop in his popularity. He is a short timer now so maybe he doesn't care. His legacy will suck anyway.

  41. Mike,

    I would be surprised if the Republicans did anything that made sense. They are just wimps trying to protect their gravy train jobs and probably could not care less about fighting Obama on the SC pick. I hope I'm wrong but I don't know how else to think. Ever since they won both houses a couple years ago all they have done is kiss up to a-hole Obama on anything he wants. The biggest joke in the House was Boehner who is thankfully gone now. In the Senate it has been McConnell. He may as well be a Dem for all the good he is for the Reps.

    Obama is skipping the funeral of Justice Scalia which is a terrible breach of manners and respect but what else should we expect from someone of his caliber? I only hope Americans wake up at the next election.

  42. Mike Slater12:30 PM

    Jim, if a liberal justice had passed away Obama would go. It's all about politics with him. I agree with you on the Republicans that's why I left the party years ago.Deb's still a registered Republican but said if they Ok a liberal justice to the court she's leaving the party.

    I think the Republicans bend over backwards for Obama because they don't want to be called racists.

  43. Here you go, Jimmy. "Ozarks Trackers: Episode 5"


    I so wanna move to Colorado or Arizona and get a large warehouse or something to slowly turn into a really nice studio!

  44. Mike Slater2:32 PM

    Jim, yes Obama is skipping Scalia's funeral but he didn't have any trouble flying half around the world to attend Nelson Mandela's funeral. Of course Mandela was black so that had something to do with it.

  45. Mike,

    Obama keeps reinforcing what a low class SOB he is. Instead of showing respect for a member of the Supreme Court he is going to Cuba. It's a slap against America and one I hope it carries forward into whatever candidate the Dems run for pres.

    The Reps are definitely wimps. I refer once again to the 2014 elections when they swept the House and Senate. Ever since, all they do is kiss up to Obama and give him anything he wants.

    Sometimes I wonder why I vote at all with those ass kissers. If I couldn't vote by mail I probably wouldn't vote.

    It looks like Hillary has wrapped up Nevada. I hope Trump can pull it off in S. Carolina.

  46. Rick,

    Stag beer? Do they still make it? I thought it went the way of Falstaff long ago. LOL

    Love the drone, those damn things are everywhere. Good camera and sound

    Dannie's music is good as usual. Be sure you have the camera ready in case Bigfoot shows up.

    Rugged Ozark country looks a lot like the area around Knob Noster when I was stationed there,

  47. Mike,

    Yeah, no question he is a low class loser as is his wife.

    Even when he went to Mandela's funeral he spent most of his time hitting on that queen from Denmark or whatever the hell that country was that she was from. There is a photo of him clicking a couple selfies of himself with her laughing it up.

    He is a disgrace to this once great country. A disgrace that will never be forgotten.

  48. Missouri legislators are writing a bill for the myth that people on Food Stamps buy steak and lobster, so that they can't buy the food they can't afford in the first place.

    Before you comment, Missouri is decreasing the Food Stamps that people are getting, so it's seriously a myth. Yes, there was this receipt in a parking lot found that made the news, but the real story is that it was NOT bought by the recipient. Someone else who was later arrested.

    No one on Food Stamps buys steak and lobster to feed their kids. It's classist nonsense.

  49. Too bad a real SN wasn't my friend. Oh well. Then she could help me move. I'm sick of being betrayed by friends. Used by the government and rich people. Done with it.

    I was digging up the garden with a round point shovel and I'm done with it. I had a tractor and implements and I took the advice of people who know nothing of my life and I have never listened to rich people before and look where it got me. I used to grow a lot of food. Life was good then.

  50. Mike Slater3:27 PM

    Jim, I thought Jimmy Carter was the worst president in my lifetime but I changed my mind. It has to be Obama. We have to make sure Hillary is not the next president.

    I see you vote by mail. I prefer to go to the polls. It's right down the street from my house.I often wonder if they actually count all the mail in ballots. I've only voted by mail once because I was going to be out of town on a hunting trip.

  51. Jeb Bush dropped out of the race. States are now challenging a Cuban/Canadian named Ted. Sanders' photo of him protesting the government in the 60's just surfaced. Clinton? Hillary might actually win as President .... what?

    Folks told me that as many people as I know, that someone should be helping me to move out West and I laughed. Maybe people do that for their other friends, but not with me. I'm the friend that people keep at arm's length. I'm not employable. Just a guy who may have been a writer once and now gets by.

    While Trump appears to be wildly popular, experts predict that the Republicans can't pull 270 electoral votes to win. The Democrat will ultimately take it. We shall see.

  52. Rick,

    I probably haven't eaten steak and lobster twice in my life. Never even think of it usually. They are both very tasty I must admit but I am a man of simple tastes especially now since I have lost 40 pounds in the last year. Can't lose weight eating melted butter!

  53. I hope Trump can pull it off. He is our only hope to get back on track. Hillary and Bernie are both nut case liberals. It's going to be a hell of a year.

  54. Mike,

    Obama is absolutely the worst. I was born in 1941 and I remember my dad who was a staunch Republican bitching about FDR. He hated his guts! FDR was the first one to start the welfare state mentality mainly because of the Depression.

    In Obama's case he has a hatred for anyone who is rich and successful regardless of how they got it. That's totally against the mentality of what this country used to be. It's sad that we have so many losers that are satisfied to take government free shit rather than work. It didn't used to be that way. This was a country with pride and people only lowered themselves to government assistance if they were really hurting. Churches were big on helping those in need in those days.

    Now we have a society of moochers who love getting that free check. Pride is a word that has disappeared from their vocabulary. It's a sad commentary about a once great country when a prick like Obama can be elected

  55. I was homeless twice in my life, the second time with Dora. We sold our blood in El Paso to buy food sometimes. So when we got work and started living again, we'd go out for steak and lobster. You gotta eat what you can't make at home when you go out, Jimmy. And no, I haven't had lobster for a long time. Dora was alive then.

    I've gotten my first traffic ticket last year from Sheriff Long and mailed to me. He's announced that he's not running for reelection. I doubt that it's because of me. I'm sure that he wants to pursue his lucrative writing career.

  56. Mike Slater2:33 PM

    Jim, my grandparents on my mothers side were Republicans and I remember as a kid them saying how much they hated FDR and Harry Truman.

    I agree with the fact that too many people are on the government dole. I have some in my family. Deb has a few in her family. Some are on SS disability and food stamps.

    I've come to the point where I don't care about these people anymore. 47% of Americans don't pay federal income taxes and 47% are on food stamps. I'm tired of paying for them.

    Sometimes I wish I had been born when this country was founded.

  57. Jimmy, funny thing about lobster. I mean, you saying it was fancy fest and all. Lobster used to be a poor man's food.


    What's funny is that people complain about folks on Food Stamps buying lobster, when it used to be all they could afford about a hundred years ago.

    When I was homeless and living on the river, I often dined on catfish and crawdads. But a man without a rifle in the woods is a man fixin' to starve.

  58. Mike,

    We might have Romney as pres. now if he didn't mention that he didn't care about the 47% who don't pay income tax. Somehow Mother Jones had a camera hidden in the meeting where he said that and as soon as it became public, he was doomed. Those worthless lazy bastards in the 47% sure weren't going to vote for someone who would cut off their freebies.

    My dad hated Roosevelt for being the one who established the welfare state. I could see some of it in hard times but too many worthless people got on it and lost any desire to work when they knew they could get paid anyway. Today almost half the country pulls off the govt. and has no desire to change. They collect from the govt. what they can't steal. It's a good deal for worthless people which unfortunately we have too many.

    What's the first thing we see when we have ghetto riots? It's people going into stores and stealing TVs and booze. I've yet to see a looter going into Barnes and Noble to steal some books.

  59. Rick, It's all about supply and demand. If something is plentiful the cost goes down and vice versa. If gold was like pebbles on the ground no one would care.

  60. Mike Slater2:39 PM

    Jim, they don't steal books because most of them can't read or write in the first place. I remember a black kid that played football at ASU. It turned out that he had gone to grade school, high school and ASU but couldn't read or write.

    Democrats love to get people on welfare, food stamps, W.I.C. etc. because they become a permanent voting base. I've often said that people on the dole shouldn't be allowed to vote.

  61. Mike,

    That's the way they own them for life: Give away tactics that forces them to remain dependent. The only letter of the alphabet that is taught to them is "X" so they can mark ballots for Dems.

    It's a bullshit deal and it shows the frailty of people when they choose to go that direction instead of making decisions on their own based on reality. There was a time when people had pride and only took welfare when they hit rock bottom. Today, it is expected and is a normal part of their lifestyle.

  62. Mike Slater3:23 PM

    Jim, if it wasn't for people on the dole and minorities Democrats would never win elections.

  63. People on the dole shouldn't vote? Oh my God, I can't believe he said that.

    Okay, first we burn the Constitution and then we split up the nation into ten regions. Jim's the Duke of Scottsdale. Avast ye petty peasants! Pick those green peas faster! Lunch isn't for another three days!

  64. Mike,

    Yeah, it's one thing to be down on your luck and need a helping hand occasionally. Unfortunately, with human nature being what it is these days, there will always be those whop want the free milk forever. Those are the ones the Dems love to latch onto.

  65. Well, in my case, I was blacklisted into poverty and told there is nothing I can do about it and the people who did it are untouchable. I love the freedom of capitalism, don't you, Jimmy? Yes, it's a country where only the approved kind of American is allowed to succeed and the rest of us are described as "lazy." I didn't find out about the blacklisting until the wife was dying. Help rich people for the right thing to do and be punished for it. Yep, that's the America that I love and know so well.

    Another episode of a reality show that I've created is supposed to come out, but I don't feel inspired. Nah, I'm not allowed to succeed anyway. It's pointless to try.

    What kind of stupid rich people would keep a brilliant man down for their own reckless entertainment? Obama is Karma for the rich. That's what he is. They got what they wanted and deserve, if you ask me. I'm paid to do nothing thanks to an entertainer.

  66. Jimmy, when I start getting into the heads of the world leaders, I tend to get a little aggressive in my paragraphs.

    The American-Russian alliance and Obama initiated it and Putin is implementing the plan. Okay, granted Vladimir Putin is actually a pretty decent fellow since Snowden talked to him, but didn't I read this in a book somewhere? Don't ask SN. She's admitted to never reading it, although she might have seen the movie.


    I've seen this in a dream and I don't care to see it in real life. That's all.

  67. Mike Slater2:58 PM

    Rick, what's so hard to believe?

    Jim, that's why the Democrats pander to minorities and the poor.

  68. I can't make this stuff up.

    Dubie vs. Blunt in Missouri for Senate.

  69. Uh-oh, sounds like you are having a bad day, Rick.

    Black listed? By who? Is that a little paranoia creeping in? You're not a dumb guy. You may have had some misfortune but who hasn't? Blaming people who have been successful isn't going to help matters.

  70. It's like November 5, the day in question to go to court. Didn't go to town then, definitely not going today.

    Stayed up until past 1 a.m. and up at 5 a.m. and finished the Ozarks Trackers: Episode 5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TZgMgw7MGU

  71. The blacklisting is real, Jimmy. There is no denying it, because both Hollywood and the feds have told me that it's true. It's highly classified and I don't blame SN. In reality, the only people who could even allow such a thing, is the government.

    Ozarks Trackers. The first episode got 29 views, as most initial episodes of anything will do. That's actually a good indicator. Episode 2 was great because of the kitty factor and a little unexplained mystery with 19 views. Episode 3, Caleb and I found even more mysteries with 18 views. Episode 4 was an artsy fartsy thing with music. Michelle's brother is in hospice and no one knows. A marijuana song in the Bible Belt. 10 views. Nobody gives a damn about happy thoughts. Episode 5 has an edible plant. It should be interesting to see the result of that, because if you put vegetables or fruit on anything, the numbers increase. Plus the house fire scene in the previews of the next episode. In Episode 6, there may be a bit of some acting. The house fire is kind of a way to call it quits, analyze the data and use the successful ideas to create what people want.

    I'm thinking of a comedy where impoverished Americans are chosen to be shipped off to Mars for homesteading their American Dream.

  72. Jen and I made up as friends. She just got a job that pays the big bucks.

    Nice weather here, Jimmy. Gardening.

    Someone from back east told me that to expect unexpected rewards. Said that my guardian angel is alive and well, and still watching over me.

  73. I've studied SN music videos and the Seven Wonders is the best one, because it looks complicated, but it wasn't. All they did was film it several times with clothing changes and then the editors did the rest. I can make videos mimicking mainstream's, but ideally better. I'm a brilliant dude. Eccentric. I am diverse. I can write news stories, create films and change the world with my consulting, and once marijuana is legal and my story is told again and again to make my films popular, I'm going to buy me a real girlfriend. One of them foreign jobs.

  74. Russia and the United States are allies. That's cool as hell! Islam pulling strings.

    Warren Buffett said, “Woody Allen once explained that the advantage of being bisexual is that it doubles your chance of finding a date on Saturday night. In like manner [...] our appetite for either operating businesses or passive investments doubles our chances of finding sensible uses for Berkshire’s endless gusher of cash.” http://www.marketwatch.com/story/5-times-warren-buffett-has-said-youre-fired-2016-02-27

    Paranoid, Jimmy? Jen reminds me of SN. She said that I'm making her life into a living hell. I pay her bills and all that I ask is for her to drive me occasionally. She acts just like SN. Only, I have helped a lot of people and SN fans want me to stop helping the woman who acts just like SN! And they don't even know that she acts like their icon. Funny as hell.

  75. Hey, you wanna see something insane that DARE.ORG is doing?

    So the D.A.R.E. program removed marijuana from the list of gateway drugs and left tobacco and alcohol. Right. It's in the news, but D.A.R.E. is DENYING it as false. http://www.dare.org/incorrect-posting-on-pro-drug-websites-re-d-a-r-e-s-position-on-marijuana/

    But on the new gateway drug information that D.A.R.E. is circulating, there is in fact, NO INFORMATION about marijuana. None. http://www.dare.org/keeping-kids-drug-free/

    D.A.R.E. should take their own advice. Get off whatever drug they're on.

  76. Hanging out with Jen today, Jimmy. Maybe I am too nice. Cramping her style.

    Maybe Obama will learn something from Putin, him being in charge and all. Vlad can give Barack shooting lessons. Barack can teach Vlad ... he can teach Vlad ... uhm ... I'm stuck. What can Obama teach Putin again?

    Does it seem to you that time is starting to run backwards? Soon fields of hemp will be growing. Jeans will be indestructible again. Twenty-five cent gas. Gun packing Americans.

    Sitting lawmakers are afraid that Trump is going to make them lose their races by turning the voters against them. Sounds like a passive revolution to me.

  77. Mike Slater2:22 PM

    Jim, I had to send an e-mail to our favorite columnist at the Republic, Ed Montini for his column today on "common sense" gun laws. Whenever I hear a liberal say "common sense" gun laws I hear restrictions. He wants to ban certain types of ammo and sizes of magazines. He also wants waiting periods to buy a gun.

    Liberals don't like guns, don't own guns, But feel free to tell us what we should or shouldn't have. Morons.

  78. Mike,

    I read that too. I didn't know whether to laugh or to shake my head in disgust that the Republic still has that asshole and Linda Valdez hanging around still able to collect paychecks under false pretenses. They both should have been fired a long time ago with some others down there. I don't know how they stay in business. I know very few pople who even subscribe anymore. The only reason I see it is because an elderly lady who Barb helps drops it by our door after she reads it.

    Montini is one of the worst. Strictly a little pimp and a sissy who has no concept of reality. If Giffords was so gun shy in Tucson when she got shot, she should have hired security in advance. I guess she thought everyone loved her to much to kill her.
