Thursday, October 31, 2013


Most of the liberal crowd will stick to Obama’s coattails regardless of how much he screws up this once great country.  We all know the local ones from the early days of the AZ Central blogs so they can be dismissed as non-entities.  As Christ said “Forgive them Father; they know not what they do” or something like that.

Now, the big boys with well known names are coming down hard on the big “O”.  One guy in particular caught my eye this week with his jaw dropping comments.  Washington Post writer Richard Cohen’s column is carried in the Arizona Republic and this week’s entry was a doozey.

In a column entitled “A Question of Competence” Cohen compares Obama to the worst team in the history of baseball; the 1962 New York Mets.  Casey Stengel, the old guy who managed the New York Yankees to greatness in the 1950’s, was the unfortunate manager of the hapless Mets.

Cohen mentions that Casey once asked his team:  "Can't anybody here play this game?"   He goes on to say “That phrase kept coming at me recently as I watched the impressively inept performance of the Obama administration in both foreign and domestic policy. On a given day, this administration makes the '62 Mets look good.”  Whoa!  Cohen goes on with a carefully crafted dialogue breaking down the errors of the Obama administration.  Read the whole column here.

Cohen is a serious guy among other serious guys from the left and right who now see the light; especially after the debacle that is the Affordable Care Act.  Most of them looked the other way concerning the IRS snafu, Benghazi, Syria, Fast and Furious, NSA, etc.   But, the health care screwups have hit home for many and are not being overlooked.

 At the same time the entertainment business has been having a field day with items like the Jon Stewart interview with Kathleen Sebelius, the hilarious “Saturday Night Live” skit and the jabs from the late night guys.

Charisma can only take you so far if you are basically an inept individual.  Obama did a great con job on many susceptible people by promising the world and redistributing the wealth of the makers to the takers.  As time has gone by, more people are now realizing that he is basically an empty suit.  One would think that the president would know the definition of “shovel ready jobs” or know that the Marine Corps is not the Marine “Corpse.”  Knowing such elementary terminology should be second nature to someone in his position.

So, now the birds are coming home to roost.  Other than in appearance, Obama eerily reminds me of Robert Redford in his 1972 film “The Candidate.”  After he wins election to the U. S. Senate, his first words to his manager are “What do we do now?”


  1. From: Marshall Trimble

    Hi Jim,
    Yes, I read Cohen's column too and was quite intrigued by it. Refreshing to say the least.

  2. When he first started his "Presidency" back in 2006/2007, I considered him an empty suit with an excess of self importance. It did not take long to recognize his extreme ego, but I didn't believe he could actually win the election....until I saw how easily he defeated Clinton. In my opinion, if he decided to run for a 3rd term, the only thing to stop him would be for the populace to take up arms, because nearly all political opposition to him and his programs has been literally bought out by Obama's largesse with the publics money and properties....supported by the extreme left who are becoming highly powerful from Obama's largesse to those who stand back and quietly accept both his crumbs and the largest cuts of what once belonged almost totally to the general public.
    The Republicans are too filled with themselves and their own "wannabee" quests for individual power and gratuities to be even peripherally aware that they, as a body, have been just as willing to ignore our Constitution in their own quests for the same powers they now decry as possessed by the Dems...personally and as a Party.
    If we are going to return to our once respected position of power and influence, as a country, and in the world, we need to demand our kids receive the education our schools once provided, and demand our politicians return to their constitutional responsibilities and limits...ALL OF THEM.
    And, the public at large needs to be more educated and involved in and with their societal and national needs, purpose, and responsibility. The once commonly known and understood fact that the only way the individual is going to better his/her position in life (and the country)is to earn his way through labor, sacrifice, and assisting his neighbors and the country....which is how we survived the Great Depression.

  3. REPEAL THE 16th....17th....
    And, I would like to see another amendment which denies monetary or other contribution of value to any person seeking political office from any person or entity which cannot cast a legal vote for the recipient.
    The purpose would be to return the representation to the voters and the political body represented by the person seeking office.

  4. Meekly asking some demonic Senator or Representative to relinquish their power for the betterment of the nation sounds like a no starter to me..
    we need to start the negotiations with a guillotine at the ready..

    1913 was the year our Republic died.

    In 1913 we were introduced to the income tax.
    In 1913 we were finally forced to elect Senators directly instead of having the Governor appoint them.
    In 1913 we were given the Federal Reserve so as to steal the wealth from the nation by funneling it into the hands of European banking interests through the investment banking cartel..

    ..adding on the ill advised mentally incapable woman's vote to for the 1920's elections pretty much sealed the deal.. we haven't had an honest rational election since.

    Anyone not knowing how currency is created has no idea what problems we face- .. and yes we will see a third term.
    ..ask yourself who in the hell told Stalin to step down?- and do you see anyone in Congress with a position of authority owning a pair of balls?- John Boehner??

    On second thought screw the guillotine.. too slow, break out the industrial sized woodchippers.

  5. hehe.....little question we suffered with the womens' vote....but the one which really soured the pudding was giving the vote to 18 year olds.
    They..for the most part..are ignorant of politics and politicians (more so than women) and have little or no knowledge or experience in the work force or finances or national/international affairs....and have little interest in learning.

  6. Not much improvement giving the vote to illegals either, eighteen years old or female- makes little difference.

    Sad thing is the debt based system is going to have to fail entirely before fools notice, and once it does the village idiot will invariably blame the wrong people.

    How much longer can they take what's coming?.. what event will trigger the avalanche if there is one?? ..your guess is as good as mine but the pseudo economics we see today will be as merciless and destructive in their collapse as the laws of physics can be when one chooses to ignore reality and play in traffic.

  7. Giving women and later on 18 year olds the vote was a perfect storm that allows Democrats to get elected. Add in the minorities and it's a tuff nut to crack.

    The Democrats figured out a long time ago that if they offered social welfare programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, W.I.C. coupons etc. they would have a voter base forever.

    You have to give it to the Democrats, they have the free shit army on their side.

  8. Sorry but it's not just Democrats.. it's liberalism..

    There is no difference between taking money in the name of the welfare state or the Military Industrial Complex or the Farm price subsidy.. outright theft and the misallocation of tax money is the fruit of liberalism, but the Democrats don't have the corner on that market.

    They are the more egregious but not necessarily the exclusive saboteurs.

    Someone please tell me how much better a president cancerpus McCain would have made?- if you remember he stopped his campaign to go to Washington to throw his weight behind bail out money the first time..

    ..seditious bastards all.
    Now for a hockey game.. boring.... but something to do I guess...

  9. From Joy Wiseman:

    Good article,as usual. I hadn't read the article to which you referred, so was glad to get it. So many of us knew exactly what the president was before the first election. I am sorry it has taken this long for so many to finally figure it out. It could be too late.

  10. Thanks, Joy.

    Glad you enjoyed the piece. I think O has gone too far this time. He was telling people in Boston yesterday that if their insurance was cancelled to just "shop around". That's pretty cavalier of him and I'm sure the hundreds of thousands of those who have been cancelled don't appreciate it.

    This morning's poll numbers show him at his lowest point, about 42% plus as you can see from Cohen's piece he is even losing those who were so emphatic in their support.

    Take care,


  11. From Darrell Cherry, Pennsylvania

    Great article Jim. I love roosting chickens. The spinning is making me dizzy!

  12. Best come back win of the year so far, maybe they should just skip the first period and play the other two.

    Well it appears everybody's favorite guy Rachel "maddog" Maddow has Vice Presidential ambitions.
    Evidently she cuts and pastes but calls it her own work.. the rest of the world calls it intellectual theft.

    haha.... rats they are, every one of them.
    Hope you didn't give up on the game when they went three goals down.
    I don't know what has gotten in to them this year but it's gotta stop.

  13. PROUD6:57 AM

    Pretty convenient allowing 18 year olds the right to vote at the very age they are busy having their little, impressionable, brains WASHED in liberal academia....

  14. Nothing in politics is random, everything is planned..

    If you are not manufacturing a sufficient number of lo-fo voters simply import some.
    The Republican sell out continues.

    This is a video of the tying erh.. I mean "boring" goal from last night.. hockey- snoozefest..
    Vermette is slick eh?

  15. They said it:

    Jay Leno:

    "Con artists are using confusion over ObamaCare to sign people up for what they call fake health insurance. The scammers lure victims with false promises, they say stuff like, 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.'"

    Jon Stewart on Obamacare:
    So how are the Democrats going to spin this turd?

  16. Public ridicule.. it works, keep repeating the truth just like they repeat their lies.

    Something has got to start sticking and this one has the best chance- unfortunately..

    .."If every SNAP participant lived in one state, it would be 20% more populous than California. If every person in the program linked hands, human chain style, they could circle the Earth"..

    Well we have certainly grown a huge cancerous mass that eventually will be dealt with, starting today foodstamps have been cut and more cuts are on the way...
    Congratulations 'Merica- proving once again as though there was any doubt left, you are truly third world at this point.

  17. ..“When we first saw the numbers, everyone’s eyes kind of bugged out,” said Matt Salo, who runs the National Association of Medicaid Directors. “Of the people walking through the door, 90 percent are on Medicaid. We’re thinking, what planet is this happening on?”..

    lol.. "unintended" consequences? yeah, if you say so..
    ..make sure you remember Jan Brewer for selling out the taxpayers of Arizona when all these new signups for Medicade are reevaluated to those who should have been already on the books.

    The sickest indigents will now be funneled onto Arizona's books forever through sleight of hand; now instead of them being the Fed's problem they legally turn into being Arizona's problem.
    - it's a big law and it looks like Jan didn't bother with the fine print.

    "Party of Stupid"...idiots.

  18. ArizonaDave10:01 AM

    Jim...right on....I have created a new political term and that would be the TST...

    Think for a moment...whenever you see the Campaigner-In-Chief at the podium barking at the teleprompter, there is a group in the/his background...set up I feel sure by an Obama demographic czar, all with smiling faces and nodding heads....I have named them the TST, that would be the'TELEPROMPTER SUPPORT TEAM'.

    Sure makes sense to me....that these Yo's-Yo's are in back of him, not in front of him listening to his lies and half truths. when you see him on the road again in a day or two, you can now identify those background folks as the TST.

  19. Maybe some creative person could shoot a video with him backed by a crowd of bobble heads..
    ..maybe slip in the Taco Bell Chihuahua and see if anyone picks up on it.

    hey.. reaching out for the illegal vote.

  20. From: Randy Rogers

    Always the ‘idealist’, Redford as you point out has the ‘empty suit’ moment in The Candidate, possibly only equaled by his dazed incredulous look when Cliff Robertson responds to his Joe Turner’s thought that by giving the information to the New York Times (then believed to be a trusted venue of truth), “How do you know they’ll print it?”, to wit young Joe (think Ed Snowden) disappears in the maze of people.

    Great Movie and Cast through all the cynical banter and confusion, with great lines as well.

    3 Years and counting!


  21. sam,

    You comment is so true: we need to demand our kids receive the education our schools once provided, and demand our politicians return to their constitutional responsibilities and limits...ALL OF THEM.

    I don't think kids have courses like Civics or American History anymore. They need to be restored.

  22. And who's going to teach them?
    - we have two generations of entrenched ignorance in charge to overcome, they just voted back in four years of abject failure and can't seem to stop legislation that nearly eighty percent of the population hates- are you kidding?

    na.. just bend over, drop your laundry and keep sending more bond money to the failing public (government) schools.

  23. Middy,

    1913, quite a year and the coincidental year that the great Progressive Woodrow Wilson moved into the White House for two terms.

    It figures.

  24. sam,

    I totally agree on the 18 year old vote.

    That is one of the most idealistic ages where they go along with all the phony great promises that the libs send their way; especially since a lot of them are in their freshman year of college and at their most vulnerable.

  25. Mike,

    You have to give it to the Democrats, they have the free shit army on their side.

    So true!

  26. Middy,

    Good to see a shootout win. Great comeback last night and getting the 2 points.

  27. Funny about Maddow.

    I have never understood plagiarists especially those like Maddow who has to have someone checking on her all the time.

    Why not just give the credit to the original person who wrote it? It must be about ego.

    I'm glad they caught her. Another MSNBC loser.

  28. Middy,

    I read that about the food stamps. Lock your doors; they will be looking for another source of freebies.

    If they can get by .38 slugs they can stop by my house!

  29. I was surprised when Brewer did that especially with her supposed animosity toward BO.

    I'm sure something passed under the table. Damn! I hate politics!

  30. Dave,

    My alma mater in Missouri had BO there for one of his propaganda speeches with all the good young smiling students standing behind him like Hitler's Kiddie Korps.

    I was so angry, I emailed them to stop all correspondence for me that they send and wipe any communication or connection with me off their books.

    I have dumped them completely. One has to draw the line somewhere and that's what I did.

  31. I think bobbleheads are even too intelligent to support that guy.

  32. Called on all my 1960's high school auto shop learnings..

    Just finished installing new plugs, coils, camshaft actuator solenoid, cleaned air filter, cleaned MAF, and the throttle body....

    Put the whole sumbitch back together and????


    (Damn, I love it when a plan comes together!'s only 10AM, so I owe myself a drink or three at 5P)

  33. ..average it out over the morning, by five tonight you're still a quart low, better get a start on..

    Hey.. the strong arm approach didn't work on the hallucinogenic oriented insurance purchasers in Oregon, so let's try the fun approach..

    So it's gonna be "up on the wall until something sticks" from these bastaaaaards from now on out I guess.
    .."free dose of Purple Owlslye to the first one hundred sign ups".. haha.. can't make this stuff up..

  34. PROUD1:33 PM

    Damn...I doubt anyone in Oregon would ever let go their hug on a tree to actually fly? Did have a certain Sgt Pepper kinda look?

    As the day s-l-o-w-l-y grinds on, I may have to revise my " drink or three at 5""Drink or five by 3"? (sounds legit)

    BTW, hundred thousand Boston strong lined the streets for the World Series parade. They cheered and thanked the Redsox, who were traveling by Duck-Boat, (some boats sporting their own beards), stopped to share the trophy with those injured in the bombing, and the whole town joined the players in singing God bless America. They are one, class act:

  35. Stevebuzzardo3:42 PM

    "I totally agree on the 18 year old vote."

    yeah Jim, I think that if you can stay on your parents health ins. until you are 26, you shouldn't vote till you are over 26

    the only exception would be if you are in the military.

  36. I wonder how mom and dad's policy handles their "children" jumping out of moving aircraft, playing with high explosives, sleeping in rain, being exposed to various blood born pathogens, some still unknown to science...

    Has Michelle Obama made sure the rations are healthy and not something that might put their health at risk?

    Does the bronze plan cover the damages of gunshot wounds, traumatic amputation, embedded shrapnel or whoops- friendly fire.

    Would you be considered as out- of- your- covered area while deployed in some African shooting gallery being forced to first make sure the surgeon and anthropologist are both part of your plan to avoid being forced to contact the IRS as to your status before tending your wounds? least the condoms are now covered if the coeds at Georgetown haven't used them all..

    ah, but there goes mr. negativity again.. never takes a day off.

    I'm thinking about getting one of those airbrushed goalie masks to wear while shopping, no one asks for id anyway.. might as well take the farce to another level.

  37. or anesthesiologist... whatever..

  38. Buzz,

    "I totally agree on the 18 year old vote."

    I can see how you misinterpreted that from me.

    I was agreeing with Mike that the reason the Dems win is because of the female and the 18 year old voters. I agreed with him on that; I did not agree on 18 year olds being able to vote.

    18 year olds should not be allowed to vote. They are too influenced by the lies and BS from liberals. They are always looking for some dumb ass cause especially in they are in college.

  39. PROUD,

    You deserve that drink.

    I would have no idea how to do that stuff. I paid $2,400 on my heap the other day to have someone else do thew work.

    Make it a Crown Royal.

  40. Middy,

    Weird ad for Oregon but not unexpected for that weird state.

    I wish Washington, Oregon, and Clownifornia would all unite and secede. They deserve each other.


    Shades of Godzilla..

  42. Well the Coyotes beat one of the best teams in hockey tonight in San Jose.
    Looks like they are starting to get the system out of mothballs..
    One point behind first place and still third in the division..
    ..tough crowd.

  43. Stevebuzzardo10:42 PM

    I was agreeing with you, LOL

    I said that if a kid is still on his parents health ins. until he is 26, he shouldn't get to vote..

    but if you're in the military you should be allowed to vote at 18.

  44. Steve,

    Thanks, The way I worded that it looked like I endorsed 18 year olds voting. I would never do that except as you said, if they are in the military.

    They should be the hell out of the house at 26 and on their own.

    I've said it a lot but I can't say it enough: This country made a big mistake in 1973 when they discontinued the draft. A lot of guys grew up while in the military; not so today. I see a lot of guys who could use a hitch to straighten them out.

  45. Middy,

    No way on that damn turtle.

  46. Middy,

    I was at the casino all evening and missed the game. Great win at San Jose.

    Can these guys be for real?

  47. PROUD6:36 AM

    Jim, you wouldn't believe the incredible amount of "how to" video's there are on youtube.

    I found a bunch of people with my exact vehicle that had videoed the entire repair, start to finish....
    Really made the job a piece of cake.

    There's a lot of good on the internet, in between all the crap!

  48. PROUD,

    Yeah, there is a lot of good information available online.

    I play some harmonica and I find harmonica backup beats all over the place to practice with. Very handy.

    The internet can either be a piece of crap or a great source of any kind of information. It has it all.

    It's certainly been handy for me doing blogs and columns compared to my college days in the 60's where I had to trudge through the Missouri winters to the school library to get information which I had to write down then take home to finish on a portable Smith-Corona typewriter.

  49. Hope you didn't have to ride the bus home..
    Great game, the Sharks are a loaded team but last night the system was in full bloom.

    Just a little misunderstanding between you guys with the eighteen year old vote, I think it gives them the wrong idea from the git because they haven't invested nor do they understand anything of life.
    It's ridiculous to allow irresponsible people to steal from others under cover of law but that's the game today.
    On the draft thing... na- from what I have seen the gangbangers they have to choose from are pretty much unworthy of any trust you have to have of troops in the military- everyone else will just take a student loan and stay out wasting time that way..

    Besides a draft means a war, who do we really need to fight right now other than our government?- do you want to give them more troops than they have now because a draft under Satan's right hand man like Obama probably would end up fueling Homeland Security with even more gangbangers.

  50. Anonymous8:17 AM

    A friend visiting from Illinois said they have a nickname for the legal incense that people smoke as an alternative for marijuana. The incense is highly addictive, makes the user stupid and obedient to suggestion.


  51. Anonymous8:27 AM

    The two foreign soldiers who tried to pick up a 12-year-old American girl in Missouri are still in jail. Threats have been made against Americans for their arrest.

  52. Middy,

    Still have the '05 Hyundai. I tried to cash it in for a few more gambling bucks but they refused; said they don't take rice burners with over 100,000 miles.

    I think the military turned a lot of boys into men regardless of whether it was wartime. I know it shocked me into reality when I got to basic training.

    There are a lot of guys around now who could do with a hitch to give them a taste of reality and responsibility.

    Hell, if they made Elvis serve, everyone should have to!

  53. A fine is a tax for doing wrong.

    A tax is a fine for doing well.


  54. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Thanks. Took me a while to think that one up. Also, I'm getting tired of people hacking and using my name.

    Those two military officers from foreign countries are still in jail for trying to kidnap an American preteen for sex. A Christian and a Muslim. Al Jazeera supports Obama and the AHA.

    Why does no one care about two foreign soldiers trying to kidnap an American girl? If you're not outraged, you're probably part of the problem.

  55. Rick,

    Being named "Anonymous" is like being named a combined Smith and Jones. Covers a lot of ground.

    I agree on the two soldiers. What the hell is going on? I'm sure it's one of many similar situations that are being hushed up.

  56. a mystery wrapped in an enigma.. or something along those lines, hey gotta problem with the local muslims acting up?- just call direct to the al queda hotline at 1600 Pennsylvania ave Washington D.C.. ask for Barry.

    Looks like the Steelers are getting a slow start eh?
    Another day well spent at Our Lady of the Gridiron, no great surprises- the Cardinals gave everyone a well deserved rest from having to watch that slo-mo train wreck.
    I might have to break my boycott tomorrow night tho, looks like a Bear hunt is taking place in Lambeau field..
    .. I predict another hide on the wall..

  57. Middy,

    I figured the Bengals were impostors with their 6-2 record.

    They have been scraping by mediocre teams but a win is a win until last Thursday when they lose in OT to medicore Miami because QB Dalton gets tackled in the end zone for a

    Who the hell does that? I've never seen an OT game lost with a safety.

  58. BTW,

    Chiefs now 9-0; last year 2-14. Go figure, Thanks Andy Reid and Alex Smith.

  59. Both those guys probably have a well deserved chip on their shoulder, Reid got monkey hammered by life a couple of years ago but has always been a pretty stand up guy- much too good for those ill bred Eagles that's for sure.
    ..and all of a sudden Kapernick is the pretty girl at the dance and you are carrying the coach's coffee mug and clipboard.. go figure.
    Hope he takes them all the way.
    Yeah no one ever said life is fair and there's lots of wrecks on the shipping lanes of life, but you can't look at it that way or it's sure to be a short ride.. go Chiefs.

  60. Anonymous5:31 AM

    A God thing.

    I'm apparently not allowed to post here anymore, except anonymously. However, it's probably a God thing, since our website is up and working. Products start getting uploaded today for sale by download.

    You know that Obama's website was sabotaged, right? I have a suspicion that many computer programmers are actually Republicans.

  61. Well the circle completes...

    Herpies is forever..


    don't know how to take this one..

    but it has singing and ta-tas-s so ...


    This is the kind of crap that gives hockey a bad rap.. why Emery didn't get suspended is a mystery to me.. the Flyers are a bush outfit with a bush team.. haha.
    ..but I would love for the Yotes to get Simmons..

    Coyotes get four down in the first and come back to win, Flyers are just losers- they simply are representatives of the hell hole of human debris they live in.

    AHL punks.

  64. Middy,

    I'm glad to see the Chiefs do well again.

    After the Cards Super Bowl appearance, their offensive coordinator Todd Haley took the Chiefs job and couldn't produce a winner.

    Now that Reid has arrived, they remind me of the salad days of the late 60's with Lenny Dawson, Otis Taylor, Buck Buchanan, and company. I'll never forget their great win over the Vikings in the '70 Super Bowl. With Hank Stram coaching, Bud Grant never had a chance. It was quite a feather in the cap of the American Football League.

    They seem to be getting by a lot on defense now but a win is a win. Seven games to go; we shall see.

  65. Love the video with the babes. Phew!

  66. Definitely a hell of a fight. Hard core hockey fans may enjoy that stuff but I don't see any potential new fans being impressed.


  67. The Arizona Republic sports page is hardly worth looking anymore. Nothing but Coyotes, Cardinals and Suns. Boring.

  68. Mike,

    How about that feature on ASU women's soccer with a large photo on the second page of the Sports today? I can't get enough of that! As Lowell on "Wings" used to say: "Two words describe that, Bore Ring!"

    I also dislike Paola Boivin. Just another liberal loudmouth who thinks she is a sportswriter.

    Bickley isn't bad.

  69. Hey.. Mike Ditka says "the bears"- no sense watching..
    haha..... home some?

  70. .."A lone gunman, dressed head-to-toe in black and wearing a black helmet, fired shots in the Westfield Garden State Plaza mall on Monday night just before closing time, witnesses said.
    None of the witness reported seeing anyone hit by the gunfire"..

    It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas..

    .."Its the most wonderful time of the year-
    Bullets are flying and people are dying
    and everyone yelling "There's a gunman nea-rrrr"
    Its the most wonderful time of the year"... Hulk..

    Well Ditka pulled that one out of his thong eh?
    ah everyone knows that quarterbacks are over rated, the GB general manager just needs to make a phone call to the offensive players union hall and hire someone for a short time position until mid January..

    ..less than thirty hours a week tho.. rules is rules- no exceptions.

  71. It's almost as though the govt. is hiring these shooters to reinforce their anti-gun stance.

    I just saw a few minutes of the 3rd quarter tonight. Enough to know Rodgers was out so that was probably the end of GB (it was, 27-20).

    What's the deal with Ditka? The last I saw of him he's doing commercials for Overstock, Inc.

    I have to hand it to him. He is 74 and has managed to stay in the spotlight a long time after winning that '85 Super Bowl.

  72. Well he was right..

    Another crazed twenty something with a history of drug abuse - I'm sure we will find out he was a tea party type, whether it is true or not.

    Take a look at the police presence at the scene- all those cops rushed to what will someday be a killing zone when real terrorists get involved.. hive mentality is nothing short of condensing targets; once the call goes out every street cop decides he is either John Wayne or runs right to a potential KZ so they can get on the overtime gravy train.

    Eventually someone is going to figure out what you have to do right now is pull a stunt or fake one and the disorganized lose their minds.

    The God Almighty Marine Corps strongly advised us to never bunch up and stay off the trails because it's just a matter of time- the Army ignored those rules and suffered a lot of casualties because of it.
    ..some things never change.

    Now they want to arm the former pizza delivery guys at TSA with absolutely no police training- can you just imaging arming idiots in the choke point at the air terminals... why?

  73. Lol.. exercise? dummy in a wheelchair??- maybe they were going to put him in a boat and light it up.. part of the exercise..
    ..just what the hell was last night?

    It looks to me like the TSA trash wants to be armed when they start frisking every muppet going into a mall or sports event, just like they do in prison..

    But in another moment of early morning clarity I realized the potential for a grand resurgence of the typewriter industry and the US mail service.'s because they leave no cyber trail..
    Go long Smith Corona and erasable ribbon.. "we're coming back baby!"..

  74. Laughable video. Everyone is Hollywood today.

  75. Hope I don't cut anyone off...

    here is a link to the story of hope and change you can believe in..

    ..of course once again it takes a British outfit to peal back the thinnest veneer of outrageous lies.

    Nope Jim, Obama isn't going anywhere, the gutless American public will briefly look up from their grazing in 2016 and once again lower their heads so as to not to see what is really going on- if this debacle on OCare did nothing to wake the drones up, what will?

  76. Obama will not be around after 2016, at least as president. He's done a lot of damage but I don't think he could pull that off. Besides, his popularity is down to 39% on Gallup today. A lot of people don't like this guy!

  77. Jim, Been reading the Arizona Republic since the mid 60's. It was a good paper until Gannett bought it. Now it's just a liberal rag with Montini, Roberts and Valdez.

    Half the paper is nothing but ads.The sports section is a waste of time. thinking about canceling my subscription.

    Saw on my home page today that experts are predicting that 129 million people will lose their health care insurance because of Obamacare.

    Can't wait to see what my United Health care is going to do. They may drop Deb and just insure me because I'm a retiree of the phone company.

  78. That is a given, no more family plans in essence, not only that but you have to itemize every person in the family's estimated income stream so they can assess you the correct premium.
    ..and woe to anyone giving the IRS any false information- even by mistake.

    There are so many loopholes you could drive a truck through, like muslims do not have to participate because their religion considers insurance as a dhimmitude..

    .."Dhimmitude – I had never heard the word until now, nor did barely anyone unless they read the ObamaCare Bill. Type it into Google and start reading. Pretty interesting. It’s on page 107 of the healthcare bill. I looked this up on Google and yep, it exists. It is a REAL word"..

    .."Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be “gambling”, “risk-taking”, and “usury” and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this"..

    ..of course the nightly news and lofo liberals will chuckle and call it an urban legend..
    I may have to register with the Cherokee nation..

  79. Of course if they were consistent being a muslim would mean you cannot drive on the streets- no car insurance- no driving.

    ..driving is a privilege after all, that's why they say we need licenses..
    ..a hate filled Satanic cult of death working to bring hell on Earth is more like it.

    But watch once the 27 year old's decide to devote their lives to Mohammed just to game the system.. what a bunch of fools- on both sides of the issue.

  80. Well, that's not exactly what I meant but you are on a roll..

    Coyotes win a shootout at home, two of those in a row and five straight wins..
    ..they stay with the pack- if Buffalo stays ahead and beats the Sharks they go into second place behind the Ducks.. wild eh?

  81. Good game, 3-2, another shootout but a win is a win.

    Smith had his hands full with the Sedins but did OK.

    They ought to drop the 5 minute OT and go straight to the SO.

  82. watching the Sharks and Buffalo go into overtime.. this is the crunch time when you have to depend on other teams to let you gain ground..

  83. as far as I can tell right now the local Liberty School Bond issue was defeated by 17 votes.. 17! ..
    well it appears that sixteen other voters along with myself is what it took to save these fools from themselves..

    It looks like Scottsdale also dodged the yearly assault on reality as well, don't worry the assholes who have no problem with the idea of wasting others currency to expand the unicorn herd will be back next year.
    ..but I doubt that empty headed housewife that banged on my door to try and convince me to commit another act of economic suicide will be back.

  84. I am noticing a trend, areas that have somewhat of a middle class left pretty much voted no to the insatiable demands of Obama's foot soldiers - the ps teachers..
    Phoenix proper and other third world hell holes typically vote for anything they feel is free money..
    ..what a surprise eh?

  85. I wasn't surprised at the Scottsdale results.

    I've been to some of the debates there and the pro taxers always get shellacked. There are still a lot of older folks living on the edge there and they are not going to give their money to those thieves on the city council (except for Guy Phillips and Bob Littlefield.

    They have been blowing the money for years that used to be set aside for improvements like the ones they wanted now. So, they figure "What the hell? Let's tax our way to prosperity." The people roundly gave them a collective F--k you!

    I voted "NO" on everything including the school override. Kindergarten kids will have to do without their iPads. Boo-hoo. Now maybe they will be learn to write their name.

    As far as Virginia, Cuccinelli would probably have won if he hadn't run out of time and money.

    McAulliffe only won by about 60,000 votes and three percentage points out of more than 2 million votes. That includes visits by Bill and Hillary and Barack and a ton more money.

    If that Libertarian hadn't had run, Cuccinelli might have pulled it off.

  86. .."As far as Virginia, Cuccinelli would probably have won if he hadn't run out of time and money"..

    The reason Cuccinelli lost was because the Republicans wouldn't spend a dime on supporting him, the "Libertarian" stalking horse was a shill Jim, he wasn't anything other than a puppet the Statists brought in to the campaign to do exactly what happened.. split the vote.

    Don't even try to blame this on the Libertarians..
    The GOP wants Christie and they probably will get Christie.. but I along with any thinking person will not vote for Christie nor that fraud Rubio no matter who runs against either of them.

    Fuck the Republican party for good.

  87. On a happier note if two thing happen tonight, if the Coyotes manage to win in Anaheim and the Colorado Avs lose to Nashville then the Coyotes will be number one team in the standings in the NHL tomorrow..

    Yeah they are that good when they stick to Tip's vision.

    Meanwhile teams like the Cardinals, Suns and Dbacks should all be pulling sleds like the dog teams they really are.

  88. Anonymous7:05 PM

    "It's the damndest thing I ever heard of. Muslims can drive without insurance or take health insurance?"

    Told ya that years ago. Insurance with the Muslims is fatwa because the money gained does not equal the money spent. Obamacare meets Islam's requirements.

  89. Looks like you were right.

  90. I seem to have been a bit optimistic about the game..
    it looked like someone slipped them a mickey..
    ..maybe that's what I need, someone to slip me a mickey.

    Now I'm starting to sound like George Costanza.

  91. To be up 2-1 and lose 5-2 is not a good thing. Too many penal;ties in the 2nd period.

    That would never have happened if it was the 1955 Canadiens playing. Maurice Richard and Boom Boom Geoffrion would not allow it.

  92. If you are in need of an enjoyable 5 minute distraction, check this out:

    Dancing from around the world with some guy named Matt.

  93. That video belongs in the liberal hall of shame, haha- I expected to see Bernadine Dohrn listed in the credits..

    At first I thought it was just another college age prank, a theme for his masters or just another wheels free guy trying to pass himself off as a low budget Cecil D. Demills like Rick tried and maybe impress a coed or two; the family scene shot in the state of Seattle-akistan right before the credits probably indicates he is just another one of the useful liberaltard idiots in the new normal.

  94. PROUD5:04 PM

    Complete debunking of Obamacare:

  95. From Letterman: "Obama is in so much trouble he called Hillary Clinton and said, 'Can you start early?'”

  96. PROUD,

    That video tells it pretty good. Now, i see where D-Sen Joe Manchin and a R Senator named Kirk are presenting a bill to that would delay O-Care a year.

    This could be interesting because Obama will veto the hell out of to feed his ego. Landrieu in LA. is sweating her seat to over this.

  97. .."I’ll rip his f---ing throat out. I’ll poke his eyes out. . . . I’ll make sure that motherf---er’s dead,” Ford says, then hitches up his pants as if bracing for action; his ire appears to be directed at someone who has called him, and brothers Doug and Randy, “liars, thieves.”

    lol.. watch the video- the second half is with captions.. liberal politicians at their finest.

  98. Jim, glad to see the residents of Scottsdale vote down the schools proposals. Of course all the libs will say you people that voted no don't care about the children.

  99. PROUD7:56 PM

    After a day or two of watching the Obama Care debacle, here's my take:

    As I understand the Affordable Health Care Act:

    We the little people are "gifted" with a health care plan, do not be concerned if it costs twice as much or offers coverage's we will never need or use, because the government knows what's best for our personal situation. We are forced to purchase this plan which they said wasn't a tax, then said it was a tax, we will be fined by the IRS if we don't, A plan which purportedly covers at least ten to thirty million more people, without adding one single new doctor or hospital but provides for paying 16,000 new IRS agents, who have recently demonstrated their objective and complete lack of professional integrity.

    Even though we were promised forty times by our President that "if we liked the plan and doctor we had, we could keep the plan and doctor we had, and that our premiums would go DOWN by $2,500.00 per family, we are now told that the plans we liked weren't what the government likes, so they are canceled.

    A bill hastily written by a 100% partisan committee whose chairman says he didn't understand it, passed by a Democrat only Congress that didn't bother to read it, but somehow miraculously had the presence of mind to exempt themselves from it, a bill then signed by a President who along with his family and staff also exempted themselves, one funded and administered by a treasury chief who just so happens to be an admitted tax cheater, a bill in which we the people are taxed for four years before any benefits ever take effect, by a bloated, one hand hasn't a clue what the other is doing, big-government whose out of control spendaholic managing has already bankrupted Social Security, Medicare, Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac, and the Post Office....We are to be comforted in the knowledge that all of this unbelievable cluster fark is being overseen and backed by a government that's proven themselves time and again to be nothing more than a bunch of self serving, fiscally irresponsible, bunglers.

    And so, my fellow Americans, I ask you ?????

    "What could possibly go wrong?"

  100. Anonymous9:58 PM

    First some guy from Kenya got elected President and now they want that Cruz guy from Canada to run for President.

  101. Middy,

    I agree; the video was good but I stopped it about half way through for the same reasons: I can't stand to see that phony SOB sitting aND LYING HIS ASS OFF ABOUT EVERYTHING WHILE PEOPLE lIKE HARRY rEID AND wASSERMAN-sCHULZE throw roses in his path.

  102. I think Ford should become the Canadian PM. There is no substitute for class.

    I wonder how the HGTV Network feels. A lot of their programming is from Toronto. They are still using streetcars there from the 1940s.

  103. Mike,

    Yeah, the poor little bastards will have to learn to write cursive now, how inconsiderate of us not to supply iPads.

    The 4 bonds were beaten even worse. Tuesday was a great day; all the liberal crap lost.

  104. PROUD,

    Yep, it sounds like you have the program down pat. I hope all the fools who voted O a second term are enjoying this catastrophe.

    I know we are pretty smart guys but why couldn't the voters see in this phony what we saw? Pablum tastes pretty good I guess because they sure ate a lot of it.

    Now Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and the Republican Sen. Kirk have prepared a bi-partisan bill to dump the mandate for another year. Recently, about 8 more Senators endorsed such a deal, some of the D's.

    This should be interesting because if they delay it, it will be more reinforcement of what a clown Obama is with his failures piling up.

    Who was it said "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

    Did he actually think younger people would go out and buy a bunch of expensive health insurance policies to prop up this mess? They spend their money on partying; they don't give a damn about insurance.

    "Obama called Hillary the other day and asked her if she would like to start early!"

  105. Hey those "little bastards" as you so delicately put it are the "future of the nation" and responsible for putting America back on track..

    (Geeez that really does look hopeless when you see it in print eh?)

    So Proud should I put you down as a firmly against the "Affordable and Equitable Care brought to you by your Compassionate Betters Act of 2010"- or are you still on the fence?

    Hey at least now the trains are running on time- except in Clownafornia-(we brake for unicorns)- haha...

  106. Yeah these bond weenies are like a case of herpes- they never go away, are a constant irritation and are always popping on a pretty regular time table.

    I swear if I see one more grinning grade school girl on a bill board telling me to put my tax money on the line so the Public Schools and SEIU union bosses can have weekends in Vegas with hookers and blow I'm going go all "Paula" over campaign signs myself.
    (yeah that was a bit much I suppose but you get the hint)
    Liberalism is a mental disorder.. no, make that a suicidal mental disorder.

    ..but enough about the "Red Menace"..

  107. February is the promotion cycle month and I wonder if the Red Menace will make PFC this time in the War on Women.

    I doubt it.

  108. PROUD8:02 AM

    Delaying the individual mandate while helping millions of Americans may wind up helping Dems hold on to seats that otherwise might be in jeopardy.

    Year delay, and therefore a he lack of new enrolls will set the program back by more than a year in terms of already needed revenue, but to a government with a press and barrels of ink, what's another trillion or so?

    If , the admin. comes out in favor of a delay, and I were in Boehners position I would up the ante, with meaningful things like tort reform, portability across state lines etc.

    I believe the likelihood of the admin. agreeing to some type delay is a STRONG possibility...Every day more and more Dems are supporting Manchin's position, and every day the geek squad trying to "fix" the website fixes one issue, but discovers at least one new one to take it's place. they have 3 weeks and it's not looking like they will make it, if that happens the embarrassment and failure optics will have gone way beyond critical mass. Obama may need to opt for the delay so as to keep the program from becoming such a joke that no one will ever take it seriously?

    BTW Maryland spent $4 million to sign up just 4 people, but I read today, that South Carolina had but ONE sign up, and that person is yet to actually pay!

  109. Before long I expect to see "Hot American Women seeking Generous Foreign Men for Lasting Relationships" ads on the internet.
    Third World, Gypsies and Oppressed.
    It will be the new vocabulary for a new generation of somewhat diminished expectations.

    The only question in my mind is which one is the fictional proxy for the Democrat or the Republican in this movie.. Thelma or Louise?

  110. Expecting Bonehead to do the right thing is like expecting a house cat to retrieve ducks..

    The only ones exposing their computer system to the virus Obamacare are either the utterly stupid or the utterly desperate who have terminal issues and simply cannot afford the games Washington is playing.

    Four a day won't be enough to be able to keep up with the death panels who by bayonet alone are going to rack up with a lot bigger kill total each day than that.

    I agree, when you have someone failing at this level on the national stage the smartest thing to do is go get more rope.
    But Bonehead is just as invested in this farce as Obama is, don't expect him to ever do the right thing for America.

  111. Official Obama music..

    Well I don't know about you guys but I believe him at his word when he says he is sorry..
    ..altho "sorry ass" would be more descriptive of the truth..

    ..ah Bennie, some of us really miss you- television at it's finest.

  112. PROUD1:49 PM

    Dear Mr. President:



    P-E-R-I-O-D !

  113. PROUD,

    I don't know if any delay will happen. Obama has an ego as big as all outdoors and is a legitimate prick to anyone who tries to get him to reverse something and admit he was wrong.

    Besides, by delaying the mandate, he would probably just be asking for the screw ups to continue as I doubt if they will be worked out when they open shop again.

    Then there are the thousands who have been cancelled who will still have to pay a lot more when they have to enroll next year compared to their cancelled policies. (I just read of a guy 52 dying of cancer who was cancelled because his policy didn't contain maternity coverage!

    I think it is one of those situations where it will be hard for Obama to come out looking good regardless of when the roll out occurs.

  114. Middy,

    I wish Ms Pope would have come out with this before along with some tangible proof. Now, it is basically useless and only means that she better find a good hiding place.

  115. Jim, I just learned today from liberals on the az blogs that Obama, or any politician, doesn't lie they just "changed their mind" or evolved. What kind of BS is that?

    Obama is a lying SOB and liberals are to dumb to understand it.

  116. Yeah, sad isn't it.. but she did try to contact the FBI and they wouldn't even contact her back.
    This was a deal made much higher up the power structure than from at the Federal level.

    Have you seen the new One Hundred Dollar bill yet?.
    .. only difference I see is the motto now reads E. Pluribus Rectum instead of Union.
    It roughly translates from the original "Out of One Many" to a more contemporary "Out of My Ass".

  117. Mike, the reason we have lawyers is largely because liberals strain at gnats and swallow camels whole.

    If you think about it you will come to the conclusion that the philosophy of most conservative and libertarian minded people revolves around the pursuit of social order.
    Sadly the whole philosophy of liberalism is found in a Satanic inspired pursuit and acquisition of control and power over others; rarely do they show any self control in personal matters, but every thinking person agrees that their lust for power over other people is obvious.
    Those who seek power over others intend to use it as often as they see fit.

    This is way beyond any political issue, so a political solution is probably impossible.

    It is the duty of every decent person to be well armed- and there is no such thing as being overly armed as people everywhere are soon to find out.

  118. Mike,

    Remember when Biden shot his mouth off about Obama being a big supporter of gay rights? Obama deferred on that for a while then decided to support gays saying he had "evolved."

    It's a word they like to use. I don't know which handler pulled the puppet springs on that one but I wish some proof from reliable sources of those statements from Ms Poe would come forth.

    What a laugh that would be!

  119. Middy,

    I actually won a few of those hundreds at Salt River recently. They look like Monopoly money and have a blue tinge to them.

    Some of the gamblers told me that the bills wouldn't work in the machines at first. Kind of like BO himself!

  120. Middy,

    I can see the FBI ignoring Poe; this would be an unbelievable scandal of the highest order.

    It's too bad she was so slow coming around. I wish she had some genuine photos or film of him doing the deed plus other reliable witnesses to verify her story. As it is, this is dead in the water.

  121. Does it matter now?

    Have you seen any reference on any news outfits to this gal's story?
    no.. it will be ignored like everything else.
    I'm pretty sure they will destroy her personally, have others claim she has been hearing voices for years and then quietly leave a suicide note and the situation is handled.

    Just ask Larry Sinclair.. oh wait.

  122. Love the Hillary quote!

    I can see why Poe is ignored by the msm. She appears from nowhere on some tiny unknown website saying all that negative stuff about Obama with nothing but her word to substantiate anything. How about some proof? Where are these people she mentioned who would know of this stuff? How about some tangible evidence? Photos? Recordings?

    We're 5 years into his presidency so where the hell has she been when it might have done some good?

    It's the same as that guy a couple years ago who says he knew Obama in Indonesia and wrote an unflattering book about him.

    All she has done is get herself into a pickle.

  123. I think it's more the case of her being ignored for the past few years more than her just now coming out.
    Wonder if Sheriff Joe's investigation contacted her?

    Remember what launched Drudge's site? it was a story about a blue dress and a right wing conspiracy that was covering it up- the media cartel ignored it.
    Remember it took the National Enquirer to finally expose John Edwards for the asshatt he is in the face of a covering media.
    The sad fact is she isn't really saying much more than what he told us about himself, it's all there if anyone is willing to face the truth.
    ..who wrote that check and pulled political strings to send a slacker like him to Harvard? all his unanswered questions just mean he shouldn't have to answer them as a matter of faith along with the legal aspects?- but we are told that we are just raaaacysts because he is a half assed negroid.

    What other president has kept a queer "body man" and takes vacations alone with him leaving his hellish spouse to scratch her itch with the trash in Chicago?

    I have a feeling that he is going to go all "like that mayor of Toronto" pretty soon, the media is waking up to the fact he is selling them out along with the rest of the world and the noose is tightening.

  124. Actually you are right, just seems like a bad dream when you think about it.
    Crooks not only ignoring the law but using it against us for control.

    Everything we learned and used to work is upside down now- new normal.. right?

  125. Liberals are so far gone they wouldn't dare believe anything negative about their beloved leader.

    If you produced a documented photograph of him swapping spit with some guy they would just say it was a double and that he would never do that.

    I'd like to see him put the gloves on and get in the ring with Putin.
    It would be the fastest fight in history.

  126. Stevebuzzardo8:08 PM

    Here's a story about an NFL player whos not a thug or criminal.

  127. Middy,

    4-3 in a SO after being down 3-1 in the 3rd to Washington? Wow! Best game I've seen a a while!

    Great to see in front of a big house on Saturday night.

  128. Yeah Larry "Ducksoup" sent me that video.. Guys like AR are a credit to the game and to the nation- but Gangland has taken over the NFL- so I quit watching.

    Two undeserved points tonight in Glendale.. 55 minutes of absolute crap hockey and they still come away with a win.. go figure. about a lunch bucket group, that was a Tippet win- the players were just the wheel and lookout man to this theft.

  129. Buzz,

    There is no substitute for class and Rodgers has it. Some of the other guys should follow his philosophy.

  130. Anbon,

    Morgan is a stuffshirt liberal prick from England where they have gun laws so he naturally is against private gun ownership.

    Obama would like nothing better than to take everyone's guns; it would make it a lot easier for him to complete his liberal agenda.

    Unfortunately for him, he is screwing around with the USA so he better be careful. We like our guns and will not surrender them ever.

    I have a suggestion for him: I think he should make some speeches in the following states concerning taking away guns: Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, West Virginia, Arkansas, Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, northern Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina.

    It probably would be a good idea to take some of those liberal eastern senators with him to reinforce his thoughts. How about Schumer?

    Too much ego can be a detriment as he is now finding out. I guess his screw up of our medical insurance system isn't proof enough for him; now he wants guns.

    Some guys just have to learn the hard way.

  131. Either the sun's coming up early this morning or they have racing at PIR going on.. hope so, usually get pretty good fireworks..

    Looking more and more like he's trying to push us into a civil war/race war.
    How else can you view it?

    Saw a great fireball coming out of the Pliedes the other night.. just wish it would have hit Washington District of Thieves and Corruption.


  132. Amen,

    Bon soir mon ami.

  133. A stolen pair of points to make up for all those points lost while out playing another team.
    Hockey Karma, it all works out eventually.
    Hopefully the Cards won't disappoint whoever they are playing tomorrow, looks like Lol Houston.

    Maybe the Beagles can get it together at the Ravens eh?- money on the Beagles..

    Coyotes do the poodle scoot to 26 pt's without Vrbada and DeMo tonight all the way to now being tied with Chicago and Colorado for second place in the entire league.. haha.


  134. The Cards should go 6-4 with two pushover opponents in a row.

    Beautiful fall day today which means the cheap bastard Bidwills will probably have the roof closed on Jiffy Pop.

    Bengals always amaze. When is the last time you saw a team lose in OT from a safety?

  135. Pushover opponents?- no such thing in Cardinal vocabulary, why last year the Texans were supposed to be headed for the Super Bowl- of course if you watched them a game or so you figured that to be a load of horseshit.

    They ain't headed anywhere but back to that armpit of Texas once they game is over.
    It's one of those Sundays where neither team can win, so they settle for one losing.

  136. neither team can win, so they settle for one losing.

    Great line, I like that.

  137. Original work.. CopyRights pending.

    Chilly willy today, got a bit of breeze in the air so time to make a pork roast.. ..lots of veggies.
    made a loaf of bread yesterday but it didn't last long.. I have a few weakness's and that is one of them.
    Rather have fresh baked bread than cake.

  138. Horrible typhoon hit the Philippines this weekend, big numbers of outright storm related deaths and more to follow.
    It's headed for Vietnam today, I was in one in 69 a few miles in and I have no idea how you survive one on the coasts..

    Bad water and pests will get quite a few more from now on so are we doing anything other than focusing on spinning another lie in Washington?

    ..doubt it.

  139. Read where Ben Rothlesberger wants to be traded to the Cardinals, A big Ben and Larry combo might make things interesting....

    How about this trick play:

    BTW, Middy....I thought both Coyote winning shoot out shots were pretty cool!

  140. I see a creative new NFL coach on the horizon...
    haha..(could you imagine getting the offensive herd to remain motionless while the qb pulls everyone's finger?)

    I absolutely hate the shoot out concept.. I wish they would schedule the games with a guaranteed day rest between and let them play.
    I see nothing wrong with either playing men's rules, four on four until one folds or just going back the way it used to be.. two point games only.
    I hate the three point concept as well right along with that useless trapezoid and delay of game penalties they included in the 2004-05 enema fans got.
    Take away the two line pass and concussions along with body injuries fall way off when the wingers have to post up this side of the red line instead of the offensive blue.
    it changes the entire game letting both wingers go deep and encourages devastating mid ice collisions - before one went short with the other immediately cutting for the feed- those were the days of Rocket Richard and Marcel Dion.

    ..put me down in the permanently disaffected group I guess.

  141. Looks like the Packers will be going on an early vacation this year.. The backup qb hurt himself kneeling in the opening huddle.

    It's the same trick I use when I really don't wanna do something..groin injury, haha.. pretty much sums up the entire GB season- the folks shelling out for season tickets just got a groin injury.

    Anybody on the bench have Matt Flynn's number still on their cell?

  142. I keep telling people that language is fluid and meanings change.

    Finally someone agrees with me in print..
    ..“It’s true that for many years lots of people were called ‘queer’ and it was a derogatory term and they find it offensive, but there’s definitely a younger generation that is trying to reform the term and give it new meaning,” ..

    Break down that last door America.

    The next time you see someone wearing mom jeans riding a girls bike or daintily licking an ice cream cone with his pinky extended rest assured it most likely isn't the President out on another Meet America "family" outing, it's an actual queer.

    Flatter them by loudly pointing out what a queer they look like and downright presidential as well.

  143. well that observation is "awaiting moderation" on the See Bull Shit page.. doubt it will make the cut.

  144. Jim, ever notice that Democrat presidents never give a speech at the NRA convention. Gee I wonder why. Of course they have no problem giving speech's at BS groups like the NAACP, gay rights groups etc.

    Get my first Social Security check this week. Deb got hers in September. We opted to take it at 62 while there's still some money left. With the extra money I think I'll invest in some tangible assets like more ammo and some more magazines for my pistols. Never know when these old dudes in Sun City my get out of control.

    Middy, I'm with you on the fresh baked bread. Fresh baked bread with butter can't be beat.

  145. Yep the best things in life is the simple pleasures. sitting on the balcony watching a nice sunset and the constellations change as we spin around the Sun or a rising moon- once life slows down for you it gets better because you appreciate it more.

    ..only talking about decent people- not the azCentral riff raff..
    I think Green Bay is having a wake this week.

  146. Well it looks like the Beagles tripped over their Johnson.. well I think we both agree they aren't as good as their mom says and not as bad as the Raven's booster club states..

    Guess you aren't much of a fan of overtime games eh- what do they say?
    .. "defeat snatched from the jaws".. haha.. go Chiefs.

  147. Middy, I love the simple pleasures of life like fresh baked bread, a cold brew on a hot day, anytime the Cardinals lose, hunting with my son and last but not least bashing liberals.

  148. Wow..CBS let my comment go print.. haha, I remember last year they pretty much put me on a no fly list.

    Something is changing, the media might be actually starting to see the light with this OC fraud.
    My comment is reserved and respectful of the office compared to the rest of the natives.. they are getting restless to say the least.
    These type of things traditionally end up with people hanging from light poles.
    ..and I say high time.

    Anyone doing this type of fraud on the outside would be looking a life at a federal pen.
    Lots of people getting caught short with cancellation notices, it's no right wing urban myth and everyone knows it.

    People in the media know the truth and sooner or later they will decide it's time to pull Barry's plug..and then it's game over.

  149. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I published a first draft of a survival manual on the Internet for a dollar ninety-nine. It was written in 2001 and has minimal editing. With pictures. There will be more stories released for downloads for just a couple of bucks. Look me up.

  150. .."Putting things in perspective: March 21st 2010 to October 1 2013 is 3 years, 6 months, 10 days. December 7, 1941 to May 8, 1945 is 3 years, 5 months, 1 day. What this means is that in the time we were attacked at Pearl Harbor to the day Germany surrendered is not enough time for this progressive federal government to build a working webpage. Mobilization of millions, building tens of thousands of tanks, planes, jeeps, subs, cruisers, destroyers, torpedoes, millions upon millions of guns, bombs, ammo, etc. Turning the tide in North Africa, Invading Italy, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Race to Berlin - all while we were also fighting the Japanese in the Pacific!! And in that amount of time - this administration can't build a working webpage."
    Fox news..haha, they're right!

  151. Stevebuzzardo11:35 PM

    "Anybody on the bench have Matt Flynn's number still on their cell?"

    He's already on the way for a workout I hear.

  152. Ha- I was just kidding but Matt could move the ball with GB- good, I would like to see Matt come back and get another chance..
    He is a much better qb than his record indicates.

  153. I suggest the president do a slow roll good will motorcade through the streets of Dallas sometime this month.. around the 23rd or so..
    Michelle would look lovely in a pill box hat don't you think?

    I have a dream.....

  154. Anonymous10:05 AM

    The homeless are now being rounded up and put in FEMA camps.

    Middy, if Obama is killed, your problems will compound tenfold. The government will have its excuse to turn America into a police state like out of your nightmares.

    Worse, all of the legislation and executive orders will legally stand, because it's not a person signing the documents. It's "The Office" that signs them. That was decided long ago.

    National Security concerns and Capitalism both change as the need arises. Pray that you are still useful and the government likes you, or all of your precious comforts may just vanish as if by magic.

  155. You obviously missed my intent, I was suggesting he reach out and try to relate to the American people.. show the world how he cares and is listening to constructive criticism..
    I have no idea what you are talking about with some killing- I am just trying to be more constructive, where did you come up with that idea?

    Maybe he's the one that should start wearing a pill box hat this time- maybe start dressing in pink too- after all he is a pinko.
